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  1. my name is scott, and and i am a close friend of everyone in gretchens family, which erich will always be a part of. its kind of stange to feel so involved in all of this, considering that ive never been involved in jumping, and the few number of fortunate times i got to hang out with erich. i guess he is just that kind of guy. max and gretchen, i love you, and im proud to be a part of your family. i was at erich and gretchens place about a week and a half ago, and sat up with him for a few hours talking about the website and the buisness, watching jumps, looking at pics, and showing him some photoshop stuff. he started telling me about the website for maybe 2 minutes, and i was sold on doing some photoshop work, animation, video work, or whatever else i could do to help him get it rolling. i still am. if anyone was working closely with him on that specifically, and would still like to do it, i would be more than happy to help in any way possible. in addition to the website, i am also interested in putting together a dvd. i want to do this, not only for max, gretchen, and erichs family and friends to have something to watch whenever they want, but also to make a kickass jump video and to show anyone interested how great erich was. i have access to erichs video and pics, and would like to use that, as well as any other footage of erich and the crew that anyone else would like to contribute. be it jump footage, or party footage, or random whatever that might work. if you have some video to send me, hit me up at dysfunctional_@hotmail.com, with monkeys or erich or something in the title so i know it isnt some spam crap. good quality digital is better, but even old tapes people have or whatever is cool too. i will work out whatever details involved in how to acquire it, and how to get it back to you if necesary, through the email address listed. tell me how much stuff and what formats you have, and basic contact info - phone, email, whatever. finally, i want to say it was cool to meet all of you guys at gretchens. eric, sam, johnny, robbie, and everyone else that i cant remember. the turnout for the funeral was incredible, and everyone that spoke, and that came out just reinforced not only how much this sucks, but how great a person erich was. sorry about the rant, but this whole thing makes me feel like i need to contribute to something somehow. scott dysfunctional_@hotmail.com