Recently bought a 24inch ZP Cazar Pilot-Chute for a Cobalt 135. I have been experiencing some hesitation (Around 2 Seconds) with it pulling the pin on my contatiner. That is atleast what we can figure from watching a somewhat decent video of the opening. Any buddy ever experience this before? Any Ideas on what I may be doing wrong, or that I could do differently. I know there will be a lot of usual questions at first so I wll try to cover them here.
Yes the pilot chute has been checked and re-checked to make sure it is fully cocked.
Yes this is the exact pilot-chute that Atair has recommended for this canopy.
Yes I have read the tech sheet on 2 stage openings, thats not it, once the pin is pulled theres no problem.
Yes I have contacted Javelin & they simply said that my odyssey is not designed to be use with any other pilot-chute than the one that comes with the rig or there replacement. Boy am I hoping that is not true!
I have a J2k Oddysey that used to have a Spectre 170 packed in it. Now a cobalt 135 & a PD 160 Reserve. Treat life the way you would like it to treat you.