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  1. Zettel

    heli boogie '07

    I fell in love with the waterfall. The manager sold those waterfall-punchcards ;) The SBK was a phenomenal host. Thank you!
  2. hi flummi got 2 cartoons, that fit in here...
  3. Zettel

    BASE game

    The game is released in Germany as DVD-version, distributed by Atari: http://www.amazon.de/Atari-Base-Jumping-DVD-ROM/dp/B000MAH3YY/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/303-0261147-4132252?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1175356114&sr=8-1("...featuring Felix Baumgartner"). Minimum system requirements as written on the case: Windows XP, Intel Pentium 4 1.7GHz, 128MB graphics (vertex shader, direct x9.9), 1 GB hd
  4. uuuh, i like that. see you in june, berni
  5. it's in the manual: 50 jumps (a hell of a lot ;) http://www.phoenix-fly.com/articles%20stvari/trackingsuit_usermanual_1.pdf
  6. i really like that part: "...reach up with one hand, like a loose salute..."
  7. hehehe... I read this yesterday and asked myself what the hell of a new jump-style a double goater could be! got the DVD now, too, and watched it yesterday evening. the mystery is unraveled. Nice film, nice galleries, ...nice goats!
  8. ... met him in Norway, camping next to each other. I noticed right away, that he was a remarkable person, that I listend to with attention. We had some nice jumps together and so much fun in the evenings... Keep on truckin' Peter!
  9. ..."think outside the box follow the path less taken"... blabla, windbag.
  10. Hi Matt, I don't know who you are, but I guess we met this year in the cafe and I want to thank you for this thread! We were a group of three, camping next to the cafe. It was my first time in Lysebotn, my first visit to Norway. I was absolutely amazed by the country, the walls and this boogie: I loved it and will never forget these days! The SBK, from my point of view, was a perfekt host. But this evil lady... you are so right. She really wanted our best - our money. "If you complain you can go back to Oslo" she said that more than one time. If you order a pepperoni-pizza, say you really want pepperoni on it. otherwise she'll put them aside to sell them to another customer/victim. We experienced many, many more stories like this. I will go back to jump Kjerag for sure, but I'll try my best to avoid contact with this witch. peter (camping next to us) said it best, when he asked her, where her broom is :) respects, Berni
  11. "Watch out for Nayette, she can be mean" yeah - the only evil thing in Lysebotn!
  12. Zettel


    Don't use a cab. There is a bus every 30 minutes from the airport to the ferry in SVG. It's 70 NOK (10€) and takes about 20 minutes.
  13. We bought an anapter at Stavanger Airport in june. 10 to 15 €s I think it was.
  14. Zettel

    Waterfall Peru

    i discovered this one on a german newspage today: http://www.spiegel.de/videoplayer/0,6298,10652,00.html talking head says: - name of the place: "Gocta" - this is first video ever taken from it - no streets lead to it, tough way - 3rd highest waterfall in the world - 771 meters