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Everything posted by wwarped
What utter gushing rubbish. Let me clarify. I am not defying Carl's wind definition. The objects are. . . . Integrity. I can only assume we've run into problems with the definition here. You've plumped for 'adherence' but i've gone for 'honesty'. you misrepresent my views... as no one has come up with a clean, non-controversial way to classify ALL objects as a "B," "A," "S," or an "E," then I'll see no reason to change the heritage. I don't claim to be a BASEO jumper afterall... since there is so much disagreement, and lack of consensus, claiming "integrity" seems odd. it appears to be a device to raise and elevate you above the masses, to establish your rank in the pack. as I mentioned up board... the key should be the skills and knowledge required to jump a particular object, not how you classify it! have fun, be safe, and land with an ear to ear grin! p.s. as for me, -jumping from the structural steel of a building under construction does NOT feel like a "B." -jumping from a giant tv antenna with an observation platform such as one of the various concrete "needles" or "towers" does NOT feel like an "A." DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
it just seems wrong to accept Carl's vision, Carl's name, blatantly defy his definition, and yet claim you have "integrity." DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
apparently not... sad. "BASE" was defined by Carl B. NickDG reminded us of the original definition. BASE numbers are assigned based on claims, not documented, photographed evidence. it is an honor system. thus people have chosen to redefine "BASE" as they see fit. as an honor system, there seems little point in lawyering it to death... DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
sure. I'll summarize this thread. JT started the thread to congratulate Miles on an impressive feat. many chimed in congratulating Mr. D. you claim Miles is your friend, and congratulated him as well. in the process, you made a snide remark about another jumper. I commented that snide remark detracted from Miles and his accomplishment. you disagreed. so the last bit of this thread is really all about you. it is about your post. it is about your attempt to be cute, or funny, or mean, or whatever. it has precious little to do with Miles and his ironman endurance. it is about you. one poster even tried to get this hijacked discussion back on track, but you ignored that attempt. don't you understand that stealing the limelight detracts from Miles' achievement? that we should be talking about HIM. instead of people applauding Mr. D., you seem to be jumping up and down saying, "me too!" why not let Miles bask in the praise he earned? personally, I'd rather recognize the skill and endurance I'll never match. it's just sad we could NOT keep the focus on Miles... DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
then why do you post so much? it sure looks like you care and that you seek attention. DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
No I dont. o.k., I can offer a reasoned argument of how we each are entitled to our own opinions. you may have a valid one that counters mine. I could point out that members of differing political parties rarely agree on the meaning of certain facts. etc. I'm just not sure you'd understand. let me rephrase... Yes you do! and... and... your mother wears combat boots! DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
basic aerodynamic theory: stick any plank out into the wind, and it will deflect air. the deflected air will impose a force on the object. (think of a rigid newbie just learning to track...) the above is crude, but effective. wings use airfoils, which create pressure differences between the upper and lower surfaces far more efficiently than a plank. they can look like an extended teardrop, or have one flat side (lower surface) and one curved side. aerodynamically, lift is defined as a force generated perpendicular to the relative wind. the most significant pressure differences between the upper and lower surfaces occur in the thick, first half of the airfoil. so, enhance this region and you'll have the greatest impact on generating lift. so how does this apply to jumping? well, in basic belly flying, jumpers are basically planks. in freeflying, jumpers can act more like airfoils. thus the comment "don't arch" (it can create sidemays movement) and the atmomauti style of jumping. while tracking, most jumpers continue to act as a plank to achieve horizontal separation. they angle their bodies to be head low and thus drop at an angle. but if a tracker adjusts the shape of their body to resemble an airfoil as much as possible, they can generate additional lift. this lift acts 90 degrees to the relative wind. I have felt a force like a rope attached to my lower back just lifting me. this angled force will not only hold you up in the sky, but pull you horizontally. on big-ways, I specialize in base work. I'm built for that. but using this technique, I can track quite well. I actually must make ensure I don't track too well... wingsuits use wings to add usable surface area to create more lift. at first, they looked like wings while a jumpers body resembled a fuselage. as wingsuits develop, the goal remains to make the entire body an airfoil. this would create the most lift. aviation buffs will recognize the term lifting body. the norgies recognize that the first half of the airfoil generates the most lift. thus a smooth curve around the rig means more than a leg wing. (and if the rig distrupts the airflow, the leg wing will not reach it's potential...) also, legwings and armwings can interfere with accessing sites for BASE jumping. think of climbing a ladder wearing a fancy wingsuit... by focusing on the rig, BASE jumpers can gain the benefits of lift while maintaining a full range of motion. yes, I have simplified some of the concepts. others with extensive wingsuit flying can add more. hopefully this helps! DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
what is your true intention? to insult or compliment? you detract from and cheapen Miles D's accomplishments with such comments. I'm surprised that a energetic, positive guy like Miles would appreciate such "support." DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
it's called "facilitating." the government safety net encourages some to act more recklessly. many already avoid working because it would not pay enough to leave government assistance. many in the US are constantly trying to "rig" the system. they'll spend much more energy avoiding some rule than just going along with it... now, do not take my comments as a enthusiastic endorsement of the current medical system in the US. it is incredibly flawed. I just disagree with where people look for answers - to others. I've seen seriously obese people suffer heart attacks, and then complain that the doctors failed to return them to perfect health. no system will work until people take advantage of the simple ways to assume responsibility. i.e. Tom's umbella insurance policy or the $5 tracking device for those guys up on Mt Hood... cultures that encourage responsible behavior are far better candidates for enhanced social services. DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
well, of course there is an outcry! that story was all over the news for DAYS. the press sought to stir up the public. they effectively created the issue. people who fail while knowingly push the fringes should not get that much press. afterall, isn't a high failure rate expected? as for the rescue expense, a line must be drawn somewhere. if not, why buy car insurance? it is only a question of where. someone must determine if it is reckless or inspiring... DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
no I haven't. I HAVE read numerous tirades with which I disagree. BASE_RIGGER presented himself as highly confrontational and not particularly flexible. his posts oozed an anger and hostility. sure his face-to-face persona might be quite different. sure he might be making it all up for a laugh. sure he might help others with solid advice. but even if the above are true, how do you know which persona will greet you? which is the real social mask? how can I trust that he has MY best interests at heart? DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
northern california? home to San Francisco? hmmm... care to re-phrase the question?
