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Everything posted by flyingace0

  1. Sure, come out and jump with us! We'd love to see ya. You can try Scott on his cell 817-714-9971 or me at 817-714-9972. He's planning to be open This weekend and every weekend after that. Laura
  2. After posted my first and ever comment on this website, I finished reading the thread about the "fat fee". I am so embarassed!! I hope that people do not think that Eagle Flight is like what these few idiots portray. Most of the skydivers at Eagle Flight are wonderful, mature individuals. Just because some obviously very immature folks get on this website doesn't mean that's how an entire DZ thinks. This thread changed from a guy complaining about being charged for his weight (which I think is not fair, no matter what economics you argue) to some foul-mouthed younguns making a failed attempt to defend their DZ. Eagle Flight does not need to be defended. It's a great DZ. They just happen to have a rule about weight that some skydivers don't think is fair. It's very simple and not great enough to trash a guy and his sex life. Where's the moderator? Laura
  3. Don't be surprised if Scott Moore does something similar if you start jumping out at his new DZ. Hey........don't start speculating on what someone else might or might not do. Scott and I have already talked about this with the so-called "fat guy". We will not EVER charge him for his weight. The only time we charge for weight is on tandems, because of wear and tear on both the rig and the instructor's knees. The "fat guy" also happens to be a great friend of ours. Scott and I don't have perfect bodies and don't expect anyone else to have them either. On another note,Eagle Flight was started by Scott Moore and Wayne Keese several years ago, so we have heart-felt connections to that DZ and many friends there. We are not opening our DZ to be a rival for our old DZ. We are opening Skydive Cowtown so that we will have a DZ closer to the house and can see all of our old skydiving buddies. So please don't feel like you have to defend Eagle Flight and speculate about Cowtown. We are neighbors and friends. Sorry about being so wordy. Laura