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Everything posted by nickh

  1. I ordered a Deepseed freefly suit but got a few of the measurements wrong and it didn't fit in certain places (not their fault). The look of the suit and the quality were excellent, so I sold it on and have just ordered an inverter suit from them
  2. It must be just me then...I've got a viso and an optima. I really want to 'big them up' too, but I've emailed LandB on two separate occasions and received no reply at all.....anybody know where I can get some more of that tacky string stuff SHIT HAPPENS!
  3. Cheers Gary, I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Just gotta jump it now
  4. Had the first in nov 2006 but had to be taken out as it wasn't healing. Had the second in may last year with bone graft, as I lost 11/2"! It's now all healed and the metal is coming out next month. Should be airwothy again soon
  5. I know how you must feel, after three dislocations, had mine fixed end of Jan. Can't jump for six months!! SHIT HAPPENS!
  6. It looks to me like you're you've asked for opinions from other skydivers, but you're not listening to what's being said. This course in Spain probably is as it says, but what happens in the highly possible event that you fail an early level? Your finely tuned budget goes right outta the door then doesn't it ( no pun intended ). I personally had my budget worked out to the pound, went to DeLand, no repeats, finished consols, got A Licence, had a blast, bought gear, and massively overspent. ( i still can't work out where! ) My point is that you ask for advice, take it on-board. You don't have to use it but lots of us have been in very similar situations and have an idea on the subject. Don't be in such a rush, find your nearest dz and go hang about there, talk to people and get as much information as you can. Finally ( sorry to drone on ), skydiving is like having kids, if you worry whether or not you can afford it, you'll never do it ( although having both costs shitloads! ). Just try it and see if you like it! Where are you anyway? Your profile does't say. SHIT HAPPENS!