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  1. and look where thats getting you ! how many murders per year due to guns? more per year in areas where guns are not allowed. Yes if youre going strictly for home defense a shotgun is a good choice...with bird shot. hands guns can travel farther that you intend...especially if someone else lives in another room. A shotgun with bird shot will become non lethal in less distance than a bullet will. confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  2. is it some kind of macho ego trip that none Ameicans just don't understand? The fact of the matter is that when I carry a gun, it is not to exercise my legal right as an American but to protect myself when I walk down Colfax Avenue at midnight. The problem is there is too much gun control in this country. Take a look at New York City, ALL firearms were outlawed within the five burrows and gun related crimes went up. Explain that. If you make firearms illegal, the ONLY people you hurt are law abiding citizens. You take away the cab drivers right to carry a .357 under the seat an defend himself and you make him an easy target to get mugged. You take away that liquor store owners right to keep a shotgun behind the counter and you make it cake for any gang member off the street to come in and rob him blind. You make guns illegal and the only people that will have them are the criminals, because hey, they're criminals, they're already breaking the law what do they care if they have an illegal hand gun? Did making drugs illegal stop people from getting them? Now lets examine the reverse side. Switzerland. Nice European country. Safe. Is it just a coincidence that nearly every citizen there possesses a firearm? And not just any firearm... a machine gun. This is Switzerland's version of the national guard and it works. There is very little to no firearms related deaths in the country. So it must not be guns, in their fundamental nature that causes people to be killed by them. The United States' problem is that for a law maker, gun control laws are some of the easiest laws to pass. Coining phrases like: "to make the streets safer" or "won't somebody please think of the children" and the voters of this country mop it up. To me, the thing that makes me feel safe walking down the streets in a bad part of town is not the fact that those who would hurt me are not supposed to have guns, but the fact that I have the right, if I wish to carry a handgun and take my safety into my own hands. Why don't we just outlaw reserve handles while were at it, because hey, after all you have an AAD and malfunctions are rare anyway. confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  3. hey everyone, past or present Colorado natives. We're putting together a video compiled with the best footage from colorado. We're looking, for the coolest, craziest and most bad ass footage out there. Ther'es been a lot of drama in the colorado scene lately but we've also had some kick-ass jumps too. So send in your footage, it does'nt matter which DZ you're from, or what crew you're with. I'm looking for skydiving, BASE, ground launching, malfunctions, swoops or TBLps and other video to put out a killer video for the skydivers of colorado. A video to put Colorado on the map. For contact information e-mail me at Flyerdiver312@yahoo.com. confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  4. Sparky, I don't know you, or know who you are which means we have never met, which also means that (I'm going out on a limb here) that you have never been to Brush in the last four years. Not to pry or anything but why do you give a shit about anything we do. You're not connected in any way with this and you have no inside inforamtion of this situation, yet you seem to fancy yourself some sort of legal expert on inner working of small town Colorado government. But since you seem to have the supreme urge to stick youre nose into things that are none of your business, I feel I should at least give you the facts so that you can at least be a nosy dick with some true information. As far as bon fires go, the townspeople encourage them. They drop off their scap wood, pallets and tree trimings and we get rid or them. They are never gigantic or out of control, just large enough for a small group of friends (you do know what those are right?) to enjoy a fire on a cold Colorado night. As far as firearms go we mainly use shotguns to shoot trap on bad weather days. Again I'm not sure of your level of understanding, but a shotgun has an effective range of less than 50 yards and is completly harmless at less then 100 yards. As people have mentioned before the police have responded to complaints by our "farmer mcnasty" and told us strait up that there is NOTHING wrong with firearms on the airport. As far as complaints about fireams go, we can take none of them seriously because they are, after all, only coming from one person, who incidentally has a trap range set up so that the shot falls into airport property. And finaly as far as drinking or partying are concerned, I have one thing to say to you. YOU CALL YOURSELF A SKYDIVER????? I'm sorry that our "style" of life makes you uneasy, but rest assured living in california should be sufficent distance to keep you safe from a stray bullet or any other "dangerous" activities that occur on our airport. confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  5. ... Or