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Everything posted by free_man

  1. Black helicopter delivery! House Bill 3063 Liberty Committee EO PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  2. CAVEAT: The following information may be hazzardous to your government programing, if you can not fathom the information exit here. URGENT ALERT: VOTE COMING ON FORCED MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING By: Devvy November19, 2004 "Of liberty I would say that, in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed action according to our will. But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law,' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual." --Thomas Jefferson to Isaac H. Tiffany, 1819 Congressman Ron Paul is attempting to include language in another massive government spending bill that would require parental notification regarding Bush's attempt to force mental health screening on all children in this country. Paul's earlier attempts to insert a stop measure into the Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations Act failed. No surprise there. If this dangerous provision in that bill passes, it will be because the Republicans didn't stop it and a Republican president will sign it into law. The vote on this could come by this weekend. It is important to remember that some members of Congress who will vote on this insidious legislation, also own stock in the very pharmaceutical companies that will reap millions of dollars destroying the minds of America's children through forced medicating. A list of these congressional members can be found here. Even the the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons warned the public just a week ago that universal psychiatric screening and drugging of children is "a dangerous scheme that will heap even more coercive pressure on parents to medicate children with potentially dangerous side effects." There is an underlying agenda behind Bush's so-called 'New Freedom Commission on Mental Health' to "identify policies that could be implemented by Federal, State and local governments to promote successful community integration for adults with a serious mental illness and children with a serious emotional disturbance." This forced mental health screening will eventually be extended to adults - an exact replica of Communist Russia, straight from the Communist Manual of Instruction of Psychological Warfare. In the summary section of this "New Freedom" Commission on Mental Health, the summary states, "The State plan will include consumers and families and will create a new partnership among the Federal, State and local governments." The big carrot: federal money that will create new jobs - the same trap Americans have been diving into for the past decade as jobs in America's most important sectors (ag, manufacturing, industrial) have been shipped to foreign countries. While the quote below will be a most unwelcome one for those still celebrating Bush's reelection and a "Republican sweep" in Congress, Americans must open their eyes to the bigger picture and evaluate what is coming out of Washington, DC. The author of The Great Communitarian Hoax, Jeri Lynn Ball, is one of the most knowledgeable experts in this country on how America is being subverted in such a clever, diabolical and systematic way, that our people hardly know what's happening to them and their families - until it's too late. As Jeri points out regarding this gigantic step to crush those of us and our children who refuse to bow down to the new world order being pushed upon us by both parties in Washington, DC, "The real cause of mental disorders in this country is the communitarian attack on principled individualism and the massive indoctrination of Americans with the altruist-collectivst principles of the Communist morality including selflessness and the sense of community. Communitarian administrations, including Bush, have adopted the Russian system of forcing consumers to have primary care providers, who will of course be trained to provide "appropriate" treatment for "mental health problems." According to the Communist Manual, all doctors, psychiatrists, and community health workers will bet trained in Marxist-Lenin Communist doctrine and will monitor their patents' thoughts and effectively work to prevent outbreaks of dissent or rebellion." It easy to scoff at such a statement unless you have read all of her thoroughly researched books as well as other talented writers like Mary Starrett who have written on this issue. This type of research does require an enormous amount of time - something most Americans simply aren't interested in doing when they can get their 15-second sound bites from Rather, Brokaw, et al. Others who genuinely do care are buried with familial responsibilities which is also part of the brilliant, evil plan to enslave America: keep both parents chasing to put food on the table so they have little time to study the events which directly affect their lives. Unconstitutional Ron Paul may feel the best he can do is attempt to get parental notification, but I say no more band aids. The only question that should be addressed here is this: Where does the U.S. Constitution, specifically Art. 1, Sec. 8 authorize Congress to legislate that all children in America be forced to undergo mental health screening or testing? Simply put, there isn't any authority. The "general welfare" clause of the Constitution can't be used. This quote is from the general welfare clause link: "The Anti-Federalists still weren't satisfied. Hamilton and Madison came back to re-state that if the general welfare clause conveyed absolute