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Everything posted by tweak

  1. I had Dish Network for a few years, no long contracts and was reasonably priced. I did get all of the local affiliate stations. The only problem was when we had heavy (and it had to be heavy) rains, I'd lose the signal for 15-30 minutes. Unfortunately I moved to a location where I didn't have line of site with the satellite so I had to go back to cable (Charter sucks ASS!). I'm seriously considering moving to another appt unit where I can get my dish back. Yes, Charter is THAT worthless.
  2. Well I can certainly see your point there. I used to live in Texas, I know the law is way more forgiving when it comes to these scenarios. Several month ago here in Al., a guy living in one of the project areas shot a guy trying to steal his car. The second guy got away, but when the first guy eventually died from the gunshot wound, they arrested him for murder. I imagine he must have been livid going to jail for trying to protect what little he had.
  3. I'd only pull if there were a life involved, mine or someone else's. To save personal property from theft, absouletly not! As for someone getting raped, I'd have to say no. Hold the F@#$er till the cops get there, beating him as necessary of course. But if he has a gun and is about to use it, sure, boom boom boom, out go the lights.
  4. If it came down to him or me (meaning I know I'm about to be seriously injured or killed)... I wouldn't even give it a second thought. If I thought I could safely "wing" the guy without putting myself or others in danger, I'd try not to kill him (I have a Glock .45 caliber, so a shoulder, high leg or gut shot would probably take most if not all of the fight out of him). But if there's a gun pointing at me or in motion to point at me, I'd be likely to put 3 or 4 center chest. Better him than me. I'd rather be alive than thinking "Oh I should have pulled the trigger", as the lights start to go out and everything gets dark.
  5. If you're looking for Aircraft/Sim combat, anything from Jane's Combat Simulations would be good. I've got Longbow and F-15. They're both awesome. They are a little complicated so you do have to learn/know how to fly a little. But they do have training missions (from beginner to advanced). He'd have to read the manual to learn all of the controls (which there are many, but they do have a reference card). I would recommend a good joystick for these also, I have a Sidewinder 3-D. It works well with flight sims.
  6. Anyone from here maybe? -Trey
  7. It is on "No Jacket Required"[url]
  8. Ohhh I know!!! Wuz just keeeeeding!
  9. Hmmmmmmmm..... Pimpette hard at work???
  10. That doesn't matter in TX, if they're in YOUR house/apartment without your permission and they have no legal right to be there (law enforcement, property owner or manager, etc) then you have every legal right to defend yourself and your other words, you shot them, that's their problem, not yours. God, that's what I miss about Texas!!! A cop actually told me once that if someone breaks into your home and you have to defend yourself, "Drop the fucker where he stands, give us a call and we'll come pickup the body". Most other places you have to be very carefull. You'll be asked questions like "was your life really in danger?" and "was he trying to flee?". You have to almost prove your actions. Not that I would shoot someone just because I could, but I'd be really pissed if I had to defend my actions when I'm just trying saving my own life. I DO miss Texas!
  11. Gotta echo the Dell praise. I've had many pc's and I'm sold on Dell. I bought a complete system minus the monitor, I bought a ViewSonic monitor seperately from Comp USA. Very happy with it (low cost and good quality). Also I've used McAffee and Norton and I'm sold on Norton's Internet Security Professional. Also I do have to agree with the previous post pushing XP-Pro. If you can go with pro I highly recommend it.
  12. This may help you get your device mgr list back, basically you need to make sure the "Plug and Play" service didn't get turned off somehow and if it is still enabled you man need to turn it off and back on again and restart your computer. See the link below.;en-us;311504
  13. You don't need to reload the OS. I would uninstall and re-install the software you use to burn cd's and also if necessary the drivers for the cd drive. If you don't have a cd with the drivers, you can probably go to the manufacturers web site and download them free of charge. You said that the device manager box is empty... that's kind of scary. Do you mean completely empty, or your cd drive doesn't appear under "DVD/CD-ROM Drives"? If you can find your cd drive listed here, you can right click and select update driver to re-install the driver. If it doesn't appear then you can right click on just about any entry in the box and select "Scan for hardware changes" this may help. Also, whenever you buy a new system, insist of the seller giving you a cd for *all* of the software that comes pre-installed. Especially the OS. I've never heard of not getting an install disk for any software that's pre-installed, but apparently it happens. I'd probably call Comp USA and tell them you need that install disk. I don't know how many times I've installed a new piece of hardware and had to pop in the XP install disk. Hope this helps. -Trey
  14. I just made Chicken and Dumplings.... MMMMMMMM!
  15. Is that you?... Is that you John Wayne? Is this me? FMJ
  16. tweak

    Lunar Eclipse

    Next full lunar eclipse will be 2007...
  17. OMFG!!! I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago... My ex-wife called while I was on the way home from the dz. I knew what she wanted ($$$$) and I didn't really want to talk to her. I usually just let it ring over to voice mail, but... I decided to have a little fun. I rolled down the window, leaned out just a bit, hit the talk button: : Hello? : Hey! Can you hear me???? YES! CAN-YOU-HEAR-ME??? : YES! : I JUST JUMPED OUT OF THE PLANE, I'M GONNA HAFTA CALL YOU BACK! : OK! CLICK! I waited a couple of hours and called her back. She asked if I was really skydiving when I answered the phone... I said "of course I was honey". She then asked "Isn't that dangerous?" I said that we really weren't supposed to be talking on the phone while we were skydiving, but my instructor wasn't looking when I answered, that's why I couldn't talk very long. She said OK but you need to be a little more careful when you're skydiving.... And yes, she is just dim enough to believe that story, although I did have to level with her eventually... She would have told everyone that story and they probably would have laughed their asses off at her. -Trey
  18. I'm still a big fan of the Friday 13th, and Halloween movies.
  19. This isn't YOUR wedding by chance is it?
  20. tweak

    Caption this!

    That's exactly what I was thinking....
  21. Congrats!!! Good luck dude!!!
  22. Post Quick, Post Post Post Dammittt!!!!!!!