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  1. That is so cool. Nothing in our lives is free. _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  2. don't dishonor our people in the armed forces by lumping these vermin amongst them. _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  3. It is NOT an alternative to deadly force. on the use of force continuum it is equal to oc spray _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  4. And once again, what does a bomb look like? she played a game with security and she lost and your not happy about it. Too Bad So Sad. I am happy secutity was there and handled it the way they did. SHE is very lucky. only here in the good ole usa are we permitted such questioning of authority. Lets examine the device. 1 a battery. 2 circuitry. 3 a glob of organic substance wraped aroung her chest, AND an airport. This is not NORMAL. bdog, is my user name on this site, it stands for BOMB DOG. That's my job. It is bad enough that we have terorists in this country to destroy us, we dont need people questioning the cops who put their lives on the line to defend it and have their methods questioned when they are right. Do you think we get paid extra for stopping terroristic acts? Just what does a bomb look like? i can tell you I can make it look not like a bomb. what does a terrorist look like? ask the students of Va Tech. NORMAL? When I fly and am asked to go through additonal screening I submit enthusiastically. This woman got what she wanted- ATTENTION. The root word being TENSION. _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  5. THIS is a bomb. It doesn't even LOOK like a shoe _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  6. And just what does a bomb look like? _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  7. Okay, and your response is based upon what figures? WIC seems to be corrupt as hell. NTSB is the only game in town so who is to say. ATC is using decades old equipment, their staff is under paid and according to a news report a few years ago the employees suffer from work related stress medical retirements at an alarming rate. They had two near collisions in California in recent weeks. Goverment run health care? Less bang for our buck? No thanks _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  8. And what goverment program has ever been run efficiently? This will turn out to be another social security scam...The goverment will have another hand in our pockets. _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  9. You keep shaking the tree to see what falls out. Do you really think anyones mind is going to be changed by rehashing the same, blah blah, redundant, beat to death issue? And that's all I have to say about that. _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  10. Let's free Tookie Williams! _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  11. and now we know! _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  12. or, if the condemned were to chose a state where a better form of execution were used then their demise could be more reliably predicted. we, as a society, put more effort into the execution of those who have been condemed than they demonstrated towards the feelings of their victims. _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  13. Me first! Me first! _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  14. try reading the constitution. when all else fails look within one's self _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-
  15. Well hopefully, it waqs a long painfull death. _________________________________________ ---Future Darwin Award recipient-