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Everything posted by TheOtherPacker

  1. There's skysurfing on the History channel right now if anyones interested.
  2. Holy**** I've never heard so many mother****** bleeps in While You Were Out before...............not that I ever watch it...
  3. I've seen that happen once before on a tandem (one sided step through). The TI brought back some linetwisted, stepthroughed, drogue woven in and out of the only 3 cells able to be identified canopy, and the packer had to chop it in order to sort everything out. He everntually cleared it but must have flipped one of the risers through itself, creating a one sided step through. The main opened, flew fine, and was fixed upon landing.
  4. So did anyone else catch the Patriots coach head over to the Eagles sideline after the coin toss? That must have been a long walk back.
  5. Quiznos would have done better sticking with the rat/monkey thing.....talking babys freak me out.
  6. I see that most other packers charge a buck more because they dislike the larger canopies. That leads me to ask this question......are there any of you out there that are like me and prefer packing larger canopies over those nasty little napkins? The only reason I think I enjoy the larger canopies is because I'm more comfortable with them. Working at a tandem based DZ I pack Vectors all day and would much sooner pack them or student canopies over the video guys rigs. So.....anyone?
  7. Come on now people, "When you gotta shoot, shoot. Don't talk." (It's a classic)
  8. Wish I had known there were other'rs hanging around on Friday. Oh well, IMG_7050 is a beautiful shot of my boss slipping onto his ass after his run at the pond. Thanks!
  9. Yeah. I turn 18 in August so I have a bit of a wait. It's awsome to be around the sport while I wait though.
  10. Hey there everyone. Been lurking long enough so I figured it's time for a post. I'm a packer here in Jersey and have another year to go before I can finally start jumping on my own Already know what I want in my rig and everything. Also had 5 minutes in the tunnel when I visited Orlando but that just doesn't cut it. I can't wait to jump!!!!!