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Everything posted by TheMannequin

  1. Witbank Skydiving Club...about 130Km East of Pretoria, South Africa. Blue skies!
  2. The best student DZ in SA! With the subsidizing they do for students who are club members on the ISP and CAT II programmes, this DZ know's how to breed the best! Friendly people, good weather, massive landing area, two planes (C206t and C205) and lots of up and comming young skydivers, that strive to put what they have learnt, back into skydiving, this is a great DZ to jump at!!
  3. I jump a ZPexe 170 and have learned that if you keep slight pressure on the toggles, it can handle the worst of turbulance!! I learnt it the hard way, with the canopy also collapsing at ~150ft on finals. And your canopy until you are standing still on the ground... Blue skies!
  4. Have done it..on my 100th, in our winter! And wouldn't mind doing it again! Blue skies!
  5. My exit weight is also just over 170 lbs. and when I first started with formation, my avg was also in the 105 -110mph range (according to Neptune). After some jumps with about 20lbs of weight, i started to need less and less.... I just learned to fall faster, and alot of people have told me they started the same... you will get more range eventually. Good luck Blue skies!
  6. yep... not to bad actually, wouldn't mind doing it 'gain Blue skies!
  7. yes, for my 100th... just a week ago! it's winter here in SA, so it was a bit small... i mean cold at altitude it was actually an amazing jump...the first few seconds was a bit unstable, but then you get everything in the right place Blue skies!
  8. I just got my new ZP.exe 170... gotabout 12 jumps on it now. I have had 2 or 3 long spots with it, and got back closer than a guy on a Hornet190 that was open above me! When i opened and saw how far, I grabbed rears and got home nicely... And it's not as difficult to pack as a New old ZP.... the turbulance... learnt my lesson quickly, you just have to keep some toggle pressure on.... then it handles turbulance ok. I left my toggles alone the first time I jumped it in strong(ish) winds, and it almost collapsed at about 100ft!!! keep slight toggle pressure (fly it the whole time) and it's fine. Blue skies!
  9. Be glad!!! I got mine for $330.... (R2000) and that's cheapest over here!! Blue skies!
  10. Nope, running XP Pro SP2, with a USB IrDA device.... just make sure the "receive files via infrared' is turned off... Blue skies!
  11. PC Gaming, although it's not THAT big here, I just started winning some bucks from it.... but it was so worth it! and savings! Blue skies!
  12. Nice to know... but I did see in the manual, where they show the voltage graph, it will be constant most of it's live, and then just die!! Thanx for the heads up... luckilly mine has still some ways to go before getting close to that number of jumps..... Blue skies!
  13. Welcome one-and-all to my first post! (of many I hope) Been reading the forums for awhile now, and I must say it's *very* informative.... with the occasional slap fest (but that's normal) Completed my static-line progression route a few weeks back, can get my A, but need to learn to pack.... oneday! anyhow, me home DZ is at WSC, South Africa (only one I jumped sofar ;-( ) cheerz Blue skies!