power to the government, why would they go on to list the specific powers they were going to grant the government? That wouldn't make any sense at all if they were going to give absolute power to this government. It was finally conceded by all at the convention that the general welfare clause conveyed absolutely no power to the government." In other words, Congress is and always has been restricted to the areas specifically cited in Art. 1, Sec. 8. Forced mental health screening and/or testing for America's children flat out does not fall within their jurisdiction. Is there case law to back this up? Yes, in Lopez v US (1995) the U.S. Supreme Court said Congress overstepped its legislative authority when it passed a law regarding "gun free school zones." While that case was about guns, the basic argument is still the same: Congress doesn't have the authority to legislate outside Art. 1, Section 8, period. I'm certain there are dozens of cases that can be used to argue against this dangerous monster looming over America's parents. What can you do? First, call your federal house member and your counterfeit U.S. Senator and tell them that you will refuse to submit your child to any forced mental health screening. Tell them no. This land belongs to us. We the people. There can no longer be any hesitation on the part of the American people to stand up to these one world government advocates in Washington, DC. They are our servants and work for us. Yes, it is a bit scary for those who have never stood up to the federal machine before, but we must and we must do it together, unified. Second, Call the White House and politely tell the comment line that even if this Machiavellian plan becomes law, you will refuse to submit your child to any forced mental health testing, treatment or otherwise. Those members of my family who have children under 18 have already done this. Time is short, please do it today. Even if the vote doesn't happen this week, it will happen - every phone call will count. White House numbers: Comments: 202-456-1111; Switchboard: 202-456-1414; Fax: 202-456-2461; E-Mail: President George W. Bush: Third: If you belong to fine organizations like Concerned Women of America, contact their leadership and ask them to use the power of the Internet to get their members to begin flooding Congress and the White house with calls, all conveying the same message: under no circumstances will you submit your child to any forced government mental health screening, treatments or programs. There are roughly 30,000 citizens groups in this country which represent tens of millions of adults. The roar heard by Washington, DC on this effort must be so massive, that Bush's master plan (New Freedom Commission on Mental Health) is crushed. The other important action everyone can take is to financially support those public interest law firms that will most likely be the ones to fight a case brought by a parent who refuses to submit their child to this forced testing. Should the Republican controlled Congress pass this dangerous legislation (which Bush will sign it into law in a NY second), make no mistake: they will move on your children and grand children before the ink dries. Bush signed the Executive Order to set up this mental health commision back in April 2002, so they've had plenty of time to lay the groundwork and get ready - all they need is Congress to pass the legislation. This is one of the most important fights we face and those parents who refuse will need legal representation. As my daughter is 29, it doesn't affect me, but I am making my financial donation to the Thomas Moore Law Center because this is a righteous fight. It is a fight to stop the federal machine from taking control of America's children and reshaping their minds through drugs and propaganda. Thank you. © 2004 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto- 45 goals of communism from"The Naked Communist" The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men. -- Samuel Adams This is posted to inform and bring awareness to what has and is happening to America. And hopefully to encourage intelligent discussion. This is not posted to incite controversy or cause offense. If it does, ask yourself why you feel it does, and search for the answer. PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  3. "All the perplexities, confusion and distresses in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation." --John Adams, letter to Thomas Jefferson Even better, physically own gold, silver, and numismatic coins, as a store of wealth. IMO people understand less about the atrocity of our monetary system and the effects of it than anything else. Learn more about our monetary system here- "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." --Frederic Bastiat, The Law PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  4. This is a post of 14 characteristics of fascism, from an article written by a political scientist, who did a study on fascism. It is posted to inform, and hopefully get people to think and question. If you disagree/agree with any of these characteristics, please comment, if you think it is trolling, then instead of name calling "troll", state why you think it is trolling. If posting thought provoking alternatives to the status quo is trolling then so be it. It is easy to sit back and read, listen, and watch mainstream views (mostly propaganda/disinformation, IMHO), and deny any thing to the contrary. When challenged, cognitive dissonance kicks in, defense mechanisms turn on, instead try opening the mind and thinking of other posibilities. PEACE "The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." Albert