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Everything posted by hucklberry

  1. Miles D has 100+ to date for 06'! Whatever......
  2. Alright, I'll bite. I betcha a new pair of "pontoons", he get's 884!
  3. cool! pre-school death camp!
  4. hucklberry


    Hey Clifford, Did jt get banned because he called me a 'dip shit'? bummer! but...... What a "dumb ass"!
  5. hucklberry


    jt, I'll show but only if you sport your reno 911 moustache again it's such a turn on your my hero!
  6. hucklberry


    "Americans Parachuting Off Objects with Parachutes" hmmmm......... isn't that APOOP? Who's the retard? & More like "The Greatest Death Defying Jumper in the World".
  7. anyone..........? on NSP land.... "illegal air delivery" is a felony, right?
  8. "DudeR' is the MAN!!!! such a show off though.
  9. Any pilot's out there? can you PM me.. got a question for ya.
  10. update............ As of 8:30 last night in twin, Miles had to stop jumping due to high winds and some rain. He ended up with 57 jumps. GOOD JOB MILES D!
  11. Last I heard.......... Miles D was working on his 53rd jump.......... with 6-7 hours to go. He did a 7-way for the 50th. mostly all have been slider down............ They (the pack hands) have a "special" slider up rig set aside for him. GO MILES GO!
  12. Amen to that! oh and TREE, I'm embarrased for wife and kid but you don't hear me being a negitive nancy toward them. Has anyone ever told you that you talk to much? pull the stick out of your ass, go warm up the milk, sit back and enjoy!
  13. so Tommy Boy, JT walked his ass right out the hospital. Having knowing some folks in the local medical community, does this mean he's fine? and does it mean this actually went on? please eloborate more if you could.
  14. That a'boy tree, way to add to the topic of conversation, Hell. why don't you AND Tommy boy write about YOUR accidents. I can almost bet that some shit happened you both did not expect. come on, let's here it. the milk is warming.......................... Go ahead and ban me you punk ass bitches! oh yeah, I almost forgot....... "Dorkzone".com rules!
  15. edit to remove personal attacks and inflammatory comments ~TA
  16. Yo Tree, Sorry I'm not gonna be able to make it out for your dates. I appreciate the offer though. I'll tell you what, I will send out a care pakage for you. In care of " World famous" Miles D. Hopefully you will recieve it in time. Did you need extra diapers or tampons? Get back to me asap.
  17. Shit, I gotta go to the store and buy you all some more milk. How many more sippy cups do I need?
  18. hucklberry

    dumb question

    or maybe............ "world famous'?
  19. typical eastcoaster!.......... my pussy hurts........... "i retract all i said about "WORLD FAMOUS" Miles D" By the way.......... they're HUCK dolls! get with the program you VAGINA! you only wish you had one! You could ask the "WORLD'S RADDEST BASE JUMPER" for one........... but I'm not to sure if he would give one to such a large VAGINA!
  20. hahahahahahahahahahaahahaahaahhahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhhahahhahahhaahhahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Although, I still think Miles D is more WORLD FAMOUSER' than you......... Thanks for the video Chuck! " better warm up the milk"
  21. Jimmy, "can you tell me what you are basing this opinion on?" How's that warm milk treatn' you Tom?
  22. .......and maybe, if your nice enough, you could share with Tom?!
  23. Yo Tree, I think you need some warm milk in a sippy cup!