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Everything posted by JaapSuter

  1. [speakers corner]I think at least five million years of human history disagree with you.[/speakers corner]
  2. That's her. Profile here.
  3. JaapSuter

    Comp II Help

    Especially if we were to open up the big cliff, since after all many people will think it is "just a skydive"... Not that I'm saying this is a legitimate reason to keep the thing illegal. On the contrary; we should never ask the government to protect us from ourselves. But at the same time, we can't really use improved safety as an argument in favor of legalization either.
  4. Assuming you are correct in this (which I'm not convinced of, nor am I of the contrary), then what are you actually contributing the offheading to? Hey, I like that one. You mean the side-walls of the container scraping past the packjob perhaps?
  5. How does dipping a shoulder affect the direction the PC pulls from? The original question asked about the effect that dipping a shoulder has on offheadings. Are you implying that dipping a shoulder affects the angle the bridle bulls at, which in turns affects your heading? I'm skeptical that dipping a shoulder will have much influence on PC oscillations.
  6. Interesting question; I haven't voted yet. I'm actually not sure. The way to answer this question is to figure out how dipping a shoulder contributes to an offheading. There are three factors I can see.The airstream behind the person becomes more assymetrical, although I think this is neglectible on slider down jumps. The packtray is not presented in a laterally horizontal way, this means your packjob will come out tilted to one side. One riser is loaded before the other one. I'm probably overlooking other factors. My gut feeling says that the middle one is the biggest contributor, largely based on my observation that offheadings happen long before the lines are taut, so long before riser-loading comes into play.
  7. JaapSuter

    Comp II Help

    Can you elaborate on that? I question whether the sport needs to become any more legal than it is today. Aside from the national parks in the United States, I think that worldwide the sport is about as legal as it can and should be. Furthermore, I am far from convinced if more legality would actually make the sport safer. I would sooner assume the opposite.
  8. As Canadian representative of the American Parachuting Organization Of Parachuting Americans, I say; to hell with its president! Dismantle the organization, and ride free! We all know the best skibasing is in Canada anyway...
  9. Just do it man. Great that you're asking here, but never back down from your own brain, common sense, and advice from smart people that you know personally and trust with your life. Screw the law, bring back the spirit of the sport!
  10. Does anybody have a full list of the soundtrack? I got the Royskopp song, but I'm not sure what the others are. Thanks, Jaap
  11. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, that's a totally serious ROFLOL. Granted, I'm totally fucking hammered right now. But that's just fucking funny coming from the guy with the biggest liquor collection this side of the ocean. You're a goddamn Russian, Raistlin and I love you for it. Stay alive, cya soon!
  12. "This landing is do or die! I do, you die!" ...you mean. Thanks for stopping by Tom, next time I'll drink less, jump more!
  13. Why do so many BASE jumpers who are still alive say that? Maybe because having tons of experience amounts to very little when it comes down to it. Intelligence and humility are the only requirements to be a safe BASE jumper. The rest is just bonus.
  14. By the way, I asked a similar question in March of last year. See this thread...
  15. Yeah, I think you could do that. I don't have an unpacked canopy around, but I remember considering this option and deciding for some reason to leave it on the outside instead. I don't recall why.
  16. Dude, get over it. I dare you to find the minimum number of wraps required to stop it from breaking. Trust me, it'll break. It's a good technique to use and know. Just make sure you don't get the brand that gets extra strong when it gets wet. I once saw unbreakable maskingtape once it was put in the water. Edited to add random disclaimer; I have no idea what I'm talking about; I only have a few jumps. I just started.
  17. Actually, this would be the slider-down equivalent of the slider-gate which not all jumpers recommend. Even with just the steering lines you are still distorting your packjob. Instead of doing the above, I suggest one of the following two.Use masking tape. Sticky-side-out (although it really doesn't matter much), three to six wraps. Larkhead a small rubberband around your center C line near the attachment point. Then stick a tailgate through that and use it as a regular tailgate. The only difference is that the one C line is not included in the bundle (but since it's still attached, the net-effect is the same). I've used both methods succesfully, but only on three jumps each. Do not take my recommendations as being safe or tested. It's better to have a proper tailgate installed. Any rigger should be able to do that for you. But if you go ahead anyway, I prefer the masking tape over the larkheaded tailgate over the slider-down-gate. Hope that helps, Jaap
  18. More-people-base-jumping-than-before and vents and luck and body-armor and willingness-to-talk-about-it-more and surviving-a-strike-is-cool. I had my first 180 a few weeks back. I just turned it around before I hit the object. I much prefer that.
  19. And as general advice to any aspiring BASE jumper who ever considers sending me an email or PM; the quality and speed of my reply is inversily related to the amount of spelling and grammar errors in your message.
  20. I always ask for their address and mail them a copy of the attached book.