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    Cypres 2

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    SkyDive Hawaii
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  1. I'm looking for a rigger in the DC area. I work in Adelphi, MD but live out in Winchester, VA. Trying to not make the trip to one of the zones unless I'm gonna jump there, but need a repack and some work first... If any of you are or could recommend one, that'd be swell. "Good friends will help you move. A REALLY good friend will help you move a body ... let me know if I need to bring a shovel"
  2. Well, I'll be coming from Stephens city which is located between, Winchester, Bum fuck Eqyypt and middle of fucking nowhere. The closest DZ that I looked up was the Hartwood airport outside fredericksburg ... any gouge?? Like I said, chances are I'll jump them all to find out for myself, but I'd love to know what to expect. I do love peeing on peoples gear though. "Good friends will help you move. A REALLY good friend will help you move a body ... let me know if I need to bring a shovel"
  3. Hey, I'm a novice sport skydiver at best and I'm moving from Hawaii to Northern VA ... I've looked up where all the closest DZ's and chances are I'll try them all, but I was wondering about recommendations in the area. What's the atmosphere on some of those zones, load organizing, camp grounds, friendly, etc.. I could (and have) go to their websites, but all that tells me is what the staff and the operators want me to know ... Thanks "Good friends will help you move. A REALLY good friend will help you move a body ... let me know if I need to bring a shovel"
  4. They did, however they no longer do. It was a hell of a discount too . . . 50% off container and 15% off options, but unfortunately I was in "the sandbox" when they had it going on. "Good friends will help you move. A REALLY good friend will help you move a body ... let me know if I need to bring a shovel"
  5. As many people are, I'm new to the sport skydiving. I'm a military free-fall guy and am just starting to get into doing it for fun. I'm looking for my first new container, but which one . . . the buzz is Mirage or Javelin, but there are lower priced rigs that are great too. Where do I get the most bang for my buck in safety, durability, comfort, and being jumper friendly ... Thanks "Good friends will help you move. A REALLY good friend will help you move a body ... let me know if I need to bring a shovel"