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Everything posted by falling.gator

  1. I met a cute Canadian. They can be quite persuasive.
  2. Cinco de Mayo is quickly approaching! Can't make it to Mexico for the fiesta? Come to Skydive Vancouver in Abbotsford, BC instead. Plenty of fun jumps, food and beverages. Don't forget to rock a killer 'stache!
  3. Many thanks to everyone who organized, filmed, made food, donated raffle prizes and especially those who bought beer. This boogie opened my eyes a bit to the wealth of talent and experience that is accessible here in Florida. Living in Gainesville, Z-hills is only a 2 hour drive. I'll definitely be heading down that way more often on the weekends. Just have to drag myself away from Skydive Palatka (the home DZ I love). Or maybe the Z-flock crew would like to come up to Palatka for a tour of our own birdhouse. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  4. Getting a club going is a lot of work but can be very rewarding when it pays off. I took over the University of Florida Falling Gators club back in 2005. We had 4 members at that time. Right now we have about 30 active jumpers, and a couple dozen not-so-active ones. If you need advice on promotions or dealing with student government, don't hesitate to PM me. Good luck! Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  5. You didn't drink enough beer. There was a band?!? Maybe I drank TOO MUCH beer. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  6. Agreed. I had a fantastic time. Many great jumps and great people. Much love to all the Palatka staff, Team Dirty Sanchez and the vendor reps (particularly Tony for selling me a suit
  7. I keep getting asked what I have against all those people. I promise they're not my jokes. I just copied and pasted the most recent list. So here, in its jokeless form, I give a second issuing of the list. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  8. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  9. Now that I've had a chance to settle into my new apartment in Cincinnati, and finally have internet, I'd like to thank everyone. Max and I could not have pulled this off without the cooperation of everyone there: manifest, packers, sponsors, coaches, instructors, jumpers, and friends. Most of all I'd like to thank all the Falling Gators members for an outstanding showing of support for the event. We even had someone show up to help out even though he couldn't jump at all. This event can continue to grow and improve if we all keep up the effort. I had a great time and I hope all of you did as well. I'll miss everyone at Palatka while I'm freezing in Cinci. Have fun and be safe. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  10. Since I can now be there, and because I'm the one trying to get enough food for everyone, I'm starting a list. If you even think you're going to be there, sign up. Add your friends who are going to be there if they don't have an account. I would rather overestimate food than have people go hungry. THE LIST: falling.gator - UF
  11. The food is actually going to be more like breakfast 3 days, dinner 2 days, and maybe a lunch. I'm still working with local vendors to get sponsorship. We're most likely going to be paying cost on the dinner items, but here's what we're looking at: Saturday: Breakfast - 2 dozen Hardee's biscuits, 4 dozen assorted Dunkin' Donuts Lunch - possible subs from Quizno's and Subway Dinner - Niko's baked ziti and garlic bread, Domino's pizza Sunday: Breakfast - 2 dozen Hardee's biscuits, 4 dozen assorted Dunkin' Donuts Lunch - possible subs from Quizno's and Subway Dinnner - Sonny's barbeque meats and sides, Beef O' Brady's wings Monday: Breakfast - 2 dozen Hardee's biscuits, 4 dozen assorted Dunkin' Donuts Like Max said, I have yet to attend a boogie that offers all this. Fortunately, I have been able to change my start date a GE Cincinnati and will be there for all of it.
  12. We will be having some food donated by local vendors. For example, Niko's pizza is giving ziti and garlic bread, Sonny's is donating sweet tea (I guess they don't know about the beer rules) and has offered discounted pricing on their meat. Breakfast goods will be donated for Saturday and Sunday by Hardee's. I'm trying to get Subway and Quizno's to do a lunch one day. That being said, we can always use more food. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  13. You know Swoop, it is better for one to be silent and appear foolish than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. Just a heads up. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  14. The most important thing is that the current SEC Champions will be on the shirt. GO GATORS!!! Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  15. I'd like to point out that Max is the new acting President of the Falling Gators. As I had mentioned, I'll be in Cincinnati for the entire spring semester and it would be a challenge (impossible) to run a club from that far away. So if anything goes wrong during the boogie, blame him, not me. Jared Lee Former President, UF Falling Gators
  16. Yes, I know. Yes, I will be. And yes, I am looking for a way to be at the boogie despite the job. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  17. Good question. I propose a list. I would start it, but I'll most likely not be there due to a job opportunity in Cincinnati. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  18. I fly a wingsuit. Can I be cool, too??? Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  19. We realize it's close to collegiate nationals. We talked about moving it to later in the year, but the only dates that worked for our school schedule would've been our spring break. That would coincide with the St. Patrick's Day Boogie in Dublin, and we all had way too much fun in Dublin last year to even think about skipping it, let alone compete for jumpers. A lot of our jumpers should be at nationals, so you still get to see our smiling faces. We understand that some people won't be able to make it to both nationals and our boogie, so we make one suggestion: come to our boogie and forget about nationals . Rumor has it that we're gonna get a helicopter. Jumps should be relatively cheap (
  20. The University of Florida Falling Gators Skydiving Club will be hosting its Annual Collegiate Boogie at Skydive Palatka, January 12-15, 2007. This event is hosted each year by the Falling Gators and our local dropzone. We invite everyone to attend, with the primary focus on college aged jumpers. We know the budget is small, so we're doing our best to work with local vendors to provide food, discounted lodging, and plenty of beverage. Skydive Palatka will have the Caravan all weekend, with the possibility of another plane and a helicopter (details to come). If weather is bad, we'll break out the cards and keg in the hanger like last year, so there's no reason to not come. Past attendance has included jumpers from U. Georgia, GA Tech, U. Maryland, Embry-Riddle, Clemson, U. South Carolina, and others. Recently founded clubs at U. North Florida and U. Central Florida are expected to attend this year. If you aren't in college but wish you were, and we know you do, you're more than welcome to join us. Let's get the word out and make this event the biggest yet. If you have any questions check out www.SkydiveUF.com or PM me here. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  21. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped out before/during/after the boogie. Art Shaffer and his Skydive Palatka staff, UF club members, other jumpers who pitched in, the Red Bull reps, my parents Mike and Darlene Lee, and everyone else. I think the event was a success and I look forward to seeing you all next year. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  22. The ones with beds. Showers are a plus, too. Or you could just camp out at the airport with the rest of us. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  23. Here's a quick update on the boogie. Most of this is still being finalized but it's pretty solid. For a $20 registration fee each participant will receive a custom designed long sleeve T-shirt,, dinner for 2 nights, and all the beer you can obtain from the 2 kegs that will be delivered with gas hookups. There will be concessions on site for breakfast and lunch to provide biscuits, hamburgers, hot dogs and the like for obscenely low prices. Also, there should be some goodies from Wings/Aerodyne/PD(?). I'm going to snag some free Red Bull from the UF student rep and have that to hand out. The Red Bull 6-wheel-drive military Pinzgaur is scheduled to make an appearance some time Monday. And of course, there will be plenty of amazing jumps from the Grand Caravan and helicopter during the day and awesome partying at night. If anyone has a beer pong table they'd like to bring out that would be great, if not we can just use one of the picnic tables. If you have any questions let me know or check out www.skydivepalatka.com. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  24. AHHH!!! That sucks. I miss the vans. Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators
  25. crutch jumpingbean freefalle Mighty Dog flskydiver HeyNoSeriously Divnswoop(95%sure) jguy904 BIGERN13 Team Dirty Sanchez- President (Denis Neal) falling.gator Jared Lee Cohete Rodriguez / Team Dirty Sanchez #74 Former President, UF Falling Gators