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Everything posted by GAskygirl

  1. Hey BikerBabe, Thanks for your comments, and we will definitely take them into consideration next time around. The site is very pretty, but if it's confusing to use then something will need to be tweaked in the future. I really appreciate your kind words about the event and I'm glad to hear that your experience on-site was good. That air-conditioned packing area is fantastic; I don't know how we ever got along with it at its old size (about half the width it is now, no satellite manifest). The humidity can be wretched in south Texas, but that room really makes it quite bearable! I'm not on a lot anymore (it's a great site, but it is also a very effective time vampire ), but if you have any other comments please email them to and they will be considered. Remster, you too, or anyone else.
  2. Hi all, Thanks for following along with the happenings at Nationals, and thanks to DQ for helping keep everyone up to date! As the blogger for the first week of the event, I really appreciate the feedback. Several of you have asked for FS scorecards online and Omniskore-like team pages, but right now that's not auto-created from CamScore. They're great, helpful people with a system that's fantastic in a lot of ways, and they've just spent a week chattering with Tim Wagner on how to make it even better, but some of the requests for changes are not going to happen by the end of this year's Nationals. However, I assure you that after sitting next to Jo and Andrew of Cametrix for a week, they are listening quite closely to all the suggestions and they're probably going to go home with their heads spinning like tops with all the ideas! Did you happen to see Tim's comparison of CamScore and Omniskore on the Nationals blog? Good reading. Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  3. Hi RPC, That’s exactly right, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. As you’ve noted, the problem with our card processing company has been resolved and all refunds should have been properly issued by now. If you don’t see the proper refund credited to your card, please contact us immediately at or 281-369-3337 and we’ll swing a bigger bat at the processors to get it fixed ASAP. Thanks for your patience and understanding, and we look forward to seeing you at Nationals! Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  4. Hi all, Are you headed to Nationals this year? We hope to see you here at Skydive Spaceland! Register online at Our system lets you register, pay, and form teams online, so have at it! The idea is that once you get here, assuming you've registered and paid online, we'll just check your ID and rig repack date/seal, make sure your information and waiver are correct and up to date, hand you a goodie bag and send you off to have a great time. :-) Please note that everyone will need to use the online system to register, whether you do it at home before you get here or at a registration terminal once you get here. We'd probably both prefer the former. :-) Team captains, please note that individuals must be registered AND paid in full for events before you can add them to your teams. For more information on how the system works, please see our video demonstration. Make sure your registration is done before your event's registration deadline! Need any more information on Nationals, such as the schedule, lodging, how to get here, or team rooms? Visit our Nationals information page! We look forward to seeing you! Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  5. Hi all, Are you headed to Nationals this year? We hope to see you here at Skydive Spaceland! Register online at Our system lets you register, pay, and form teams online, so have at it! The idea is that once you get here, assuming you've registered and paid online, we'll just check your ID and rig repack date/seal, make sure your information and waiver are correct and up to date, hand you a goodie bag and send you off to have a great time. :-) Please note that everyone will need to use the online system to register, whether you do it at home before you get here or at a registration terminal once you get here. We'd probably both prefer the former. :-) Team captains, please note that individuals must be registered AND paid in full for events before you can add them to your teams. For more information on how the system works, please see our video demonstration. Make sure your registration is done before your event's registration deadline! Need any more information on Nationals, such as the schedule, lodging, how to get here, or team rooms? Visit our Nationals information page! We look forward to seeing you! Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  6. Hi all, Are you headed to Nationals this year? We hope to see you here at Skydive Spaceland! Register online at Our system lets you register, pay, and form teams online, so have at it! The idea is that once you get here, assuming you've registered and paid online, we'll just check your ID and rig repack date/seal, make sure your information and waiver are correct and up to date, hand you a goodie bag and send you off to have a great time. :-) Please note that everyone will need to use the online system to register, whether you do it at home before you get here or at a registration terminal once you get here. We'd probably both prefer the former. :-) Team captains, please note that individuals must be registered AND paid in full for events before you can add them to your teams. For more information on how the system works, please see our video demonstration. Make sure your registration is done before your event's registration deadline! Need any more information on Nationals, such as the schedule, lodging, how to get here, or team rooms? Visit our Nationals information page! We look forward to seeing you! Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  7. Hey all, Spaceland's just started a blog, and the first posts feature the happenings at the TSR boogie (info and photos)! If you can't go and want to see what's up, or want to see if you made the blog, check it out at Hope to see you here! :-) Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  8. I can't speak for the planning of the event, but here's a little on what went on. It was very cool to work with this group! Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  9. Apparently the power is back on at Spaceland and the planes are back from whence they escaped. No more details at the moment.
