Hi DGuy,
I can only agree with all the other posters, I think Lillo and all at the FFU are great. I done my AFF with FFU back in September and have been back to Lillo twice since then, most recently a couple of weeks ago to do some fun jumps and start training for the FS1.
Location wise it has been really useful for me as I don’t drive and getting to most DZ’s is a problem, there it is only a 15 minute walk from the accommodation in the town. The student landing area is huge and very soft which is very useful for those first few early flare PLF landings
For me the best recommendation is the fact that when I have been there there are always old FFU students back for more jumping so they must be doing something right. What time of year are you thinking of going? If you have the opportunity do yourself a favour and do it at the beginning of the season so you have the whole summer to jump, I wish I had, I am not a fan of being outside when it is freezing brass monkeys. I will be back there March time to get my FS1 maybe catch you then.
Blue skies,
Darren Vincent