Einstein “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  5. The 14 Characteristics of Fascism by Lawrence Britt Spring 2003 Free Inquiry magazine Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt recently wrote an article about fascism ("Fascism Anyone?," Free Inquiry, Spring 2003, page 20). Studying the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common. He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism. The excerpt is in accordance with the magazine's policy. The 14 characteristics are: Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottoes, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. Supremacy of the Military Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. Rampant Sexism The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy. Controlled Mass Media Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common. Obsession with National Security Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. Religion and Government are Intertwined Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions. Corporate Power is Protected The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. Labor Power is Suppressed Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed . Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts. Obsession with Crime and Punishment Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. Fraudulent Elections Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. Copyright © 2003 Free Inquiry magazine Reprinted for Fair Use Only. ____________________________________________________ Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. Thomas Jefferson “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  6. I am diametrically opposed to this, because it opens the door for evil. If someone took you and your family away and made you slaves that would be OK, because they were the toughest, most clever, and had the most money. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc... were the toughest, most clever, and had the most money at a point in their lives, what they did was OK then right? It has not always been like that, man has always tried to enslave man, but this certainly does not make it right. We are not wolves. Excepting this belief that rights come from man, gives God like authority to man, and man is not capable of having such power. It will result in death, destruction, slavery, and the evilist of outcomes. "Give me Liberty, or Give me Death" PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  7. SS was and is voluntary, and the number was never to be used as an identifier. I do not believe a SSN is who you are, that number belongs to the SSA. It does make it difficult to live w/o one, but I try my best to do so. As for the troll comment... On the Internet, troll is a slang term used to describe: 1. A person who makes posts (on newsgroups or other forums) that are solely intended to incite controversy or conflict, or cause annoyance or offense. 2. A post that is intended to incite controversy or cause offense. (Many posts may inadvertently cause strife as collateral damage, but they are not trolls.) I have posted articles by other authors, not everything I post I believe or support 100%, although most of it I do. I post, what I hope is information different than what most people are getting, to provoke thought and open minds, and to present a different view than the status quo. So if I do not post the typical left v. right, dem v. rep, con. v. lib, point of view I am considered a troll? If it does not jive with those on the left or right side of the isle it is trolling and shoud be banned or censored? That is the Statist, two party control system mentality I am challenging. PEACE PS mardigrasbob, you make some very good points in the rest of your post, thanks. “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  8. Most people do not understand this, and will not want to believe it either. I can prove it. Signing your name is the most valuable thing you do. The State starts to enslave at birth with SSN, and birth certificates, Drivers License, Marriage License, voter registration, and using the fiat money system, all give the State the presumption that you are a member of the corporate government, and subject to its codes(Roman Civil Law), which do not have to follow the Constitution. PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  9. I think you may not understand, this may help. in·di·vid·u·al·ism Audio pronunciation of "individualism" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nd-vj--lzm) n. 1. 1. Belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence. 2. Acts or an act based on this belief. 2. 1. A doctrine advocating freedom from government regulation in the pursuit of a person's economic goals. 2. A doctrine holding that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state or social group. 3. 1. The quality of being an individual; individuality. 