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    Wing Suit Flying
  1. Hi, i am buying a new audible alti. Some people in this forum have said the neptune (2 ?) sometimes misses the beginning of a jump. I am curious what alti's are used and who's works reliably, for logging flight info, as well as beeping...
  2. Does it come in a large fitting ?
  3. Hi, interesting artcile about swits (the bird) http://news.independent.co.uk/environment/wildlife/article2486628.ece Short quote - They swoop to the ground and perform breathtaking displays of aerial acrobatics before soaring to dizzying heights above the clouds. Now scientists believe they know how swifts are able to fly so fast and for so long. A series of experiments with a wind tunnel has shown just how it is possible for a small bird such as a swift to spend so much of its life in the air - eating, sleeping and even mating on the wing. The secret is their ability to change the shape of their wings so that they get the best performance for the smallest amount of energy - scientists call it "wing morphing". ... At night during sleep, swifts have their wings outstretched so that they fly at slower speeds of between 8 and 10 metres per second. At these speeds, swifts fly with maximum efficiency, with more gliding and less flapping to maintain altitude, Dr Lentink said. ... goes on .... i wanna be a swift.... Anyone know where i can get a genetic makeover, and grow some wings.... ?
  4. Depilitated bat A report by Greg Miller in the November 25, 2005 issue of Science magazine (vol. 310. no. 5752, pp. 1260-1) explains that: Because air turbulence can signal that a wing is losing lift, Zook reasoned that the hairs on the Merkel cells might help tell bats when to adjust the angle and curvature of their wings during tight maneuvers to avoid stalling out in midair. "To test this hypothesis, Zook treated two bats with Nair, a depilating cream more commonly applied to the human bikini zone. Then he videotaped the bats in flight. "They flew perfectly well–in a straight line," he says. But when the bats had to make a 90-degree turn to avoid an obstacle, their elevation control was erratic. "Sometimes they hit the ceiling," Zook says. When the hairs grew back, the bats regained their aviation skills…. Other bat researchers are impressed.
  5. (With apologies to the original 'You know you are a Skydiver when...') You know you're a Wingsuit Flyer when - 1 You get out without caring about the spot. 2 You have new admiration for how birds jump off a tree and just glide... 3 You hope for cloudy days 4 Jumping from 6k is a nice long jump. 5 You keep on thinking "i prolly can land this..." 6 You have'nt unhooked the suit from your rig in ages. 7 Openings are exciting again. 8 Whenever you are anywhere high, you catch yourself looking for places to land, wayyyy out there. 9 Ordinary skydives/openings feel weird ! 10 You like chasing the plane 11 David Attenborough's doco on Bats, is just SO facinating ! 12 You think 'One day i will land it'
  6. Hi, anyone with a gps out there - If you are flying, and do a knee bend arms in, then throw arms and legs back out to a full chest high flare, what sort of descent rate and speed does the gps read for that second or 2 in deep flare ?
  7. So landing it is ok, but stopping it must take a while...? Anyway, it makes up for it in keeping you warm in those long, cold winter jumps !
  8. Want one ! Can i get it in Black ?
  9. Hi, the plastic insert, in the left tab cover, has bent with age (4 years) slightly. With the angle that lines deploy, especially with w/s jumps, there is not enough force to pop both tabs equally. I would deploy on heading, and look up to see an already turning main, line twists high up. It would always turn right. (coz the left tab released first) By tucking in the tab under the riser, i get perfect, on heading openings. Not sure if i will replace the tabs or secure them some other way...
  10. i finally figured out why i get spinning openings to the right (a few cutaways). The riser tab cover on my rig opens eaiser on the left than the right. With a mix of being light (55 kg) and a smallish canopy (107), the force from the pc at linestretch is not enough to pop both riser tabs at once. Perhaps another thing to check if you get some wild openings...
  11. Hi, anyone thinking of trying to do a Gayardon, and fly back into the plane ?