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Everything posted by JaapSuter

  1. I always feel that the second my feet leave the edge, I lose all rights to comment on the quality of a rescue operation. Maybe there are people out there that could have done a better job at it, but in this case that weren't the people who are willing to be on call 24 hours a day, risking their lives for a below average wage. There is only so much we can ask from our fire-fighters and EMTs, and I think their time training is better spend on common traffic accidents and kitchen injuries than on the rare occurence of a BASE jumper stuck on a wire.
  2. I would put money on the hypothesis that the majority of BASE jumpers would not him or herself want to be the person to throw a kitten from 320 feet under a 46 inch pilotchute. I may agree that the majority would love to see video of such an act though. Interesting how many people wouldn't do it themselves, but wouldn't mind seeing it on television. I think most people think this thread is too darn silly to even comment on. Like you say; a portion. Who knows how big this portion is? He never argued that he represented the BASE community. He did argue that threads like this do not benefit the BASE community, and have a small chance to harm the BASE community. I agree with him on this. The bottom line here is not about the kitten. I care about kittens, but as a fan of meat I'm not the one to judge how other people treat animals. That's their decision. The real issue here is whether or not this discussion is actually suitable for a forum about BASE jumping. I think not. There are plenty of animal-cruelty or ethical-debate forums out there. Why not try one of those? That's not what you and many others argued when the El Cap protest jump was being discussed. Selective fucking of the media, eh? Not a bad idea per se, but it makes me wonder which party ends up with the cock up his ass; us, or them?
  3. Well? What say the masses? If the demand is high enough, video of the attempts will be made available to the public for a reasonable fee...
  4. I'm going to agree with BASE813 on this one. While, as a casual meat consumer, I am not going to comment on the ethical dillema presented in this post, I am going to point out that the nature of the dillema has absolutely nothing to do with BASE jumping, and is best discussed in other fora.
  5. Hey, I'm looking for some good video of an oscillating pilotchute, preferably filmed from above. Anybody got any? Thanks, Jaap
  6. Do you still need inspiration? I seem to recall an incident last Tuesday that proved you finally got the sand out of your vagina...
  7. It is commonly accepted and widespread wisdom in the BASE community that the NPS rangers take of all their clothes, rub jello all over themselves, and then roll around in our canopies.
  8. BASE 460 asked for interested in a BASE dytter in this thread. I'm not sure what the current status of that project is. If your main interest is jump logging, you're better of with a GPS unit with a sufficiently high resolution. There are plenty of trackers and wingsuiters that use them. Consider doing a search in the wingsuit forum.
  9. Hi, I have a Vector 2 rig that fits me (6'3") snug. Is there a chance this will fit a person that is 5'6", assuming the length-to-weight-ratio is the same for both people? Or is it definitely not going to fit? Thanks, Jaap
  10. Damn, a year ago I was complaining there were no active jumpers here, and that I couldn't find a mentor. Now I'm complaining that it's getting too crowded. Just kidding guys... Looking forward to flicking something with y'all. Everybody wants a piece of the Vancouver!
  11. And those that reply; please qualify what kind of jumps (slider-down versus terminal). Doing 50 jumps of the Perrine will not prepare you for your first wingsuit jump. I'm thinking that solid terminal tracking experience will be much more useful.
  12. On a WIKI, there are no owners of articles. This is worth stressing in case somebody isn't familiar with the WIKI concept. You lose the copyright on whatever you submit and it becomes public domain. This allows other people to fix, comment and elaborate on your contributions. Over time, this allows a WIKI to grow into something that a copyright-holding entity could never attain. Case in point; WikiPedia, an incredible online encyclopedia entirely made up from voluntary contributions. BASE WIKI hosts a few articles that still have copyrights on them. These are marked as such, and editors generally leave those untouched. An example is Tom Begic on BASE ethics, but there are a few more copyrighted articles on BASE WIKI. The WIKI prefers public domain contributions though.
