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  1. Hey, we could go round and round on this forever. You think I'm trolling. I don't. You're the moderator. I'm not. At this rate I'll be bounced out of dizzy within days. Who loses? I dunno. Like I said, I'll keep posting until I'm accepted or booted. You're the moderator. You decide. btw, heart won or not, you're still cute. ro.
  2. It's not that I'm unaware of your status, it more that I refuse to give up on anything while I'm still breathing. So, if you don't mind, I'll continue with my sorry attempts to win your heart. I think you'll find it's my detractors who lose their temper, resort to intemperate language, and generally make themselves look like ranting crazies. I offer thoughts. They offer anger. Still, I guess it all depend on which side of the fence you find yourself sitting... ro.
  3. I put a winky there cos I'm trying to win my way into your heart. You are a difficult woman to woo. You do yourself a disservice. You're the ONLY moderator that has demonstrated a) a degree of tolerance, and b) something approaching a sense of humour. Huh? I have no credibility to damage. Everyone tells me this, so it must be correct. Such an unpleasant word. Couldn't we dance around 'being economical with the truth'? To be totally honest, your acceptance or otherwise of me on dizzy shouldn't depend on the number of jumps I've done, whether or not I'm incredibly sexy or if my presence is sought after at skydiving meets. The ONLY thing that matters is 'am I making sense?' Now go away, re-read some of my posts, and see if you can't see what was being SAID rather than what was WRITTEN. And no, they ain't the same thing. ro.
  4. Cos I'm tickling your big fat tummy, not putting my feet on your table, that's HOW
  5. That's cruel. I am trying, just not having much success. Anyway, how come you can take a gentle teasing and the other's can't? I suppose that now isn't the time to mention that I may have been a little disingenuous when I said I'd never done any skydiving? I may have the odd thousand or so jumps behind me... ro.
  6. keep banning me everywhere I go...and the latest moderator didn't even do me the courtesy of sending me a this the 'tough love I keep hearing about?... ro. feeling unloved. very unloved. in fact, so unloved I sense a tear coming from my left eye. s'ok, I wiped it away before it ran down my cheek. better now. XX
  7. I prefer the 'no man is an island' rant of Donne, which ends, if memory serves me well: "...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." ro.
  8. …as I’ve been banned from another section for the MILDEST of trolls. This made me think about the different personalities of the participants of the sports I’m into. I realise that these are generalisation, but the truth often lies therein… Runners: Terminally dull and introspective. Jolly good fun to troll ‘cos they have a high pain threshold and invariable react rather slowly, thus the knee-jerk reactions of hatred or personal abuse are usually avoided. Easily wound up to breaking point. Fencing: Highly reactive and snippy. You’ll be hit with five or six well considered responses within three minutes of posting a troll. Surprisingly funny. Rather egocentric (which makes me like them even more). Put a lot of effort into hacking into your PC. Snowboarding: NOTHING rattles these guys. Damn hard to troll, only responding when under the influence of some illicit substance. However, criticise their favourite board/boots/binding and abuse will be heaped upon your head. Equipment freaks. And my new love… Skydivers: Lack perspective. Having said that, some of the guys/girls that have PM’d me have been bloody hilarious and highly likeable (Yay Ripple, Dorbie, DJL!). Skydivers seem to display a complete inability to recognise ironic humour and to be overly concerned with the serious nature of their sport. FYI guys, the European death rate per 1000 participants in skydiving is within 5% of the value for death rates of recreational runners during or with one hour from cessation of exercise So, how can I help you enjoy my posts more? Should I be nicer? . Should I explain stuff? Should I simply go away? Seems you have only two choices. One, an outright ban on all forums FOREVER. Two, you learn to love me as you would a wayward child. Would someone arrange a poll, or will a show of hands suffice? luvvin ya, ro.
  9. Oh, go on then. I can see your finger is itching to pull the trigger
  10. ...I have a problem. I have a love : hate relationship with Yankees. On the one hand most of them are surprisingly interesting and open to new ideas. And, as such, I just want to run up and give the silly buggers a cuddle. OTOH, they’re usually overly impressed with their own (lowly) abilities and somewhat limited when it comes to understanding what’s going on in the civilised world. Oooo – almost forgot - AND they’re too tubby, almost to a man, or woman. The tubby thing I can live with. I get my laughs where I can. Their inability to act in a manner benefiting a society that should be leading by example rather than by wielding a big stick we’ll put down to youthful exuberance. But their over confidence in their meagre abilities really sticks in my throat. WTF is that all about? I think we should institute a ‘Shame a Yankee’ day on dizzy. We choose a day, say January 27th, and we ridicule EVERY SINGLE POST made by a contributor from the United States on that day. This will do one of two things. It will either cause the angry little fellows to explode with rage, thus demonstrating the truth implicit in the statement that ‘Yankees take themselves too seriously’, or it will engender a humility and gracious acknowledgement that they too can look like the back end of a horse without really trying. C’mon, European Skydivers, let’s tweak the noses of the Yankee Imperialist Running Dogs. Or we could just tease them. Whaddya say? Is it a goer?
  11. Hmmm, you sound like me. Is this place big enough for us both? Hi, my egotistical yankee cousin. What sort of board you ride? Been to Europe (where the real riders play)? Oh, btw, after that intro most will have you down as a troll. Try not to let them get to you, they're tiresome - and one of the girls has a potty mouth (but only in her PM's - you know who you are). However, they do have some redeeming features i.e. they know more about skydiving than either of us. Remember, you're never stuck anywhere. You walk to the airport, buy a ticket, and leave. It's a simple as that.
  12. And later on in the same thread: So? I like to tell the unvarnished truth about myself. It's a legitimate head-fcuk tactic. If I was trolling you on this subject I wouldn't deny it, I'm not, so I do. Trolls can have real opinions too you know, and no less honestly held than your own. And chasing wildly around looking for scapegoats is one thing that pisses me off. Part of my heritage from usenet, you understand. Don't worry, when (if) we ever get to know each other you'll find my trolls much more amusing than this. Hell, this was so out of character that I think I need to lie down and relax for a mo'. Later, babes.
  13. Yunno, from where I sit as a newbie it's becoming increasingly difficult to determine who the crazies really are. The loons who snitch on their fellow skydivers, or the posse of wide-eyed vigilantes running round like headless chickens searching for the Judas amongst themselves. Y'all look kinda weird...
  14. Isn't a case of 'dicking up PK's thread'. Shit, I have everysympathy with the guy, especially if he has a family or partner depending on his income. But most of this thread is about identifying and dumping on the person who did this to PK. PK appears to have pointed a finger. WTF is this? A kangaroo court or a community forum? Sorry, Dave, but I find even the suggestion of that sort of 'justice' as hard to stomach as I do screwing with someone's employment prospects.
  15. I didn't say it was. I said that when you're talking with people you don't know, it's kinda dumb to assume they're going to react to your comments rationally . Crazy people are everywhere, even - apparently much to the surprise of most on - within this community. Isn't that the whole point in having a grudge? Normal people simply get over stuff and carry on with their lives.