2. An individual characteristic; a quirk. col·lec·tiv·ism Audio pronunciation of "collectivism" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (k-lkt-vzm) n. The principles or system of ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the people collectively, usually under the supervision of a government. collectivism \Col*lect"iv*ism\, n. [Cf. F. collectivisme.] (Polit. Econ.) The doctrine that land and capital should be owned by society collectively or as a whole; communism. --W. G. Summer. collectivism n 1: Soviet communism [syn: Bolshevism, sovietism] 2: a political theory that the people should own the means of production USA not based on collectivist ideals. PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  10. I have been where most of the people here are as related to their political views. Only by keeping an open mind was I able to research, and explore alternative views which I found to be supported by fact and truth. And not the agenda of others. My profile has nothing to do with bravery or security, if everyone would honor the rules of the forum no problem, I make every attempt to not get into personal attacks. I do not see how my profile is germain to the topic either. I am an American, hows that. "The State", Fed Gov't, was created by the people, it is our servant. How can our servant take the masters property by force, and still be a free society? If the services government offered were so valuable, they would offer them on a voluntary basis (like everyone else) and we the people could pay for them if we needed them, instead they are offered at the barrel of a gun. The United States of America was created as a Republic, in a Republic the rights and property of the minority are protected, in a Democracy, which we are not, if 51% of the people vote to kill all skydivers so be it. As long as people do not take, violate others' rights or property, people should be free to do as they please. I do not need the State to decide what is good for me and what is bad for me, I accept that responsibility, most do not, it is easier to be a slave. Freedom is not free, slavery is, kneel down and you will be made a slave. So now freedom means anarchy, I believe anarchy would be better than what we have now, however a small, limited government, confined absolutely by the Constitution, as it was intended, would be preferable to me. Immaturity exists when others do not accept responsibility for themselves, needing parent government all their lives. Then because of this immaturity they must take from others to support their parent, if that is your choice good for you, just leave me and others alone. In a free society, government exists to protect, the rights and property of the people, that is it. PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  11. I still think it is well worth reading for anybody who seeks freedom and truth, even if you do not believe. You are free to believe what you want to believe. The people who founded this country did believe that our rights come from the Creator. If you do not believe in "TheBigCreator", where do you believe your rights come from? The authors are not found all around the world, these are the pioneers of FREE MARKET ECONOMICS, and their views like any economic system impacts every facet of life. PEACE PS Many years of research, not google, however it can be useful. “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  12. You are right. “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  13. So you think I should be banned from posting because you do not agree with posts? Unfortunately to many people are living a fairy tale. Peace & Liberty “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  14. KERRY WON OHIO JUST COUNT THE BALLOTS AT THE BACK OF THE BUS The ballots that add up to a majority for John Kerry in Ohio -- and in New Mexico -- are locked up in two Republican hidey-holes: "spoiled" ballots and "provisional" ballots. A gift to the folks at UniLect who said they would try and fix a design flaw in their software which allowed people in Carteret Co. NC, to keep voting even after the computer had no space left to store ballots. My dog just handed this to me IF VoteCount >= MaxVoteCount Do Shutdown() ELSE Do Countvote() ENDIF LOL “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  15. I asked for any troll comments, jokingly, I find them funny. First that is the authors statement, do not shoot the messenger. I do not see that you proved anything other than you do not understand what the author is stating. I believe that the authors article is acceptable in a free society. I have no Lord or King. In America the people are the King. Meaning we are all a King unto ourselves, endowed with certain unalienable rights from our Creator, as the Declaration of Indepedence affirms. We the people created the State, we are the sovereign, the State is our servant. What is fallaciously flawed is the divine right of kings, and man being forced by the barrel of a gun into servitude. I do not prescribe to your collectivist ideals, and they are truly not what America is founded upon. PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  16. My only suggestion is that first, ask yourself why you have never heard of them, and search for the answer. And second take the time to read what they have written. Take a longer glance. (This may answer the first) Bastiat wrote "The Law", and IMO it is essential reading. Also FA Hayek, "The Road To Serfdom". PEACE
  17. Are the views of Austrian Economists, like Mises, Bastiat, Rothbard, Hazlitt, Hayek, Rockwell and others radical? “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  18. All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation. -- John Adams Living Lies by Mark Reynolds Think of this concept: If I can control the meanings of your language, I can control your thoughts, and if I can control your thoughts, I can turn you into a slave. Has this happened? Have we almost to a man become a nation of slaves rather than the home of the brave? Well, let's start with checking out what you "think" a particular word means. First let's take a multiple choice test. Let me ask you what a "dollar" is. Is a dollar a piece of paper? Is it money? Is it a weight of measure? If it is a piece of paper, would you need 10 of them to make 10 dollars? If it is money, according to the Federal Reserve definition, then wouldn't it