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  1. No, I do not have all the details. If I did I would not have questions would I. The other student landed a couple miles away and no one found him for four hours. I do not want to be lost for hours and no one find me. The instructor opened high and did not follow the student saying he had a partial malfunction and could not even that his own video did not show any problem. My confidence in the instructor is very low and I have concerns about having to jump with him. If you ask the owner he said, " it happens, don't worry". That response is not adequate for my thinking and trust. I am just a student with concerns. Why am I being attacked for asking instructors for help? I am a lady and will not attack any one but I have questions that are not answered to my satisfaction. To those trying to help thank you. CB2 Ctl-Alt-Delete
  2. Thank you for your reply. I do not believe that looking for some answer is a slam. The owner was there and I believe he is the chief instructor. To clear up my concern and question. The instructor did not tell the student to open higher on the video. The instructor was above the student and went back to the airport. If the instructor was above the student would you follow me down? I have concerns about this and to ask at the airport is to be told it is normal. I work on computers and have to resolve the problem in a logical form. Thank you. CB2 Ctl-Alt-Delete
  3. I am just about to graduate from my training and have not posted because I am a student but this concerns me. Matt a new AFFInstructor lost his student for four hours on what was claimed to be a bad spotting. The student landed a mile from the airport and was lost up to the time a local brought him back. The instructor said he had a partial malfunction that did not allow him to stay with the student after he opened high due to the bad spotting. His video did not indicate any malfunction as I know it. Are you supposed to land with your student? If you have a bad spotting do you not have the student open high first? How can this happen? CB Ctl-Alt-Delete