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  1. heres a link to Serenity Memorial Gardens where the services will be held they have a link where u can send flowers thought some might like to do that.
  2. my husband is a jumper and i would never ever dream of telling him to stop.its wrong to try to tell people what to do with their life .he loves it and i will follow him to whatever DZ's he wants to go to.nd ALMOST everyone i have met in the sport r part of our family now and whats better than hving a family all over the world?
  3. visitition friday march 6th 12-2 services at 2 all three will be held at same time Serenity Memorial Gardens 8951 Old Pascagoula Road Theodore, AL 36582 Phone Number: (251) 653-7224
  4. Pirates -Sailors long believed that they could whistle for the wind. This was best done by sticking a knife into the mast and whistling softly so as not to offend the wind spirit and bring on a storm. To whistle in a calm would bring a wind, ancient sailors believed, but to whistle on deck when the wind was blowing would bring a gale. Spit into the wind and you were inviting disaster, no doubt, just as you were if you allowed a landlubber to whistle on deck. If a black cat frolicked on deck, a big blow was coming, for a black cat was thought to carry a gale in its tail.
  5. dont know if this will help jsut saw it the other day thought it might be useful to you