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Everything posted by alex_778

  1. Cheers boys, emailed both so will see what happens. I tried aerostore who also list them; I emailed and phoned but did not get the promised answer, who knows? Blue ones, Alex
  2. Visited from the Uk and had a go, and another, and another, and another............................ I'll be back. Best fun I've had for ages my 8 year old flew and cannot wait until she is old enough to jump and my wife tried it and has decided to have a go at first stage AFF. nuff said.
  3. Hi folks, begging for help again. Can anyone give me a pointer to a source for MC-4 reserve handles - an extra main handle would probably be a good thing too. Cheers, Alex
  4. Thanks for all the help and advice. I have last night noticed a guy on ebay selling MT1-XX's. I contacted him but he will not sell to a non US resident. Anyone in Florida willing to spend $500 on my behalf and I'll send the cash over and collect the rig in two weeks when I'm over?
  5. G'day folks, I do not want to go to the manufacturer unless I really have to. Does anyone know of used spares for MC-4 military rigs, I need a reserve. Cheers, Its snowing here
  6. @ ciechan, This is who organises military jumps: If you look under TERMINE you can see the dates for Poland and also some for the Czech Republic. Not Nowy Targ though, instead a place called Zakopane. I was shown pictures of Nowy Targ previously and they all received the Polish military wings. I believe there is also another group of military para's that organises these weekends in Poland and the Czech Republic also. @Fido, I am just doing some background research on HALO rigs at the moment and this one popped up. Thanks for the pointer to the paraclub website, if I have any problems on the translation can I PM you? Alex
  7. Thank you again. I had a peek at your bio. if I see you in Poland I will say hello, I may be over in August. A friend of mine keeps trying to get me to do military jumps again - 'Nowy Targ' I think is the place they go to. Thanks again.
  8. @Chiechen Thank you for the information, I appreciate it. So why are the boys at the Fallschirmjaeger Gemeinschaft using the rig if it so unreliable. I tried to read some write ups in a Czech website but the translation software could not cope, I got the idea that they are a piece of shit though. I found the company Mars in the Czech Rep. when I was looking for infos, are thier rigs any good or are they associated with the VTP-100?
  9. Hi, does anyone know anything about the VTP-100. This is a rig I have heard about in connection with the Czech Republic. I believe it is a military HALO rig and may have had some technical problems resulting in a grounding a few years ago. All help and input welcome. Cheers from the UK.