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    Cypres 2

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    Green Bay Skydivers
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  1. Oh, my bad. I thought this was, not
  2. Yeah, they're called Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.
  3. I used nicotine gum when I quit. Helped a lot. Just don't expect quite the same relief as you'd get from a cigarette. The best way I can describe my withdrawal symptoms is this way: it was like having to piss REALLY bad, but being told not to go to the bathroom; eventually the sensation will go away. So just imagine walking around with a bladder on the verge of explosion for 6 to 12 weeks... and that's pretty much how I felt.
  4. Heavy Drug and/or Alcohol Use & Its Affect on AFF Instructors - by nerd137 Heavy drug and/or alcohol use preceeding AFF instructions is bad. The End. There's your safety article.
  5. 120 Put it on a credit card. Sheesh. Dolphin? Bleh! That's like choosing between a BMW and a Pontiac Aztek.
  6. I know this doesn't really square with what you said about the cable and housing being all jacked up, but purely based on what I can see in the video, it's almost as though the pin simply slipped out of the closing loop.
  7. Horrible: Awesome:
  8. Five years ago, when I was looking for a dz to do my AFF, I picked Elsinore over Perris almost entirely because of their websites. I felt I was able to get a pretty good idea about each dz's vibe just from the vibe conveyed on their website. Perris's site came across like a Home Depot to Elsinore's Ace Hardware. I honestly can't say what specifically left me with those impressions, but five years later that's pretty much how I feel about both dz's. Not that either website, in my opinion, is a sterling example of superior web design. Elsinore's is totally half baked and Perris's is all beauty and no brains.
  9. Got a tunnel nearby? 15 minutes - with a coach - would in all likelihood forever cure you of flat spin issues.
  10. Something seems..... not quite right here.
  11. Different AAD's have different parameters for firing. It's important to know what combination of freefall speed and altitude causes your specific model to fire. Edit: Whoops! I missed DanG's post before I wrote this. Oh well, I guess I'm like Ed McMahon now.
  12. There's no one "right" answer for this situation. Both have pro's and con's. Sounds like you made the right decision for you. Me neither. Knock on wood.
  13. I damn near started this exact thread after hearing from a friend who was on that load. I haven't thought about this situation in quite a while, but after reading everyone else's responses my personal EP remains unchanged. At 1800', I would go for my main. I know from personal experience that I lose very little altitude on my main when dumping out the door. I would also be much quicker than normal to chop if my main mal'd. (As opposed to trying fix it.) At or below 1500', I'd go for my reserve.