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Everything posted by bseriesboosted

  1. Like who would be "offended"? bring it on Nanner! pops your severe overuse of those faces makes me question your who am i to talk about sanity eh oh well... see you guys @ the boogie... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  2. You can't go to Bridge Day.Thats the same weekend as the Mountain Boogie spence i'm also goin to bridge day.. i think you should move the mountain boogie back one weekend....
  3. yes i have seen several more flying around after lee and i got ours Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  4. Thats great... its going to be cool to have a rigger on site all the time... hey mike got time for a repack? my freebag should be here next week Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  5. Thanks alot man they look great I really like this one Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  6. i ran the lines up very fast and failed to untwist them I think this is what caused the knot. I also left out some of the flacking and left the lines very loose while putting the canopy in the d-bag and while stowing the lines. I think a combination of those things is what caused it.... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  7. Please don't rush packing to make the next load! This past weekend i was at the farm at the all you can jump boogie. I had been landing packing as fast as possible and going back up all weekend. On my 11th jump of the weekend i landed and made a 10min call actually probably less. I was careless and fast leaving out many steps in my packjob to make the next load. I done a hop&pop from 5k and opened around 4000. as soon as i opened up i was turning hard to the right. i had a toggle release a couple loads before that and it done about the same thing. so i just grabbed the toggles and then it got faster looking up i see that my slider is stuck about 3/4 of the way up on the right side pulling the nose of the canopy down and making me dive and spin. I tried to make the slider come down by pulling rears,toggles even fronts i tried everything i could think of and nothing was helping. By this time i'm burning below 2000 at 1800 i perform my ep's and land safely under my reserve. so please learn from my mistake and don't rush packing to make a load. its better to miss one load than to never see another one... btw yes it was my first reserve ride and yes i owe alot of beer... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  8. You know the crash dummy will be back... anyone have a thunderbow laying around Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  9. Just learn to pack properly thats to much I know it was my fault for rushing it won't happen again... hopefully Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  10. 13 jumps.... first cutaway tons of beer owed Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  11. Yea man i'm happy it went as well as it did... but hopefully i can round up a freebag and handle before the boogie... actually i think I may buy an extra to keep around... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  12. yea and i'm dirt broke somone wanna start a collection for a new freebag... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  13. That sounds like a cool idea... build me a ramp clear me a path and i'll go for it... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  14. lee has no need for your guy friend he has a couple boxes of toys for that..... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  15. I guess i can make it because its only like 30 min from my house lol... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  16. Uh, oh....sounds ominous.....ahhh, it'll probably just turn out to be another one of those kick-ass stunts he always pulls off to the grateful glee of the farmers. What??? Tractor surfing? pops I aim to please. putting my life on the line day in day out to entertain you folks is the least i can do btw i'm open for suggestions this one has to top the parasailing lol Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  17. you can get a mount to put it on your chest or leg straps or one to go ont the ring cover... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  18. mark i'm not arguing with you on this... in my opinion people with less than 30 jumps should not be on a 12 or bigger way... they should get practice 2 or 3 way tracking dives first lots less to worry about..... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  19. thats funny there pruitt.. i think you have things backwards. considering you have never been on a tracking dive with me then i dont know where your getting your logic from.. challange? no, im not challanging you, and if you want to go flat and fast then you organise a tracking dive and lead it. i will be right there on top of you, underneath you, on your side while i orbit you when your going flat and fast. not because of it being a challange, it just seems like it would be fun, and may look cool on video also. but pruitt, what are you going to be doing about the lower jump number peeps? you going to leave them behind? or just not invite them on your dive?... if you want to learn how to track or maybe increse your skill level them lets go play, but im not into a challange. maybee we could both track on our backs, on forward and one backwards and put up a challenge to skinny!.. see if we can go faerther and faster than him!.. if you dont want to get on a sunrise tracking dive with me, then dont. and if you have a negative attitude i wont bring you along anyways. you guys have fun at this boogie, i will be at the coast. i might be back for sun. morning, but still not sure yet. yes i have tracked with you before and yes i know how you led the dive... and none of the lower jumpers have been left out of the other jumps and you are the one who said challenge first lol whatever have fun at the comp btw. i don't have a bad attitude about it i was just stating that you were flying in more of an atmonauti than a true track in my opinion, but i'm a non skilled low timer what do i know... but how are the younger jumpers going to learn to flat track if they don't to tracking jumps that are flat.... just my 0.02 sorry if i pissed you off lol no need to preach Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  20. maybe he will lead a tracking dive not an atmonauti dive. I'm not tracking with you agian untill you lead one flat and fast.... then go track with woody jr! im not trying to impress, just there so peeps can have fun. now pruitt! if you want to have a contest, let me know, ' i will be impressed if you can track flatter and farther than me.(didnt say you couldnt) just it would impress me. leave the wingsuit behind. and if you cant out track me, then i would be happy to teach you how to. its funny to me that more people make it into the formation on one of chukie's tracks than on yours lets do it what do you wanna wager.... jump ticket all your electronics what.... I'm cool with whatever Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  21. i'll go for that challenge.... who know's maybe i can beat you... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  22. maybe he will lead a tracking dive not an atmonauti dive. I'm not tracking with you agian untill you lead one flat and fast.... Pruitt Skydive The Farm
  23. ok whatever hey pops you need to get ahold of a thunderbow so i can go parasailing agian lol that was fun... your old school i'm sure you got connections Pruitt Skydive The Farm