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Everything posted by drjump

  1. Try keeping your head lower. Also try duct tape.
  2. If the packing rigger is worried about 'someone else' tightening the closing loop what is keeping him from putting a seal on the little opening of the pilot chute cap?
  3. Needs a hard helmet to be Really cool. Otherwise-Yes.
  4. NOPE--Just jump out of airplanes and get a good canopy over your head in time to slow your rate of decent prior to impacting something solid. Now, two zipper jump suits are cool.
  5. Ripcord4 is right! Start at the top of the rubber bands and work towards the mouth of the sleeve. Don't forget to stow the crown lines and sleeve retainer line in the rubber bands at the top of the sleeve. This whole proceedure should not take more than two beers!!!!!!!LOL
  6. Drive a stake in the ground to attach the crown lines to. Have someone, a good looking female Wuffo is the best choice, stand between the risers, lift the H&C up around their waist and lean back, i.e. "hold tension". Run a 4-line check, flake all the gores to one side, pull the deployment sleeve down over the flaked canopy and gently lie the canopy on the ground. Close the tounge of the sleeve, stow the suspension lines, fold sleeved canopy into container, collapse the pilot chute spring, close the container, and insert the ripcord pins into the cones. Attach the pack opening bands, close the pin protector flap and go jump.
  7. Patrick Terry, Cleburn, TX.-817-240-4314 is the owner of the Southern Cross. He told me that she should be back in the sky this spring (2008).
  8. drjump

    Laser 7

    Pack it up as a 'main' and jump it--pull high! And,just it case, practice cut-a-ways before.
  10. N13477 is a 1933 Stinson Jr.-Sr. Reliant, powered by a Lycoming R680 radial engine. The small "cargo" door on the right side, aft of the wing was held open with a rod that we used to put a nail through! I'm like HW with a lot of jumps out of that bird in Norfolk, MA. in the late 60's.--Doc
  11. When it comes to protection BELL helmets offer the best coverage!!!!! They used to be cool.
  12. Mick--Can you tell us the outcome of the law suit?
  13. I could not make the "attachment" attach.
  14. We've got a 'new' jump ship here in Texas!
  15. Hausse--Was somthing omitted/missing from the original package to aid in the mounting?
  16. That would be a great photo for "What is this Plane". I guess my computer program is a old as my log book!
  17. Behind Kevin to the left looks like Mike Neidigh ( with the thin beard) and facing Mike looks like Phill Jones. On second look it is Stan Jones, Phill's brother, maybe!
  18. Question---Do your leg straps, on this rig, loosen on opening?