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Everything posted by treeman

  1. when david nye packed it it snivelled for a second and it was sweet. the last jump i made on it felt like i hit a tree at 30 mph and got a black eye from altimeter. didnt maintain good arch and was kinda well lets just put it this way kinda gave up on the dive that wont happen again thanks again yes it is a student rig but i reallyyyyyyyyyy like it cant wait to jump again this wknd
  2. will that canopy survive a instant opening or would it tear?
  3. it feels like 2 or 3 seconds how many feet would that be?
  4. how many ft does it take for full inflation of this canopy? a guesstiment would be appreciated thanx i weigh in @ 170lb with rig on
  5. just wanted to say thank you everyone here has been a great help . just tryin to get through aff
  6. i feel kinda lost do to the incident with one of my instructors mr. martin. i know my other instructor david nye is more than experienced i just feel weird asking him questions especially all the questions i have about mr. martin anyway thank you very much is that close to weatherford?
  7. thank you very much for the info i will use it wisely. blue skies my friend
  8. thanx dave i appreciate you takin the time to reply to my dumb questions. i just have so many questions all i think about jumpin' thanks again. r u in tenn?
  9. as i am very new to the sport i was wondering at what altitude do the majority of experienced divers deploy @? my lowest has been @4,000, i personally dont see me deploying below 3,000. also is there anyway to practice a cutaway? thanx
  10. sorry for being stupid but do you have to cut away from somthin as small as 21sqft or do you land it? i ask this question for knowledge as i do not know better. my last jump was with chris and to me he was quite familiar he was my jm and im having trouble with this. does it make me look stupid to be using these large canopies any info would be much appreciated as i am very new to the sport with only 4 jumps
  11. having only 4 jumps i still shake rattle and roll till altitude mr martin and mr nye would laugh and i will always remember mr. martin telliing me to relax as they were reading the warning labels on my harness but for some reason when the door opened and chris would motion for me to get into position it was all focus. everything had its place good or bad. me personally i wouldnt do it if it didnt involve some kinda fear
  12. found one 3495 usd form 30,000 think i should finish aff and buy a rig
  13. treeman


    can this type of spinning mal occur in larger canopies?
  14. is it possible to get a tandem halo?
  15. i'm just a student in thought, maybe too much thought. i just cant wait to jump again