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  1. I have been skydiving for a year and due to me being a poor college student have only racked up 10 jumps. I have completed all levels of AFF and am working on my A licenes. So here is my question. I have not jumped since summer due to an injury I had after a not-so-graceful landing is there a time after which I have to go through AFF again or will I be able to take a refresher and still be able to jump. thanks
  2. Thanks that makes alot of sense. I figured that it had to do with arodynamic forces rather than just gravity
  3. A physics question. This has been bugging me for some time. I have seen on the market skydiver weight belts and they say that you would use them to equalize your fall rate to another person. Well it happens that a man a few centuries ago said that objects of differing masses would fall at the same rate. So why the need for the weight, where in any physics calculations does mass/weight have anything to do with you decent rate? Could someone possibly take a stab at explaining this to me? PS hope this makes sence
  4. I have two questions. The first I think is a bit silly but hey I am a new-bee, but it has to do with helmets. I have a great fitting ski helmet and I wanted to find out if i could use it? I don’t know if there are any special considerations specific to skydiving in choosing a helmet. Then I also have a question regarding canopy decent rates. How can I get an idea about the decent rate of a canopy? I figure it has to do with weight and canopy size. Any thoughts?
  5. Hello ever one Well just introducing me self. I live in monterey california and attend CSUMB and am a very avid scuba diver and still am, however for my birthday a few weeks back I got my AFF 1 from my parents in Taft CA and now I am addicted so now I will be an ever more broke college student as I now have 2 hobbies which require far to much money. But gota live while you can right? Well hope to be picking some of your brains in the coming weeks/months as I start to look for gear. HAVE fun till then!