be durable, a store of value and divisible? If it is a weight of measure, then what is it a weight of measure of? If you answered that it is a weight of measure, you were correct. According to the Coinage Act of 1792, a dollar is how our money is supposed to be weighed. DOLLARS OR UNITS--each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver. Now if someone was intent on controlling the economy through deceptive means, wouldn't it be beneficial for them to take control of what the people use to buy and sell with from the people and control it themselves? So you see, we have been living a lie, believing a piece of paper is a dollar, when in reality it is nothing but paper. "All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy." - The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, FRB of Philadelphia Faith . . . in a lie. There is actually no such thing as a "silver dollar." They were DOLLARS OF SILVER. If you were to go into a meat store, you wouldn't ask for a chicken pound. You would ask for a pound of chicken. By controlling your language, I can control what you think. And if I can control what you think, I can make you my slave. Now ask yourself this question. Do you own your home if it is paid for free and clear? If you can say yes, you have been living a lie. Because if you do not pay the RENT that is owed to the state every year, you will find out who owns your home as they throw you out and put someone in there who is able to pay the rent. Oh, that's right . . . in Russia , they call it rent. Here we call it "property taxes." Do your children got to "public school"? And are they being taught how to read and write with the intention of making them into upstanding young men and women? If you believe this, you have been believing a lie. For the schools are not "public" in the sense, but rather "government schools," and their purpose is to indoctrinate the children into the religion of state worship or Baal worship, as the Bible calls it. That is why Johnny cannot read. For if he could read, he would be a threat to the existing order. Do you think you own your automobile if you pay it off free and clear? Wrong again. The state owns your automobile. You only have a vested interest. Your title, which was the manufacturer statement of origin, is given to the state by the seller and you are given a "certificate of title," which means that there is a title SOMEWHERE. And unless you have possession of the title, you don't have ownership. Do you go to a place every weekend commonly called a church? Is it a STATE church or a church of some sort of Christian denomination? Chances are, it is a STATE church, but you "think" you are going to a Christian church. For if the church is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt corporation, it was created by the state and has to follow the state's edicts. So have you been living this lie, too? Is that your name on your drivers license? Oh, yes, you say . . . nope, just another LIE you have been living. For an all capital name is a FICTION created for you by the state agents. You represent the fiction and are willing to act as surety for it, but you can't be a fiction in reality. And reality is based on truth. Fictions are based on lies. Actually, most Americans are functional communists and don't even realize it. For if you were to take a close look at the Communist Manifesto's 10 planks, you would find that they are all in force and effect in the land of the slaves and the home of the cowards. That is the TRUTH. It isn't the land of the free and the home of the brave. That is a LIE. Do you REALLY think your vote makes a hill of beans difference? If you do, you have been living a lie. For it is not the vote you make that counts as much as who counts the votes. Do you claim to believe in the Kingdom of God , but live the lie of the Kingdom of fill in the blank with the state you live in? Which is a FICTION, and isn't a FICTION a nice way of saying a LIE? Shall I go on? Why don't we either quit being hypocrites and live the TRUTH, or at least be willing to admit that we are a bunch of lying parrots who have been told so many times that we are "free" that even though we are living in a cage, we can squawk as the parrot does, “I am free.” You are not free if you have to get permission to travel. You are not free if you have to submit to searches to fly. You are not free if you have to allow a police officer to search your car at his whim if you are stopped. You are not free if you have to get permission from someone to add an addition to your home. You are not free if you have to pay taxes (rent) on your "personal property." You are not free if you have to ask permission to own a gun or to carry one. You are not free if you can be forced to go to a far away land and kill people whether you want to or not. YOU ARE AN INDENTURED SERVANT TO THE STATE. And you have a choice . . . LIVE THE LIE, or wake up, throw off your chains of slavery, accept the REALITY of God's Kingdom and throw the concepts of man called states, countries, presidents, congressmen, senators, judges, and policemen in the trash heap of history. It IS your choice. I am just giving you some things to think about. November 12, 2004 “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  19. I think you misunderstand the author. The federal, state, city, local municipalities, and school districts are all incorporated. Corporations exist primarily to limit liability, and mass capital. I surely can not have the "State of ______", over for dinner can I? It does not exist in the flesh and blood, it is a legal fiction. The victims are the flesh and blood people, the people of Iraq