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  1. I would prepare for the worst but hope for the best. As far as I know you can only reclaim an email if it is inside of the same domain. I am guessing the client is not part of your domain.
  2. Exactly what I was thinking, and doesn't that make it illegal? Its not a pryamid. Each person to sign up only has to get 5 others to sign up for something. You can cancel, it can be free if you do it right. I know people who have gotten free ipods as well as TVs. As I said, i am just to lazy to do it myself, worry about cancelling aol or BMG and then convincing 5 of my friends to do it.
  3. Happy new year to all our Jewish friends.
  4. I cant remember that last hurricane to hit here. But I dont remember much of last xmas either. Happy new year btw.
  5. Can you change the heading to which one is least ugly? I would say the one in the back.
  6. Mine says H2 Recovery Team. I need to junk that crap.
  7. Danofre


    They might try to bring charges against the video company. I don't know what these charges could be but Im sure they will try. The back of a tow truck must hurt. The side of a pepsi truck sure did but I wasnt doing a wheelie.
  8. I had a dream last night that I got clipped on the highway in the jeep and I was sliding with no doors on. I could feel my skin heating up and peeling off. I think it was flashbacks to dumping the bike on the highway. But I woke up scared out of my mind.
  9. Good werk. Quitting smoking is easier than some people make it out to be. Make sure you are ready (hard part), you want to, and you have support. Don't let your mind convince yourself that it is OK to have a cig. "Well, you know, I havn't had a cig in 2 weeks and I hve had a stressfull day. I really like smoking so I can have just one." -BS! dont let yourself do it.
  10. Whats the difference between using that or gel? I dont see a difference. Its not like chosing to wear low rise levis over regular jeans or getting manicures rather than just cuting them yourself. There is a difference between looking good and looking metro
  11. Been there. Walked out of the gym and someone was parked in my spot. They got scared of me quick. I guess I looked pissed. I was only pissed that I knew all my CDs were gone.
  12. Only a Cat 3 so maybe less damage than they expecting when it was a cat 5.
  13. thats how i used toanswer as a kid: Grandma- Dan, what do you want to be when you grow up? Me- Older