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Everything posted by tweak

  1. Too Cool! Happy Holidays!
  2. Soooo, I take it you like Smirnoff?!?!?!?!
  3. Rosemount Estate. That's the other Aussie wine I was trying to think of... That's a very good label in my opinion.
  4. I like Black Opal (Australian) Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Shiraz. They're pretty good.
  5. I thought vegetarian was an Indian phrase for "Crazy white man who can't hunt".
  6. I use Opera, you can turn off pop-ups completely or have it only allow the pop-ups you specifically request. It works very well, I haven't had a pop-up I didn't request since I've been using it.
  7. Sweet!!! Just got my new rig a couple of weeks ago. Just in time for winter!
  8. You guys see the review at the Amazon site? A work that soars, and takes you with it. Clears your vision and leaves you hungry.
  9. The best way to do that is to create a set of jsp's or asp's depending which way you want to go. Depending on the complexity of you db, you'd probably have to create a page for each table you want the users to be able to update. You'd also have to create a sign-on page to control access and security. This isn't an especially small task unless you're a developer and have time to kill. The only other simple way I can think of is to have a shared drive with the .mdb file in a published place. Even then everyone would have to be on the same network the shared drive is and you'd also have sharing/access problems with people trying to do updates at the same time. -Trey
  10. Well, finally have the answer (thanks to FlyingJ!). ASC is 4A4 and The Farm is located about 5 miles down the road. Sometimes depending on the a/c and load they (The Farm) will takeoff from the grass field located from their dz. Other times they will shuttle to Cornelius-Moore Field Airport (4A4) to depart, which is where ASC is. So, in short, the lat/long info for 4A4 points to ASC and the lat/long info for The Farm is gonna be hard to get unless someone from there can provide. Thanks to Jason (FlyingJ) for the info!
  11. Hey, don't knock BellSouth too bad!!! They feed me and pay for my jumps. Er, well, I guess you do! Thanks for your support!
  12. I never loose shit, but on a couple of occasions, when walking up to my front door, I've tried to unlock it with my car remote.
  13. Oh, BTW, the scuba diving there is usually pretty good too. If you get a chance, try to dive the old Hathaway bridge span. It's pretty cool.
  14. PC Beach is my home away from home! I'm a beach bum though, I know the beach area like the back of my hand. Off of the beach is a little fuzzy for me though. Are you looking for something in Panama City or in PC Beach. They are two different cities actually. I know people that live off of the beach in PCB, so I can find out some info for you (affordable) if you're looking for something west of the bridge (which isn't that far from the city). If you are looking for something in town I probably can't help a lot. But anyway PCB rocks!!! I'd move there in a heartbeat if I could find work there. Definitely hit La Vela and Spinnaker's while you're there. If you want to know any of the good food places, let me know, there's plenty.
  15. Sorry HH! USPA lists ASC/Cedartown as being located at "Polk County Airport". I checked my sectional chart and the Airport Directory for our area and it's not on either one. Also doesn't show up on I'll ask around and see if I can find it. If anything I'll ask our jump pilot what the deal is. I'm sure the info for The Farm is correct though...
  16. It's not. Sorry, my bad. ASC/Cedartown is located at Polk County Airport. 6IA4 is Polk County Airport in Iowa. Give me a sec, I'll find it.
  17. ooops sorry didn't fully read the post: ASC/Cedartown Lat/Long: 41-37-00.000N / 093-38-26.000W 41-37.00000N / 093-38.43333W 41.6166667 / -93.6405556 The Farm Lat/Long: 34-01-07.300N / 085-08-47.300W 34-01.12167N / 085-08.78833W 34.0186944 / -85.1464722
  18. The Farm is 4A4. ASC Cedartown is 6IA4. Do you need ll infor for these as well?
  19. Awwww Crap! You beat me to it.... I was gonna make a Stu (Stew) Joke!
  20. found them here: Hope this is what you were looking for...
  21. There's already a couple post on here somewhere that has a jpeg attached thats got a guy landing and everything is already labeled.
  22. I also was a pilot first. Not knowing a thing about skydiving, it always made me nervous flying around airports where there were jump operations going on. Everytime I heard the jump warnings on the radio, I'd look up to see if there were any bodies zooming down towards me!
  23. I've always seen it spelled Dauphin (one ugly fish!), but a lot of people like to call it Mahi-Mahi to avoid confusion.