for example. So called victimless crimes are actually the implementation of Roman Civil Law, and should not exist in a free nation. PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  20. It is sad you are not open minded enough to think outside the box, and explore outside your comfort zone of beliefs. And by the way, I have been in the sport since 1998, and I chose not to fill in information about myself, because I do not want to get into personal attacks and exchanges. My choice. PEACE, & Blue ones Juan. edited for spelling “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  21. Government exists for two reasons only, to protect the rights and property of the Citizen. “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  22. I Don't Just Think I'm Right, I Know I Am! by Mike Wasdin I have people ask me all the time, “How do you know you are right?” I have been giving that a lot of thought lately. I thought it might be a good idea to look at the questions one by one to determine if my philosophy may be flawed. Freedom: People are born with a sense of freedom. From the time we are born, we are continuously fighting to get more freedom. When we are young, we strive to adopt our own unique personality. As we grow older and move into our adolescence, we try to show that we are not kids, and try very hard to be treated as adults. As we enter our teens, things like driving, dating, and being able to spend the night away from our parents’ house all become major things as we try to prove our independence. We cannot wait to become 18, because that is the magical age when we will finally be considered an adult, and have the same freedoms as every other adult. The will to be free is in us all, and it never dies. To disagree is to instead desire to be a slave. Property: An adult should be the unquestionable owner of all his or her rightfully owned property, and as such he or she is sovereign. To deny this means that you are giving another person or entity a higher claim to your property than yourself. If you are the rightful owner, then you have the right to do whatever you desire with your property, as long as what you do does not trespass the rights of another sovereign human being. You have the right to rent or sell your property without the consent of an outside coercive (government) entity. All legal contracts entered into by consenting adults should be considered legal and no one else’s business! Rights: An adult has the right to treat his or her property in any manner he or she chooses, as long as it does not affect another sovereign human being’s right. This would include anything, even if it might not be in your best interest. No one has the right to tell you that you cannot eat, drink, smoke, ingest, view or think anything, so long as it does not abuse the rights of another. Others can try to persuade you that what you are doing is not in your best interest, but in the end you have the final say about your property. Wealth: People have the right to keep the fruits of their labor. No other person or entity has the right to take in part or in whole the fruits of their labor. To think otherwise would make you nothing more than a slave. For someone to steal all or part of your money is common theft, nothing more, even if it’s for a really good cause! If I were to walk up to you on the street and take your wallet, and remove 20 of the 40 dollars you had inside and leave you the rest, would I be any less of a thief? Would it make a difference if I told you it was going to a good cause? You can most certainly ask someone to donate to your cause, but never at the barrel of a gun. To deny this would mean you condone theft. Beliefs: Adults have the right to believe whatever they want, no matter how silly it may be. This does not give them the right to not be offended if their belief seems funny to others. This includes religious, political, and sexual beliefs. No other person should be able to deny rights to another person based on his or her beliefs. The world is full of crazy ideas. If you don’t approve, you do not have to participate, but you cannot keep others from doing so just because you don’t like it. If drugs offend you, then I would suggest you don’t use them. If nudity offends you, don’t go to a nude beach. If you do not approve of gay marriage, don’t marry a gay person. You do not have the right to tell others how to live their lives, no matter how obscene or ungodly you deem it to be. Morality: Morality is subjective and therefore has no set standard. What you may feel is immoral may seem perfectly fine to me. If you find pornography immoral, don’t watch it. If certain sexual acts offend you, don’t do them. You can change the channel, close your eyes or leave the room, but it’s none of your business what other adults chose to do as long as it does not violate the rights of others. You have no right to decide for others what should be immoral. It’s YOUR god, they are YOUR rules, so YOU burn in hell! Legality: There are no such things as crimes which do not involve a victim. These are called “fake crimes.” No crime has been committed by someone for merely smoking a substance which the State has deemed “evil.” By the same token, things that are illegal are not always immoral and vice versa. The State can never be a victim since the State is not a person. It is impossible to commit a crime against something which does not exist, so there could never be any crimes suggesting that the State has been harmed as in, “The State vs. ________.” All fake crimes should be immediately rescinded; no victim, no crime! War and Peace: It is always wrong to initiate force. Just because you have more money