  13. If you have the editor's password, you can go in and fix it, yes. Or even rewrite the whole bunch. Such is the nature of wikis. To get the editor's password, all you gotta do is ask. If you're not an editor, just leave a comment at the bottom of the page. The administrator will be notified, and the page will be updated. Or an editor will notice it and fix the error, or take your comments and suggestions into account. This is not my website. It's yours...
  14. I agree. Editors can upload photos if they want to, so there is nothing stopping BASE WIKI from doing so. That is; I have the gear if someone wants to lend me a camera.
  15. Woops. You are absolutely right of course. I meant a slow-down I guess. Oh well, I'll blame it on English not being my first language...
  16. Thanks Jason! I really appreciate your call for help. Projects like this, and wikis in particular, go through three phases: Initial, where a group of people gets stuff up and running and gather a large amount of content in a short amount of time.Growing Pains, where the early adopters lose interest because they are experienced jumpers and don't necessarily need the instruction the wiki can offer. If the wiki doesn't have enough content at this stage, it'll die at an early age.Mature, where the wiki has reached a critical mass that allows it to become the de-facto encyclopedia on a particular topic. In our case; BASE. It's still evolving at this stage, but at a much slower rate.We are still in the initial phase, and it is important to gather momentum now to quickly get content up there. If the momentum isn't there, the wiki dies before it has become useful. I realize we all have busy lives outside our BASE career. But if you have time to post here, you can probably spare twenty minutes to jot down your thoughts on some random topic you see on BASE WIKI. Future BASE generations will thank you for it; the same way I owe being alive to Blinc Magazine, Dropzone.com, a whole bunch of people, and an incredible amount of luck.
  17. Hey everybody, I'm not sure if this is appropriate or not, but I'll just let the moderator remove this post if it's not. Anyway, I'm trying to kick some people's butts into gear so we can grow BASE WIKI a little more. I figured one way to do it would be to write poor man's versions of what I'd like to see, and then perhaps somebody will get pissed off enough and fix it; either by leaving comments, or by asking for the editor's password. So here goes, my thoughts on canopies and some early stuff on sliders. Heck, I even mumbo-jumboed something on tailpockets and gear bags. Admittedly, I'm mostly looking for people to write about different types of jumps, malfunctions and other problems and possibly some site analysis. So if you feel like you can contribute something about multi-ways or winds on antenna jumps, or perhaps the line-over, please step forward. Thanks. Apologies for the spam... Jaap
  18. The zippers. Fortunately, a friend was able to put new zippers on them (thanks Carmen!). On the buckle, it was the stitching that blew out.
  19. Hey, has anybody here had any problems with their Velocity Gear armor quality? I had both zippers connecting the backprotector to the top blow out, and yesterday for no apparent reason the buckle connecting the chest-protector to my shoulder came lose with normal handling. I've been happy with my High Velocity armor so far, but I'm beginning to wonder if you get what you pay for. I've never been a fan of Dainese because they are so expensive, but I must admit that the Dainese protection I own still works after many years of wear and tear. I'm interested what other people with Velocity Gear will say. Thanks, Jaap
  20. JaapSuter

    Naming Names

    Bwahuahuauha. Yeah, what the hell was up with that? The son of mr. Aiello dayblazing and burning two trees...
  21. Yeah, thanks. That's the one. So anybody knows when the full version is gonna arrive? I'll try emailing somebody on that website.
  22. Does anybody know if the New Standards video is available yet? I'm referring to the baseteaser.mpg video that was linked to a while back. It shows a jumper wearing what looks like ski-goggles flying parallel and close to big walls. The song is "Karma something" I think. I still get sweaty hands every time I see that teaser, and I'm really looking forward to the full video... Thanks, Jaap
  23. JaapSuter

    Naming Names

    As far as I know, this has actually happened in Washington, involving Ebay and a much lower bridge a few miles from where the poor jumper should have been. I'm sure somebody can fill us in... But I agree; the main reason for not naming names is in my opinion to prevent jumpers going there without the required background knowledge (access guidelines, best times to jump it, potential dangers).