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  1. Man you guys are are being way too sensitive about your weight!! What I was trying to say was that is would be much easier to drop down to 220 lbs than to have to buy gear or have travel across country for training.
  2. Maybe try exercising and going on a diet? Unless you are 6'10" there is really no reason to weigh 250 lbs.
  3. You are not going to beat either a Skyhook or a normal RSL. You should always follow all the way through your emergency procedures. You can always stuff the handles down your jump suit.
  4. I use and practice one hand on each handle now after my only cut away back in 1998 under a pretty heavily loaded Stiletto I use two hands. It was the time that there where issues with soft cable housing and hard cut aways, I think I remember someone riding in a malfunction because they could not cut away that year. Anyways I remember going to chop my spinning malfunction, had hands on both handles then the thought of a hard cut away raced through my mind and chopped with two hands while looking at the reserve handle. My RSL had my reserve deploying while I was pulling the reserve handle.
  5. One of the biggest mistakes made by new jumpers landing canopies is that they tend to look down at the ground during landing and not out at the horizon in front of them.
  6. Do not push the nose into the pack job or pull the slider out over the nose. You may also want to call PD and look into getting a smaller slider. I did this for a stilletto I used to own and would use the smaller slider in the winter and large one in the summer.
  7. You know I have the greatest idea on a new deployment system that that I have been brain storming about for the last few months that would almost eliminate horseshoe malfunctions or early deployment and was going to share it here today. But as I was typing I said shit why not patent it first and see if I can get a container mfgs to bite$$$! Anyone got any advice on the design patent process? I have a shit load of attorney firms that I do computer work for so I am going to hit them up.
  8. You know I look at HMA lines as something to wait a few years and see what happens with them and how they perform in the real world. As far as the Synergy goes its just an Icarus Omega and another canopy design that PA has stolen from Icarus. If your looking for a tapered 7 cell stick with the PD Spectra much better canopy with lines that have been in use for over 15 years now.
  9. Ya make sure you don’t' wear boxer underwear to the DZ :), break out the tight bikini underwear that will hold those nads in place :). "I didn't see. "Make sure one of your nuts are not under one of the leg straps". This is very important. It happened to a guy at our dropzone and put him out for about a month." William
  10. Best way to pack a Hornet is standard pro pack, roll the nose 4 and 4, push the nose into the pack job, clover leaf the slider and pull the front of the slider out over the nose. Do this and it will open sweet every time.
  11. What the hell where you doing dumping that low?
  12. "not that i am endorsing it but i have more than a few rides on a pd 113 @ 76# over the placard (i also jump an atair 110 german tso)...btw, no i am not stupid. happens that this particular canopy has been tested to a much higher limit than the placard (do not count on this being the case for every reserve!!!!). no plf's ever, flies and is much bigger than my main (flies like a specter)." Dan how comfortable would you be landing that 113 with out flaring it?
  13. I think slinks on reserves are a bad idea, just to much room for error and really get no benefit from having them on there in the first place. I came close to putting one on wrong on my main but caught my self, then went through and checked them all about three more times. :)
  14. Kick them when their down George, and then steal their product line. Won't see me buying and Precision Aerodynamics anytime soon. Be really funny if it does turn out the Precision Aerodynamics was making these canopies out of tolerance.
  15. Well I guess you have never seen Airspeed in action or watched and serious team in action. Its amazing sticking your head out the door and watching Airspeed pull off three points in the first five seconds of the dive, this includes pieces and flying over one another. If you’re watching you weekend leisure jumper round up a 4 way for a fun jump, it’s easy to come these conclusions, because most of them are out having fun and could care less if they pull off 20 points.