and resources, that does not mean you are right. You should never be able to coerce others just because you have bigger bombs. What gives one sovereign entity the right to enforce its views on another sovereign entity? It is nothing more than arrogance to think that because you are a superpower, others should have to follow your rules. To attack another unprovoked is the work of a bully. This does not mean that I do not believe in self-defense, but shouldn’t there at least be an act of aggression on your property, before the initiation of force? If you don’t bother others, chances are they will not bother you. I don’t know how anyone could deny these truths? Only a sheep could do such a thing, because to do so is to admit that you are a slave. I knew when I first adopted this philosophy that it just made sense, and it still does today. I have given careful consideration to my philosophies in the areas mentioned above, and after careful consideration, I have decided that I don’t just think I am right, I know I am! November 12, 2004 Any good troll comments out there? Open your mind, and think outside the box. Is not skydiving a great expression of freedom? “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  23. The Enemy Is the State by weebies The quadrennial farce known as the US presidential election has come and gone again. While many people, both in the US and the international community, are moaning the results of the selection of Bush over Kerry, people who are truly anti-state, anti-war, and pro-market realize there was no difference in either selection. Whenever there are elections, the state always wins--people who value freedom, peace, and the free market always lose. A quick recap of the two candidates’ similarities should dispel the myth that there was a choice that would make a difference. Bush was the top lackey of the state, and wanted at least four more years, to advance the Imperial agenda of Rome on the Potomac . Kerry was the faithful sub lackey of the state, who fully supported all the state mischief and mayhem, and thought that he deserved the top lackey spot. Kerry’s whole campaign was run on the idea that he could better carry out the state’s acts of terrorism, both domestically and internationally, better than Bush, and fool more people, both in the US and the international community, into supporting the crimes of the US state empire. While many complain that Bush stole the election again, true lovers of freedom and the free market realize that all elections are stolen. Even if all votes are honestly counted so that vote fraud is not a factor, the results are still fraudulent in that they give the state an authority and power over individuals that each individual did not grant or agree to. Voting is just another form of collectivism that destroys individuality and freedom. Hopefully, with the fiasco of untraceable electronic voting, more people will see that the state has no legitimacy, and that the solution is not voting reform, but the destruction of the fraud known as the state. Many complain about how almost 60 million Americans could be so stupid as to vote for Bush. Aside from the fact that it is impossible to know how many actually voted for Bush because of the widespread possibility of untraceable voter fraud, the real issue is how over 115 million American could be so stupid as to vote for either Bush or Kerry. That people flocked to support either yes man for the state is the real tragedy. The only voting people should participate in is the Vote to Impeach. Some seem to have forgotten – The State is the Enemy Unfortunately, many of those who should be at the forefront of leading the battle against the state have succumbed to unwittingly supporting the state. Though they claim to be anti-state, anti-war, and pro-market, they have openly published articles supporting the election of Bush or Kerry, Democrats versus Republicans, liberal versus conservative. Some even openly support the state wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , and the state war on terror (truly a misnomer – state war of terror is more appropriate). Many seem to have forgotten that Leviathan is a two-headed monster. No matter what you label one head, such as Bush, Republicans, or conservatives, and whatever label you give to the other head, such as Kerry, Democrats, or liberals, by supporting one over the other, you are inadvertently supporting the state. Now that the mass hysteria of the state breeding season--otherwise known as the national elections—is over, hopefully more freedom-loving people will see the error of their ways and get back to opposing the state in all its manifestations. What is laughable is the notion, advanced by some libertarian pundits, that promotes the idea that Democrats and liberals make better libertarians than Republicans or conservatives. This collectivist claptrap thinking is completely erroneous. What makes an individual person suited for being a champion of freedom and the free market is their own personal conviction on these matters, not some label others may attach to them. Ron Paul, congressman from Texas , with his Project Freedom website, is a perfect example of that. Maybe libertarians need to consider this quote from L. Neil Smith on “Who is a libertarian?”: "A libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians, regardless of what they may claim." (bold emphasis mine). Many libertarians now long for what they mistakenly call the golden age of Clinton . Just four years ago, these same people were hailing the selection of Bush as being the savior from the Clinton regime. I guess these libertarians forget that the Clintonistas waged