our BBQ grill. also no insurance, registration or license plates. lets us know if you see it confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  6. And YES it is legal to discharge firearms in the county of Brush, which includes the The Brush Municipal Airport. The Lease agreement names Denver Skydivers the FBO (fixed Base operator) of the airport. Basically what that means is when you lease property it becomes "private" property in a way. That means that on that property that you lease you can partake in any activity that is not illegal. The city has a headache about the guns because the local farmer mcnasty is such a pain in their ass that they would just wish we dont shoot. THE CITY HOWEVER COULD CARE LESS THAT HE HOSTS TRAP SHOOTS WHERE THE TARGETS AND SHOT LANDS IN OUR LANDING AREA. PS Oh and mary, I thank god every day that you do NOT support us. If one good thing has come out of this, it is that. confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  7. First of all the cease and desist order was filed by a city committee, not a court of law, which makes the point mute. Secondly the question of insurance is non-existent seeing how the lease agreement makes no stipulations about that specific policy. Thirdly we are the only people on that airport, located in the county of Brush, which makes it totally legal to shoot trap and skeet and other firearms if we so desire (as long as the firearm is being discharge in a safe direction away from persons or property). The sheriff has told us on numerous occasions that the shotguns are ok. I wonder why so many people, that have never even set foot in Brush care so much about the inner workings of our operation. Lastly I wish you could just shut up for a few minutes derek, Im sorry that you don't jump anymore, nor do you agree with ANYTHING, EVER But it is really not my problem they everyone at Brush hated you. So don't take it too hard when nobody cares what you have to say. The problem I have is the USPA butting in on tennant issues and threatening action when their very reason for existance, the reason we all pay membership is for them to help us out, not fight us. Its not our fault we work in a town with dumb hicks, that can't even read a lease agreement, running our city If we could just get our feet on the ground for two minutes without being attacked by the city and our regional director we could have a pretty sweet place to jump. But until people can mind their own business it can't happen very soon. confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  8. Hey MikieB - sorry for my ignorance, but what is TBLP? Find someone who has a copy of the latest Brush video "Dangerous, Illegal and Immoral" and take a close look at it. Sorry I can't be more help confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  9. The grass has been mowed, the trailer recarpeted, everything has been cleaned and now its time for fun again. CReW Freefly Zoo Dives Beer TBLPs Beer Funnels Beer Trap Shooting Beer So come on out this weekend, bring a rig, you dogs, your shotgun and your BEER and help us finish off the season in style. confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  10. HELL YEAH!!! Goin' back to brush... It's been way too long. Thanks to everyone who stuck around and helped out duing the hard times. Cant wait to get back up into the Brush sky and do some Big Way Zoo/Funnel Dives!
  11. hey does someone know if anyone has done a downplane after making a base jump? it seems very possible off of a large A or the bigger cliffs in europe??? confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  12. i think crw helps a lot with BASE, not just for the experience it gives you flying a 7 cell. (afterall crw canopies are loaded at around 1.3-1.4, so a little different than a BASE canopy) But the experience crw gives you with all techniques of flying is very valuable. Riser vs toggle turns, sinking, stalling, riser/toggle combinations. also your reaction speed gets better the more crew you get, after all how many times on a normal skydive do you have to avoid a wrap. just my 2 cents. BTW anyone passing through colorado, the former world champions the WILD HUMANS do awesome coaching for not much more than a slot and beer. confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  13. I'm still awaiting the last one Ryan O. promised me on the phone when he called and said he was someone else. drop it guys...let the legal guys figure it out. WFFC, you and I both know who was involved in this. After all you were the one who helped him shut down our website. Though I wonder how you know that it was a "repossesion" instead of theft, and were so quick to reply? You sounded pretty certain in your first post so you wont mind then if i pass along your name to the Freemont County Sheriff's Dept. After all that would be the legal way of dealing with this confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  14. who said anything about just rigs? tandem, student and personal rigs were STOLEN along with altimiters, student gear, computer equipment and a credit card machine from high sky adventures in canon city. the cops know who did it and the stuff should be back soon confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.
  15. by the way i think a lot of the colorado b team and c team guys are planning on going to the bridge soon, talk to peter confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.