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Everything posted by JaapSuter

  1. Go through Asylum Designs. Consolidated Rigging is no more as a direct retailer, but they still supply through Asylum. Cheers, Jaap
  2. Thanks for the input everybody. I'll see what I can come up with. If anybody has contact info for Dave Barlia, please ask him if he minds if I get in touch with him. If not, please PM me his info. Thanks.
  3. In case some of the BASE interested Bonfire readers don't regularly visit the BASE forum too, allow me to shameleslly promote a new BASE website. http://www.basewiki.com If the Bridge Day bug has bitten you, I recommend reading the section on Getting Into BASE Cya, Jaap
  4. Dude! You weren't supposed to show that we are orchestrating our discussions behind the scenes. Sheesh... Seriously, though, your post wasn't too bad either. Not bad at all.
  5. And to follow up with a more meaningful post, here are my personal feelings without resorting to statistics. The thing that scares me the most is getting nothing out. I've been there once and I know how it feels. It's peaceful, but I don't recommend it. Oddly enough, the thing you should worry about is what happens after something comes out. Offheadings and tight landing areas are your number one enemies. Pilotchutes and bridles have a tendency to get something out. Don't ask me why, I'm still amazed by how well they work. Then again, I'm still impressed that planes can fly and that ships don't sink. Just because something is scientifically explainable, doesn't have to diminish the wonders of it all...
  6. The danger in BASE is not that its dangerous, it's that death is a rather final state of being, and it's always just around the corner. Keep that in mind, and statistics become meaningless.
  7. Here are some more answers: I BASE jump because...
  8. The Wayburn office, one of the three offices in Burnaby. Downtown eh? That's a sweet office. I'll miss working downtown. My Nintendo gig was at Next Level Games in the middle of Yaletown. I've had two apartments in Yaletown. They're pretty expensive for what you get, but being from Europe and all I can't help but fall for the hardwood floors and brick walls and shit. Nowadays I live in Gastown. Great place if you don't mind having the crackheads two blocks away. It's really close to the downtown office and doesn't have to be too expensive. Well, it's not a perfect company. But if it was, I wouldn't be working there. There'd be nothing to fix... Haha, sweet. I'll probably get a few too. We can use 'm on each other... Anyway, we're going offtopic. Best to email from here on. When is your start date? Cheers, Jaap
  9. Hey, what's wrong with post whoring? BASE WIKI has some more information on getting into BASE here: http://www.basewiki.com/wiki/pmwiki.php/GettingIntoBase/GettingIntoBase While I love talking to people about why they BASE jump, if you have to ask to validate your own motivation, you're not ready yet. Not saying that applies to you, just making a general observation.
  10. Hey Rob, how's life? I damn nearly bought myself a Progidy this weekend. James Boole had a demo suit that would have fit us both perfectly. Unfortunately my last paycheque didn't arrive in time, so I had to bail last minute. Shit, it would have been a perfect stupid impulse buying decision, and a great excuse to make it back to the dropzone again. I've only made 22 skydives this year. Very embarrassing. I'll try to make it out there the next sunny day (might be a while it seems), for some long delays... Cheers, Jaap
  11. Hey Mark, I'm actually going back to EA next week. I used to work for them up to a year ago, but took a break to work for Nintendo on Super Mario Strikers. I'm picking up my new work visa one of these days and then I'm headed back to EA. Drop me a note and we'll grab lunch some day. It'll be good to have some more skydivers in the office. As for the horror stories. I've always had a great time at EA. I've worked 100 hour weeks and I've worked 20 hour weeks. I've taken long lunches to go make a skydive and I've pulled overnighters to get something done in time. EA has always treated me exceptionally well, and I have never been asked to do involuntary overtime. From talking to people on other teams I have since learned that it greatly depends on who you report to, but I have always found that it can be what you make of it. I guess the fact that I am going back to the company I left a year ago says it all. It's a great company. Cheers, Jaap - http://www.jaapsuter.com
  12. Hey, if anybody here has any experience with snowboard cut away systems, please get in touch. I'm guessing such systems will be similar to what skysurfers use, but the bindings are slightly different so I'm not sure. Alternatively, if somebody can get me in touch with the guy who did the snowboard BASE near Interlaken in the 1996 Mike Hatchet snowboard movie TB5 (Totally Board 5), that would be greatly appreciated too. Thanks, Jaap
  13. I got that. Remember I'm from Holland. Nobody better at taking a piss at somebody than the Dutch and the English... Hey, that wasn't an aerial! That was a FlippyDooToChaos. I think my pilotchute was above the railing when I pulled... Anyway, I'm taking things offtopic again. Sorry about that. Like UncleCharlie95 said, a great event with great people. Thanks Jason and everybody else I got to meet.