wars of aggression, but with international backing (NATO and the UN), and with the help of UN sanctions, are responsible for more deaths than the Bush regime. Of course the Bush regime is now trying to surpass the Clintons in their slaughter of innocents, and is now actively carrying out the policy endorsed by Kerry of flattening Fallujah. And for those who still are not convinced by this democratic bipartisan support for war crimes, but prefer a Democrat over a Republican to do the murdering and stealing for the state, remember this – the stage is now set for the return of the Billary beast four years from now, if Bush and his criminal gang don’t destroy the empire before then. Conclusion – The State is the Enemy The state is the enemy. It always has been, and it will always be public enemy number one. Freedom-loving people need to remember this and always stress this point. By emphasizing partisan politics and meaningless labels, we only confuse the issue. We do not need to help the state propaganda machine, the mainstream media, by doing their job for them, to distract people from the real problem--the state. One would have hoped, with the open criminality of the Bush administration, and its almost total bipartisan support, that most people would become aware of the danger of the state. Instead, people who should know better have been sucked into supporting partisan politics. Whichever pied piper is selected to lead the state, it will always result in going further down the highway to hell. It is time to do away with all foolish partisan politics and recognize the true enemy--the state. November 11, 2004 The two party system is a divide and conquer control system, left v. right, dem v. rep, lib v. cons, while the two sides get bogged down fighting each other, the united minority, the elitists running the state, slip their agenda by the people. Time to wake up. “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  24. I’m Free Because I Voted, Right? by Jacob G. Hornberger In the wake of his reelection, President Bush has announced that he remains committed to bringing democracy to the Middle East, which includes the indefinite military occupation of Iraq. In the president’s mind – indeed, in the minds of most public officials in America – democracy is freedom. So, given that I voted in the recent election, that makes me free, right? Let’s see. Government officials have the power to take away my income by simply raising the percentage of tax take to whatever extent they wish. So they have the power to destroy me by the unlimited power to tax me. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials will put me in jail if I ingest substances that harm my health. Okay, not just any harmful substances – such as alcohol and tobacco – but certainly harmful substances that our public officials don’t approve of. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials force me to subject my children to a government-approved education. Or they force me to pay for the government-approved schooling of other people’s children. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials confiscate my wealth simply by debasing the currency by printing lots of it to finance out-of-control government expenditures. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials regulate my economic activities with other people. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials will punish me for traveling to non-approved countries. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials will punish me if I hire an undocumented worker or even permit him to spend the night in my home. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials will punish me for buying, selling, or trading with unapproved people overseas. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials will punish me for engaging in an occupation or business without official permission in the form of a government license or permit. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials force me to be good, caring, and compassionate by confiscating my money in order to give it to other people. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials will take my home away from me if I don’t make tax payments to them. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials will deny me right to counsel, due process of law, and habeas corpus by simply labeling me an “enemy combatant” before executing me. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials start wars on the declaration of only one person, our ruler. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials can seize me against my will and force me to work for them and even send me thousands of miles away to die for them. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? Government officials can prohibit me from owning assault weapons and other means of self-defense. Just like in North Korea. But I’m free because I voted, right? The great German thinker Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote, “None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.” I wonder what he meant by that. I’m free because I voted, right? November 10, 2004 Jacob Hornberger [send him mail] is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless
  25. Not sure that this was his "solution", but why would it be far worse? Of course this goes on elsewhere, but I would have to disagree that it is FAR worse in many other countries. The beauty of all the propaganda, and disception in the U.S. is that it goes on without most people knowing or understanding it. PEACE “…because I hope you know this, I think you do…all governments are lying cocksuckers.” Bill Hicks, Relentless