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    Sonic Temple
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  1. I dont believe a word of this bullshit. I guess it might be true, and your just a fucking dumbass.
  2. hello skysprite. i didnt see any post / follow up on the nightwish concert. For me nightwish is Tarja. But there new stuff is good too. Just differnt. thats all. Dont know if I would call it nightwish though. I am intrested in your thoughts of the concert. thanks. stardog #1
  3. Night wish is pretty fucking cool. I honestly dont even consider them goth. there videos are cool, and they do have some gothic imagery. intelligent Metal with dark symphony type stuff; which I guess does mean there goth. Do you like H.I.M?? have fun.
  4. THis show is getting to be painful to watch. Brooke Burke is the only one on here worth a fuck. Dialane with the crutches, and hoping around...Please!!.. Lucas. someone ought to take him back out back and put him out of his misery. Those gloves with the spikes, dont quite get that one. Dont get me started on gay boy Navarro..
  5. There terrible. I mean thats just my opinion. If you like them thats cool. But anyway Yea I think there new music sucks. Sometimes in this world a certain thing, a band, in this instance should just leave well enough alone, go out gracefully. The temptation is always there to rekindle the past glory. But perhaps they legitimately thought they had something to offer. Personally I dont believe that..its about the benjamins. Im talking about there new stuff...Crap
  6. I think Ryan got about as close as they would allow to saying that last night. I agree, I think this is a great oppurtunity to get your name out there, get some spotlight, and then go out on your own. I do think the singers they have up there now, are all real good. Could definetly go there own way. Supernova is going to suck probably just as much as the new INXS. Then in about 5 years they will have a show called RockStar battle of the sucketh bands to ever suck. I was surprised to see Jason Newstead involved with this. He seemed to get out of Matellica right before they completely sold out.
  7. I cant pass this one up. Thats too cool. Good luck man!! I wish I could shoot you off the back of my pick up truck. Actually thinking about it... You could rent that truck out at a dropzone. hit the boogies. retire in style. later
  8. Im not a base jumper. However am familiar with it. You guys have an issue with your image. What you stand for. This happens with most things that are in a state of transition / out of the box. Most people have no issue with base at all. If they see some guy jumping from an antennae; they are like damn pull the car over, check it out kids. What they dont appreciate are dumb asses. I mean to do a stunt like that in NY, all over the press. I lost total respect for the guy, and I really liked his videos. The world is full of just shit that is over done / over exposed. This is the complete opposite of what base is about. But anyway, thats life. This will too fade away. The flash in the pans will come and go. You guys can go back to business as normal. Got to keep it on the "down low" otherwise it loses all validity. Peace !!
  9. I had thought about the pergatory thing as well. Hard to say...But yeah I think its definetly one of the better new shows out. Personally Im not exactly sure why they would want to leave!!