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Everything posted by Clite

  1. I don't ride motorcycles. But my daughter's softball team is sponsored by Martin Brothers. I find it strange that my daughter has a reason to wear their stuff and she isn't even old enough to operate a chopper. I am just glad its not the Hells Angels or Outlaws.
  2. Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra is one of my favorite.
  3. That's funny. I always wondered how some people can jump with loose shoe laces and not lose a shoe. Now I know they do lose them sometimes. It was good to see you there at Caddo Mills. Maybe next time I will get to jump with you. Gotta go put an extra pair of shoes in my car now.
  4. My was a multi-color Pegasus and I sometimes jumped my Dad's Cruiselite. I still jump the Cruiselite sometimes and still have the Pegasus. I have stood up all landings so far and I weight 210 lbs. Now my knees pop all the time thou.Since I have resumed jumping I have picked up a Sabre 190 on my limited budget, and love the landings now.
  5. I agree with Billy. Try to get as much of the class material in paper for reading ahead of the class and during the class. This helps me in any classroom setting so I don't spend as much time and energy trying to figure out what the instructer just said, especially with the new terminology you might come across in skydiving. Don't let them assume you understood them, if you have questions, ask. The typist idea is good too. Try to find a cute one
  6. It's my wedding anniversery and my wife doesn't jump. So today is our day together. Besides it is too windy to jump anyhow.
  7. ***A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola, or pop.... It's a Coke regardless of brand or flavor*** I grew up in Texas and used to all those things that makes us Texan. I moved to Michigan for a few years and got married and had kids. After my oldest was about 3 yrs old we visited Texas and my family. They asked my daughter if she wanted coke and she always said no everytime. Finally someone from Chicago caught on and asked her if she wanted pop. She said yes and pointed to the Sprite. I hadn't done my job and raised her right, but have since moved everyone back to Texas and trying to fix that.
  8. Sounds like ya'll had fun. Sucks being broke and responsible.I am going to have to meet ya'll sometimes and have my turn getting John drunk. Anyone going to the Skyfest boogie? I am going to try and make that one.
  9. Is that the one with the lady landing in the cornfield? I would love to see both of those videos again. Dad had all of his videos stolen when his house was robbed.
  10. I remember that video. It was made at the cafe in Aero Country in Mckinney they had a cafe there they did it in. The jumps were done in Spaceland. I haven't seen that video in a long time. I remember my dad telling me they were trying to get MTV to play it( don't know if it did though). I would like to see that again.
  11. I have taught some ASL to all three of my kids. They pick up on it really quick. I had read somewhere that kid more adaptive to language then adults so the earlier you expose them to other lanuage the easier it is for them to learn it. My kids have also picked up on french and spanish. It is fun to see them get exited when they learn a new word and start using it. Now I just gotta find a lanuage they will mind me in
  12. Dang so close , yet so far. I just found out spaceland had rides on their otter to the boogie. Maybe next time. Look forward to seeing everyone at DWR. Hose one down for those of us not there
  13. Clite


    whohoo! I am excited to see this. I must have read the books a hundred times(okay about 8 times). I never saw the series so I cannot comment on them. Hopefully the movies stays true to the books. I guess I will have to reread the book again since I did not reconize all the scenes in the preview. Whoohoo off to the books.
  14. I have severe to profound loss( severe right borderline severe left). I was not diagonsed until I was 2. It is good you know at a early age so progress can be made. Hearing aids can do wonders nowdays and then there is cochler inplants, I don't know much about them. Some people can be very verbal and others may communicate thru ASL (American Sign Lanuage)only. Like Mike said deafness is nothing to be ashamed of, it is a culture of its own with many sucessful, fun people. Give him lots of love and do not let people say he can't do something because he is deaf.
  15. Add me to the list. I am making a serious effort to make it. Wes
  16. I have a webcam but have never used it. I never thought about using it like that. Is the video stream smooth enough to use for ASL or is it jumpy?
  17. . Actually the shocking thing could work for everybody in RW. Imagine in a round when one shocking altimeter goes off and everyone touching that person felt it. I imagine everyone would definetly let go and track
  18. That looks like something useful. If anyone gets a chance to try it , let the rest of us know how it works. Also someone mentioned an altimeter that vibrates, does anyone know about this. Would it be useful? I kinda have my doubts, there is alot of movement done by skydivers and I feel that a little vibration could easily be missed at around pull time. How do others feel about that?
  19. Hey, does anything change now that Lake Wales is owned by someone else? I need to set my dates so I can make it. Let me know if things changes. I am looking forward to it.
  20. I agree with WFFC. I had this very same problem and none of the spyware program are effective. The problem is the spyware will get the majority of the worm off but is always unable to fix every aspect of it. Therefore the worm will rewrite itself onto the hard drive. The best stragety is to wipe the hard drive clean, reload all your programs and protect yourself with updated software, firewalls and virus protection. It is a real bitch and I hope someone comes up with a way to track these worm writers down and prosecute them. Good luck.
  21. I saw that in another thread( cannot remember which forum it was in). I agree with the response in that thread about the unit being too bulky to use safely in a jump due to all the snag/bump potential. I would definetly be interested when it is small enough to fit inside a helmet. It is a step in the right direction.
  22. I am not an instructor or staff member at a drop zone,(so don't flame me, this is just a suggestion
  23. Awsome! I checked his website Sunday and they did not have it updated from friday( musta been too busy celebrating his return). Glad to hear he completed it. Wesley
  24. My dad, yes . My mom was definately not. My Dad used to take me to the drop zone every weekend I was with him ( they were divorced) he also rides Harleys and used to play Ice hockey, inline hockey, and soccer. He also is a pilot and has done Base. He'll try just about anything he thinks might be fun. My mom won't even get on a bike. So I musta got it all from him since I have done just about everything he has done.
  25. Caddo Mills has paved runways and is located about 30-40mi northeast of Dallas on I-30. It usually only operates on Sat. with 2 182s