I am a HOH jumper and had an unusual first jump experience. When it came time to do the jump we knew we had a problem because I couldn't hear the radio as well as they liked. We went over the landing pattern for that day (factoring in wind and landmarks, etc.). I thought I had it understood well enough and we put the radio on and began the jump that way in case I could hear it afterall under canopy. The AFF freefall went well, I opened canopy and began looking around and found out I had very little confidence about the canopy flight(it was my first canopy ride ever)and I definately could not hear the radio at all. The jumpmaster had expected this, and had a large canopy just for this jump. He managed to slow his decent and and get along side of me and had me literaly follow him back to the DZ. I don't recomend this method since it provides alot of difficulties on the jumpmater and student. I wish we had done the signals on the ground also. The best training I got was the extensive coverage of DZ landmarks on the ground and on the way up to altitude with referance to what to do at the different heights of the canopy ride down.