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Everything posted by charmsdroppop

  1. Yeah, talk about a turn off. I can't stand to watch these shows and the kicker is that they're not even close to REALITY at all.....
  2. Alpine...that's what I was trying to remember. You're right try that.
  3. Go to Wisconson, not the greatest downhill but for location not bad. Check out.....wait a sec......I forgot the name of the place but ask anybody from around here. Poplar creek???????
  4. Lotsa different things....just shutdown before you get drunk. Absolute and sprite's all good! Cheers always
  5. Cold blooded is right. My brother-in-law was on the Apprentice 2 and you guys would not believe how much of it is "controlled and edited" to make a person be liked or disliked. I can't reveal much do to "confidential contract" but it makes me want to scream knowing what he was put thru. And Trump is not allowed to call all the shots, he's tried. Producers have all the control. is it dark yet
  6. Oh yes ....BAD BAD things do happen. AT least I turn my phone off...most of the time. So what are you drinking tonight??? Cheers Always is it dark yet
  7. I understand how "a deal is a deal" I am determined to fight it anyhow. I was also informed of the option to sell this thing.I will certainly become wiser from this. is it dark yet
  8. First of all the champaign was given by them, But I am taking some self responsibility for drinking it. I don't even like that stuff. And yes ,it is a vacation club that I really don't have any desire or time for. I don't know.....just don't want this in my life. I rather go to a boogie and sleep in my car and jump my ass off instead of "the golfing view and spa stuff".
  9. Yeah did I not mention already feeling" dummsky" here. Thanks RhondaLea, I made a mistake and was NOT extremely intoxicated. I'm not gonna argue here, just wanted some legal input.
  10. You don't know me or my drinking tolerance, whatever.....quit wasting my time and yours. As if you've never been mislead or screwed before. This has nothing to do with Jumping issues, that's why it's in the bonfire....smartass!
  11. Thanks RhondaLea, looks like I already waited too long. Damnit!! Never needed a lawyer without getting arrested at least.
  12. I requested a copy of the contract and was told it would be sent. Never came. I also emailed the agent lady or whatever she is and she claimed to not have gotten my emails in time. How convenient. I have saved those at least to prove my contact attempts. Thanks for your input.
  13. Good god what a mess. Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it. I did try the BBB since my money was made out to Chicago title and was also directed to go thru cheeseland.......oooppps I mean wisc. This year sucks!
  14. Anybody familiar with timeshares. I am in so much trouble suddenly.....First to admitt what a sucker I am. I got a call for free airline tickets back in march if I went to a 90min. thing about this with no obligation to buy. My dumbass went and 2 champaign bottols later sighned off on what sounded good. Life time vacation places for under 200 bucks a month. Next day I knew I didn't want any part of this. Next thing I know I get a payment book and all this RCI from the Grand Geneva in wisc. I call them and am told wisc. law requires 5 days to cancel not the 30 days I thought. I ask how can I cancel this after putting $1,300 down that I wanted back. No refund and was told to not make payments and it would get suspended. I feel like a big dumsky already about the $1,300 loss. Now I got collection people contacting me. Do I need a lawyer????? I never did get any airline tickets or a copy of the contract. Stupid stupid idiot me!!!!!!!! What are my legal options.......anybody.... Very Frustrated, Paquita
  15. Wow you are HOT...very nice!!!!!!!! Cheers is it dark yet
  16. I say leave it, rugged is HOT!! is it dark yet
  17. Oh yeah....forgot the time thing. But you're in your UNDIES all by yourself......hhmmm. I say Michelles' hot chocolate sounds REAL good also. Stay warm and get stocked for the rest of your days there.... is it dark yet
  18. Hey You, welcome to the Northern crispy fresh breathtaking air!!! Isn't there a bar on the main floor? If not that SUCKS alright. But you're not alone, I'm @ work all night and can't drink till' ........tomorrow. This weather is for good movies, pizza....yea at least get that. Chicago's the best but I'm sure New Yorks' got some good pizza. Cheers......p is it dark yet
  19. Hey Jason, I believe in you and please count me in for that 2025 "mission". Never been busted and if I am still alive at that time I would be nothing but honored to be a part of it. NO REGRETS.....Cheers and say Hello to Jennifer the great. Sincerely, Paquita. is it dark yet
  20. Very "make sense" said. I agree, no one knows anything. We could be in Hell right now and therefore it's all better after. Valcore.....sorry for that loss.... is it dark yet
  21. Can I say DUHHH......yeah and I was put thru catholic school and still don't buy it. The party's in hell so sin's too short to beg for forgiveness....who's got time for confession EVERYDAY......besides we all get forgiven anyway according to "the lord".....I'll take my chances. is it dark yet
  22. Gosh I am very sorry for your loss and I can understand your guilt. Please don't feel like you are to blame just like everyone else here has said. I had 2 non jumper friends take thier own lives and each one always wanted to go skydive "sometime", I always invited them to and sometimes I still wonder if I would've tried harder....they'd be alive from the great experience wanting to will feel bad for some time but also be that much stronger for him. sincerely paquita is it dark yet
  23. charmsdroppop

    Dave F

    Still look for you at the Bridge and the sun gets in my eyes. R.I.P. very much missed is it dark yet
  24. BAH HUMBUG I Say....drama,drama drama. I agree with you. I just do the gift thing for my nieces and nephews but then again I do that year round. As far as the whole meaning of X-mas......forgettaboutit!!! I mean c'mon anyone could've written "The bible". It is a story. Yeah I went to a catholic school and still don't buy it. Why so many religions yet "one god in one planet" ...yeah right!!! OK go ahead and bust my chops....Cheers Always is it dark yet
  25. For me it's a "did it done it" finished #1 personally. I was not going for any other time than time! I didn't want to bring this up BUT i DIDN'T much train for it either. Natural stamina....thats' all.... is it dark yet