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  1. do you all know that sometime when you enter the Interstate you have an extra lane for a while, and sometimes you are taken directly into the right lane of the highway? I learned to always look for that. Thank God for my fast reflexes and the inspiration to check the rearview mirror even though at the time I thougt I was safe in the merging lane.
  2. well, as much as I am against hunting, I wouldn't mind if the entire population of bears of this world were killed if it meant saving even a single human life.
  3. http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:Dqy4_mkVr54J:http://www.americanpatrol.com/_icons/Machete-Bloody.jpeg fits in my pocket ;)
  4. Any hairy redhead chicks here? I think red hair is sexy...everywhere!
  5. I bet you like your men without testicles as well.
  6. dude, if you really want to lose weight, Pilates ain't gonna do it. Here's some tips: Run. Run. Run. To quench those cravings for sweets and any kind of hunger: drink lots of diet soda. It will give you a sense of fullness(moreso than anything else you can ingest) -with zero calories.Keep busy so you don't munch on things (at work, at home, and so on). Obvious-don't buy any junk food. Eat out as rarely as possible. These rules, and a diet low on fat, high on fiber and vitamins is what helped me lose weight. Really fast. Really easy. I think people who complain they can't lose weight are...well, only world I can think of is inferior. Waiting for the flamefest
  7. look up microflight or hangsim (same game) there are free demos available for download.it seems realistic enough to me, but I haven't flown anything other than airplanes and gliders so I can't offer you an informed opinion about canopy flying in that game.