I'm in the area for a few days and a few possible spots have caught my eye... anyone want to jump? offer advice? thanks! DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
unless there is a bust potential, why rush? heck, I climb slow, and thus bail on climbs BEFORE reaching the top. pausing and assessing should add to situational awareness. I prefer to sensing the wind at multiple levels than watch a wind drift... pausing also lets a jumper see what the ground looks like at different heights. why focus all your energy on the climb if the purpose is to jump? bragging rights? I suggest jumpers save "sprints" for objects they know quite well. DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
you might try to find a B, A, or S. I understand security there is quite lax. on the 25th, especially, everyone just parties! [edited to add] p.s. I'd stay off the mountain. if things go wrong, I doubt the whos will be in any shape to resue you. your options would be self rescue or a grouchy old dude. that guy is always in a foul mood at that time of year... DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
congratulations! kudos to Magot for extending the hospitality. glad to hear that tradition lives on. DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
why do the people who dis-approve of Tom continue to post here? what purpose does it serve, aside from harrassment? (or is it simply harrassment = humor? if that's it, then you resemble kids who continually poke a dog and then whine when bitten.) the internet is a huge place. you are free to set up a competing site, based on the rules you like. it's a sad commentary if sniping at others is the best use of your life... the thought of Tom moderating this forum seems to rule your existance here. why do you cede such power to another? you seem to log-on only to vent disapproval. I find it amazing. BASE requires strength. Intellectual - to plan a jump. Physical - to survive continued jumping. Emotional - to survive the loss of friends. so why do people who can exhibit such strength, show so much weakness by constantly harping? how can people confidently deal with a cliff jump (and a possible 180) act so insecure on the internet? sad we should be better than that! DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
see earlier posts that discuss the skills YOU need to develop. I'm sure once you develop these skills, you will be able to make an intelligent choice. remember, it is YOUR call. DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
dude, that was page one stuff. the thread returned more to topic on page 2. now you are stirring the pot... to what end? I won't defend Tom. Tom has apologized (as you asked). claim your victory. move on. be productive. DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
when manufacturers make stuff they make choices regarding: - materials - cost - strength - durability - reliabilty - availability - ease of use etc. one problem with making things strong and stretch resistant is that the various forces get absorbed by your BODY, not your RIG. that's a good reason to prefer Dacron lines to anything else... DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
should this be added to the "before you post" info? DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
some useful books... - first aid book - map to the local hospitals - YOUR phonebook DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
what he said... I think more energy has already been spent discussing this than would be required to repack it. and I doubt reading opnions on the net will deliver the same warm and fuzzy feeling as actually repacking the rig. DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
I STRONGLY suggest not to BASE jump altogether Dude, if someone wants to push the line then be it who the fuck are any of us to suggest anything to anyone, expecially to people more skilled than we are? whoa... your "use" of logic is amazing... do you not recognize the difference between "advice" and "control." heck, don't you think DW would have advised against the feats he succeeded at? isn't BASE a sport where cautious advice is good advice? on a forum like this, how can anyone determine that only people of superior skill will read the advice given? are we to only let newbies offer advice? Faber said nothing about stopping anyone, just warning against certain actions. personally, your rant degraded the credibility of your advice. then again, you will probably resort to futher insults and profanity to simple say, "I do not care." DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
pretty much, everyone thinks they understand... and that is a good chunk of the problem. until you watch a friend relearning to walk, being hurt but still carrying out a fallen comrade, or self rescue on a solo, do you really know? DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse