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Everything posted by tweak

  1. Speaking of SPAM... Anyone get that funny feeling there's a troll somewhere in this tread? Dunno... I could be wrong.
  2. SPAM! Just delete them. Filter them if you can...
  3. tweak

    Daft Punk

    personally I'd of like to seen less silver box and fabric.... But then again I do have to say that's very impressive. Those girls had to have put a lot of work and time in the choreography of that video. Pretty cool!
  4. We think alike! Spinach, Romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, Calamata olives, pepperocini, *lots* of Feta, fresh ground black pepper and splashed with Greek Feta dressing. Damn.... Now I'm hungry!
  5. Yup, I love'em... The Greek Pepperocinis are the best. Most grocery stores have them but you have to be careful which brands you buy. Some brands tend to be very tough. Vigo is a very popular brand, but they're sometimes tough, sometimes not. Fantis is the best I've found so far. They're probably hard to find though. I live right next to Tarpon Springs (very big Greek town) so lots of places have them around here. Pepperocini and Calamata olives go very quickly around my place. For some reason the two just go hand-in-hand with me.
  6. tweak

    Hey Shimell!

    Artists... Geeze!
  7. tweak

    Hey Shimell!

    When you gonna post more sets? I downloaded the last one a while back and was just listening to it again. Cool beats dude!
  8. I really liked Yngve Malmsten when I was a metal freak. Also Randy Rhodes.
  9. I'm a RollTide guy, but that was funny as shit! Congrats btw!
  10. Just saw a segment on the news about it... --> AWESOME - TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!! Congrats!!! You guys ROCK! Edited to add link (with video).
  11. tweak


    Mine's about to come out of the oven! Don't know what I was smokin' when I made my original post (regarding the cooking time). I guess it's been a while since I made it. It's gonna be more like 2 hours. I made some slight variations from what I usually do... I added some Cajun seasoning and I used a couple of splashes of Dale's Sauce (I forgot to buy Worcestershire sauce). Oh, and I did try the bacon on top thing.
  12. Hmmm... Still not clear on what your client is doing that has you inclined to ask the question regarding contractor vs employee. I've been in and seen many instances where the contractor has needed specific training to perform the task that they were expected. The client usually covers that cost. As far as seeking out business opportunities in a given market, it's not that uncommon for a client to require the contractor to sign a non-complete agreement (which I won't do). For the most part though, I've always been treated pretty much like an employee with the exception of benefits and method of payment (which is not a complaint).
  13. What do you mean by this? I've worked as a contractor for quite a while without any problems. If I had an issue, I'd have a talk with the person that I report to.
  14. I'm just wondering if he can figure out her cell phone#!
  15. Well I thought they were ver, ver nice.
  16. tweak


    Sounds like you pretty much already have the gist of it. Here's mine... 2-2 1/2 pounds ground beef (the less lean the better) 1 jumbo or 2 small eggs bread crumbs about 1/2 cup each of bell pepper and onion (fineley chopped) salt black and white pepper garlic (finely chopped) cayenne tobasco tomato sauce I usually use a canned meatloaf sauce as a base and add the spices above to it. You probably can't get that there so you can just use a tomato sauce and maybe add a little worester sauce. Basically what you're shooting for is a tangy well spiced tomato sauce. I like it very spicy so I'm very liberal with the cayenne, tobasco and garlic. I don't really measure but I'd say you'll need about 3 cups of sauce and about 1 to 1 1/2 cups of bread crumbs. I add the eggs, spices and rougly 1 to 1 1/2 of the sauce and about the same amount of bread crumbs to the ground beef in a large bowl and mix well. You might want to start out with a little less of the sauce and bread crumbs and keep adding until you get the mixture right. You'll want to add enough to make it a 'loaf' and not just a big ole' hamburger pattie. Some people like more or less bread crumbs depending on their taste. I'm pretty liberal with the bread crumbs though. After you get the mixture right, ball it up and place it in a large glass casserole dish and form the loaf into a rectangle. I usually make it about 3-4 inches tall and use a dish that will hold the loaf leaving just about two inches between the loaf and the side of the dish. I bake it at 350 for about 45-min to an hour. Half way through I take it out drain the grease that's accumulated in the dish and generously coat it with the remaining sauce (I usually give it a little dusting with more cayenne after putting on the sauce) and finish baking. I wouldn't dare make meat loaf without garlic mashed potatoes. Cajun boiled corn on the cobb goes well with this too. CRAP! After all of this I guess I'll be making meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner tonight. I'm having the craving now. Good luck! Hope this helps.
  17. Sprint has one as well. I had my phone replaced and shorlty after having it activated my phone book automatically updated. Pretty cool feature to me as I find it much easier to edit/add on a webform as opposed to on the phone itself (except when you're just adding a number here and there).
  18. Very good point. Glad you mentioned that. I've only verified that I can import the mpeg with sound into PP. I haven't burned a CD with it yet. Just looking at the preview in PP it does look a bit grainy, but then again you can't expect that much from preview in PP. I'm interested to know the answer to that as well so I'll shoot some video in good lighting conditions this weekend and let you know what happens. ...Might have to go back to the conversion route if you're right. Thanks for the insight!
  19. Thanks again DSE... I had a little more time to look around and found workaround solution that solved the issue for me. I just wanted to post it in case someone else finds themselves with the same problem. If you have Encore CS3 installed or can find the ad2ac3dec.dll somewhere in an install directory for PP, you can just copy it into Premiere Pro's directory. If you already have clips on the timeline in a project, you'll have to remove/re-add them. I found this here ->
  20. I had a funny feelin' you'd be the one with the answer! Thanks!
  21. I just bought a CX7 today. Seems like a sweet camera but I'm already having problems which I don't think are related to the camera. I'm using Premiere Pro for editing and importing the mpeg I don't get audio. I've Googled around a bit and don't see any similar problems. I can play the mpeg in Windows media player with no problems. I just don't get audio when I import into PP CS3. Anyone Help? Thx!
  22. Billy Vance (A.K.A. the fish man): Well I sure as shit didn't hear this coming...
  23. I'm missing the punch line obviously... Seriously???