  14. Just because I scared you? And all that time you thought BASE was the scariest thing in life? Great to meet you too! Kick ass video, amazing flights!
  15. The pleasure was all mine... She's probably still talking about me because when you we're busy stinking up your bed with those humongous farts, me and Kjieran were getting it on while Megan was filming. Don't sell that Vision brother! It's too beautiful. Looking forward to a visit to Boston, or maybe you guys should come visit Vancouver!
  16. Experienced skydivers or experienced BASE jumpers? I'm having a hard time believing there would be a BASE jumper saying such a thing. There is no possible way a first jump off a bigwall is safer than a first PCA of the Perrine.
  17. Not yet, not yet. The plane could crash on the way to Bridge Day, killing me, leaving several people without rigs. That would really ruin my day. Besides, beer's on me.
  18. Hey, you're not coming are ya, JeNnEjEnN? If I had known, I would have gotten a haircut...
  19. Call me when you get to Fayetteville. My number is the area code of Vancouver, Canada (look it up) followed by 313-JAAP. I have five other people borrowing my gear, but if both rigs are still dry by the time your group starts, you're more than welcome to use my gear. We're meeting at the Holiday Inn lobby on Friday morning at 9:30 AM. Be there if you want to be part of the master plan. It'll take some ingenuity to schedule the packing and jumping of two rigs and potentially seven people, in one day. Fortunately all jumpers are spread out over the four groups, so that helps. Consider this your backup, I urge you to continue looking for more secure gear. But if it doesn't work out, we'll try hard to make you get a jump in!.
  20. Haha... True, in a way. And I'm sure you understand this, but it might be worth pointing out that risk management is not the same as risk avoidance. The art and science of risk management consists of identifying dangers, attaching a probability to them, and knowing the consequences of those risks that materialize. Once you have that knowledge you make a risk management plan, meaning that for every potential danger you decide what to do. That means picking one of four options. You can avoid the risk You can contain it You can mitigate it You can evade it Avoiding the risk means doing what Sean621 suggests. You stay home and the risk has no chance to materialize. Containing the risk means setting aside resources to handle its materialization better. In BASE this means wearing a helmet and body armor, having a cut-away for water landings, not jumping in high winds, etcetera. Mitigating a risk is taking steps before it materializes to reduce eventual containment costs. Examples in BASE include doing obstacle avoidance drills, making sure your deep brake settings are properly tuned, and getting lots of skydiving experience before you get into BASE. Evading a risk is when you do none of the above and the risk just happens to not come back and bite you. It doesn't materialize. Planning to evade a risk is th same as crossing your fingers. The first three solutions are generally preferred over the last one. Nonetheless, everybody evades risk to a certain degree. I rarely worry about being hit by a meteor while BASE jumping. It's a risk that is not worth having a mitigation plan for. It's worth considering some of the risks in BASE and understanding what the key components to its management are. Evading risks is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you properly understand the risk and its probabilities and make sure the rewards are greater than the risk.
  21. Great post Mostwanted! I'll add some more thoughts later. For now, here's another article on risk management in BASE: http://miller28.server101.com/discus/articles/risk.html
  22. I know exactly what you mean, and for the tenth time, I don't want to sleep with you Faber! ...
  23. And so the BASE scene in Vancouver continues to grow... Better jump those rigs in Twin. Rain-season has started here. Conditions are shit. Btw, aren't you a pilot? Sweet, we'll have to rent a plane an go check out the legendary 4000 feet overhang somebody told me about. It's quite inaccesible, but I'd like to fly past it.
  24. The difference is between whether the resource already exists, or whether it's still being created. If there is an existing article somewhere, or the wiki has an existing page on it, I think linking is totally appropriate. If the page isn't there yet, it's probably better to keep the discussion here, to avoid the risk of carrying the discussion over to the wiki. These forums are a great resource, and BASE WIKI in no way intends to compete with that. Discussions needs to happen here. Then, when threads die down, we can consider to take the useful and lasting information out of it and move it over to an appropriate page on the wiki. My two cents... I'm sure there will be some wrinkles that need to be ironed out in the process.