  10. Apparently the power is back on at Spaceland and the planes are back from whence they escaped. No more details at the moment.
  11. Skydive Spaceland will be hosting a benefit for Scott's family this Saturday, Nov. 17. For up-to-date information on the event, please see Christy Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  12. Hello Newtons2nd, Sorry to hear about your shoulder, that is absolutely no fun. Been there, done that, braced that, had the surgery, braced it some more, stopped bracing it, tried it out in the tunnel, threw the brace in a closet, so far OK about 4 years and three ten-way medals later
  13. So very true. But on the up side of that... if you take the tinted glasses off under canopy, when you're worried about it being too dark for you to land comfortably, suddenly there's all kinds of light! I've had good luck with these ( with my contacts. I don't use them often; usually I stick to my Oxygn for contact reasons (both those in my eyes and that you get from knees during fast 4-way). Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  14. Go to the DZ on a weekday or a poor weather weekend, and bring beer. Most bored skydivers will be happy to teach you to pack to have something to do, and won't be rushing off to jump and leaving you confused.
  15. Thanks John... those pics are new too, as they weren't taken quite in time for the Pchutist article. Bill does a great job. :-) Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  16. We don't often hit the door from the middle of the lineup either.
  17. Yeah, the Otter door is hungry... Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  18. Hey all, From various contacts it sounds like a lot of people are planning to do 10-way at the Nationals this year. Very cool! Just for fun, I thought I'd try to see how many teams are planning on going (aside from pickups, of course). Throw your team name and home DZ out there if you plan to compete! You know we'll be there! (SDC STL) Best of luck to everyone! Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  19. Hey JW, I don't have any digital video to offer (I'll work on it, but no promises), but will be happy to answer any questions you might have based on SDC STL experience. Did you happen to read the two 10-way articles a couple of Parachutist issues ago? Those might help some in lieu of video. Good luck at Nationals! Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  20. Hey all, Sorry for the non-jumping post, but I gotta spread the word about my little cousin's first CD that came out yesterday (produced by Atlantic Records)! Band name: Moments in Grace, CD title: Moonlight Survived. My cousin, Jeremy Griffith, does vocals, songwriting, some guitar, piano, organ, and keyboards. Multitalented... I'm sure he could handle a skydive if I could get his butt up in a plane! :-) Tunes available at Enjoy! Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  21. I love the one on the left--never looks dirty. :-) Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  22. Beat-down tennis shoes. By then I've worn off enough tread so they slide on landing as needed and I'm not worried about tearing them up because I've already replaced them (for running). Ankle support is nice, but I think that if you really need that ankle support on a landing, you'll wish you'd had something more rigid than high-tops. And as has already been pointed out, that can curb your fine-tuning in freefall and tracking. Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  23. Note to jumpers...if it doesn't at least look like the pictures on the manual or manufacturers' site, ask why. There might be a valid reason...or not. Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464
  24. It never hurts to ask if you're not sure. It's amazing how trusting people can be that someone else has taken care of their gear properly, without taking the initiative to check it out themselves. I caught a visiting jumper in the plane on jumprun once wearing a Vector 3 with its reserve flaps closed in the wrong order. The bottom flap was closed after the side flaps (it's pretty obvious...stripes where they shouldn't be showing). I have owned three of them, so that jumped out at me in a hurry. I tapped him on the shoulder, told him I was checking his reserve pin, didn't see any temp pins or flags, and told him that his reserve flaps were closed in the wrong order. And that if that was all that was wrong, it would *probably* open fine if he needed it, but that was his choice. And that he really really needed to have a rigger check that out after the load. (Yes, he jumped.) It was the second reserve pack on that rig since he had bought it...he thought it "looked funny, but I figured the rigger knew what he was doing." Or something like that. Guys, ASK--at worst you'll learn something. Blue Skies! -=Christy=- D-21464