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Everything posted by dploi

  1. Thanks. Now I'm wondering for the average wingsuiter if mylar is worth it ... If you don't want tail flap when pushing the suit a bit, yes.
  2. dploi


    The inlet could be as small as a cigarette burn and the suit would inflate, as proven with the "smoke pants" of a few years ago. They all inflate.
  3. Yeah, 2.0 + a bit may be the recommended optimum wingloading for performance, but it doesn't compromise safety or fun. Echoing what's been said, one should only change type or size when moving up the performance ladder. Once this change of type (crossbraced) is dialed in, then it's time to start moving down sizes until hitting the sweet spot, if that's even a goal here.
  4. Seconding this. I have two copies. :)
  5. Well said. I for one am all about the experience, not the competition. I just plain enjoy the longer dive more. I guess I sort of look at the "roll out"... the bit of a swoop between the dive and the plane out, as the best part -- the roller coaster ride. The Velo feels like a bigger drop.
  6. Yeah, I guess "twitchy" isn't the right word. I really just mean more sensitive. Yes, any highly loaded canopy will react to tiny movements, but a Velo, IMO, is more sensitive than, for example, a same loaded VX.
  7. What Ian said. The Velo flies differently than anything else out there. It flies very fast, very steep, dives forever, and is extremely sensitive to any sort of input. It's a much "twitchier" ride than its counterparts. It requires input pretty much constantly through a HP landing, where as the VX, Xaos 27, etc, tend to "fly themselves" / "turf surf" for a moment a bit after the recovery arc (which is significantly shorter). Also, the Velo's real power lies beyond the 270, whereas the others tend to yield about the same results from 270 and up. It's two totally different styles of flying and it really comes down to what you enjoy and what your canopy progression was. Velocity flight is an acquired taste for sure, and I'd dare say more work to dial in than the other HP canopies on the market, but IMO, the personal reward and satisfaction you get when it finally "clicks" is huge.
  8. Exactly. Very handy for BASE jumps. Though you usually don't even need to get out of the leg wing under a BASE canopy for most landing areas.
  9. Just relax and hop out as if you're going into a pool feet first. Nothing too drastic, just hop a couple feet out (*not up*). The wind will flip you around. Stay symmetrical and *relaxed* the whole way through the rotation. Don't even bother out of a side door aircraft... no point there. Great for a tailgate, though. Note: this advice is aimed towards a first gainer exit.
  10. dploi

    Cloud Porn

    Man, I wish I had photos from the last DeLand trip. 10,000'+ tall clouds, man. The tops were at exit altitude and the bottoms at pull altitude. Thick and fluffy. It was like terrain flying when you got near. Enough space between them for nice views, as well. Cloud coverage is lame. It's all about those sparse big ones that build up in Florida in the Spring. Aw, yeah.
  11. I seriously doubt everything you wrote.
  12. I started jumping when I was 21, and was BASE jumping my wingsuit by just before my 28th birthday. And I've been pretty poor the whole time, though the skydiving itself might have had something to do with that. Once you start jumping, your priorities change. You won't spend money on anything else and it will become more affordable than you realize.
  13. This stuff happens with canopies all the time, too. Jumpers lie about experience to get gear. Not much the manufacturer can do. This is generally where the S&TA or local wingsuiters will say, "you can't jump this until you've dialed in a smaller suit". Like canopies (but in reverse).
  14. Well, if you've pulled off 34 jumps without a canopy, I'd suggest you save some money and keep doing what you're doing.
  15. Oh, and yes, you're canopy is fine for foot launching -- easy even! But you'll definitely want to take it off your skydiving rig and get it onto something that can get dirty.
  16. Lauching from a snowboard is a bitch. Not impossible, but you're better off with little skis or just running -- anything to face forwards. That said, experience with what's attached to your feet, if anything, is only like 5% of what you need to get airborne. Get some training and experience with speedflying first. Also note that ski resorts either don't let speedflyers on their runs, or often times require a USHPA membership and license. Even then, a lot of them are pretty crappy for speedflying as the winds are usually weird with a lot of turbulence and direction changes. All that said -- it's definitely a rewarding goal to work towards!
  17. Mike: "¿Qué pasa?" Not Mike: "¿Qué tal?"
  18. Mike: "Do I have chocolate all over my face?" Not Mike: "I hate you."
  19. Well, you should all do that whatever the outcome. [;P]
  20. Yeah, I have to echo some people here and state that accuracy at speed is definitely a requirement for a lot of ground launching. There are site out there that will let you fly in a straight line and set it down anywhere. But generally, you're taking the landing areas you'd expect on a BASE jump (tiny footpaths, tons of obstacles, really uneven ground) and trying to plant a little skydiving main in there at 30mph. You're best off with a combo of skydiving the hell out of the canopy you use for ground launching, and actually ground launching said canopy down smooth, consistent, obstacle-free slopes. As you develop a feel for speed close to the ground and the effects of your inputs on your canopy, you'll be able to more intuitively navigate more dynamic environments.
  21. Is that the rock named for a shellfish in DC? Love that site...
  22. I don't see the problem. ;) I love foot launching from cliffs. Especially when they're high enough to give you room for some front riser action. But you definitely need to have your kiting and running absolutely dialed before you charge off a cliff with a tiny HP canopy over your head. Really all you need is a place with wind to practice kiting and running. When you get to the point that you can instinctively walk around with a canopy over your head, you can launch pretty much anything.
  23. Oh, I think he thought you were going to jump an actual vampire, like the ones that suck your blood. Yeah, those are just plain deadly. Stick with wingsuits on skydives, but leave your mythical beasts on the ground.