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  1. hommeobus

    BASE catapult

    Right! We measured some 4.5 G for some 40 meters. They apply perpendicular to the body, and don't drain the brain dry.
  2. Thanks, I am already talking to those guys.... Let's see what come out of it.... Good jumps!!!!!!!!!! jm
  3. Quote Well well.... That is the question...... I was so focused into making it happen that I just don't know what to do next......... Anybody with practical ideas or contacts......?
  4. yeah, sorry for the dance, but I was freezing, waiting for a friend in a tandem parapente to take off to film me going up at him.....
  5. where and when did you see it in English??????
  6. I am the same Jean Marc, from Empuria and Tignes. The catapult is not bungee operated, but uses a giant conterweight instead. The G force is 4.5 to 5 G all the way up, and is easily bearable because of the lying down position. No browning at all, just PURE FUN!!!!!!
  7. Hi Fido! Yes I started skydiving 35 years ago and dropped out, it was no fun at this time, very military and so on. Started all over again, skydiving and BASE, just for this catapult jump. jm
  8. I did. I will fly my catapult for the first time in public on January 10, at Tignes Airwaves festival