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Everything posted by QcRoman

  1. THIS! Except reversed. If you are merely going to go the speed limit....get the fuck out of the passing lane and let me take my chances with the cops. They are there to control the speed on the road, and it is not your job to act as the little speed control person in the left hand lane. On the same note, if I am out there doing 80, and someone blinks their lights behind me, I'll move over as soon as I get a clear spot in traffic to let them roll on. Don't ride in the god damned left lane. Slower traffic keep right is NOT that hard of a concept to understand. /Stupid mother fuckers. On that note...I think I just hate stupid people. Not only is it an easy concept to understand, it's also the law ! http://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html And in some states the "keep with the normal flow of traffic" on highways stands above the speed limit i.e. keep up with the flow of traffic or get off the highway. I very much like that idea. Eric
  2. Very few years ago, it only took ten jumps to get an A license here in Canada. Just saying... Eric
  3. The news of his accident reaches North all the way to Québec tonight and saddens me even if I didn't know Gus. Sincere condoleances to family and friends. Well put. I could not have said it better. -Eric
  4. Do not be fooled by reviews made by people whose home DZ is NouvelAir. Although the vibe has somewhat gotten better lately, they have a long way to go to get rid of the tandem factory feeling this place gives. Students and Tandem passengers will love the facilities just as much as experienced jumpers but the latter might find a lack of freeflyers, Bird-men or even a fun atmosphere on the premises. When I was there , everything closed shut shortly after sunset and people disappeared...