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  1. EirAnne


    For skydivers and tunnel flyers, Empuriabrava is an ideal location to train, improve flying skills and to rub shoulders with the world’s top professionals and teams. Anyone from age four upwards can fly in the Wind Tunnel, even people of an advanced age. Skydive Empuriabrava is the largest dropzone in Europe and one of the biggest in the world. The location of the sunny beaches of the Costa Brava in Spain, combined with proximity to the Pyrenees for winter skiing, make it the perfect destination for sports enthusiasts or those organizing family vacations. For skydivers, the warm climate makes for a dream destination all year round. Forget travelling to centres in the middle of nowhere with no external facilities or recreational activities. Empuriabrava is a tourist centre, with a large array of restaurants and hotels with something for every budget. For those looking for a higher end vacation, Catalonia is home to restaurants constantly voted in the top 5 in the world, as well as some fabulous wineries.
  2. I met Gary back in 1998/1999. We were running a Skydive University one on one event, called 'The Search'. Gary was one of the people who attended, he was 17 years old and it was his first time in the U.S. It was fantastic to meet him, he was easily the most enthusiastic person there. At the end of the event, he said that he was going to stay in the U.S. and become a full time skydiver. He was so young, so determined and so fired up. It was great. I hope that wherever he is, the next journey is just as exciting. x PS. Can someone please tell whoever is in charge that the Swiss cliffs need to stop gobbling up our best people.
  3. I have no problems with someone buying this rig and re-selling it if the transaction is genuine. Free trade. However, if I had bought this rig in these circumstances and it only had 20 jumps then I would start with the reasonable assumption that the person who ordered it from new was the owner. I have been told that it was sold by someone who started AFF and didn't finish. That information could easily be checked by contacting Sunpath with the serial number. After a couple of quick checks and no foul play, then the new owner gets a great bargain and makes some smart money with a clear conscience.
  4. Now that it is in the real skydiving classifieds, it would be nice to think that the new owner has made an effort to check out whether it has been lost or stolen before putting it up for resale.
  5. I just had a look - it is still up there. The wording on the article is obviously not by someone familiar with skydiving as is the pricing of the rig. It is either someone who has been given this genuinely who doesn't know what it is worth, or someone who has got hold of this by some other means. If it is a lost or stolen item, it would be nice for it to go back to its' owner before it gets 'lost' again.
  6. Here is an ad on Craigslist for what looks like a reasonable Javelin container. It is being sold by someone who knows nothing about it. Asking price $50!!! If anyone has heard of a rig going missing in and around the Phoenix area, then this ad might be worth pursuing. If it is genuine, pick yourself up a bargain. Blue skies
  7. It will just about fit, but that depends a lot on your packing skills and whether you can be bothered with the sweat and tears after every load or if you use a packer having them avoid you like the plague. It also depends on whether you mind that your rig will be stretched to accommodate the extra bulk so that when you go down to a canopy size which is a better fit for the container the fabric will look pretty ugly.
  8. I had a recent experience on the classifieds forum that I think goes against the spirit of the forum and is quite unethical. I wondered if it was an isolated incident, or if this kind of thing happens regularly. Scenario: Someone had their rig for sale. It was a good price and nice looking rig. I offered to buy the rig at the full price. The offer was accepted and after several emails I had got to the point with the seller that we had agreed to do the deal through a particular dz using Escrow. We had agreed a time, a place and an amount, pending inspection of the rig. The next email informed me that another person had offered a higher amount. I was told the amount and was encouraged to place a higher bid. At no time during the correspondence was I informed that the seller was negotiating with other buyers. I no longer trusted the integrity of the seller and withdrew my original offer. The seller pleaded ignorance of the code of conduct of the forum. I found this disturbing for a couple of reasons: 1) DZ.com is not an auction site. Sellers can put in best offer on their advertisement and can take the highest offer, but if they solicit higher bids who is to say whether those bids are genuine. A seller should not be in charge of a private auction. 2) If the seller had used Ebay, they would have run the risk of the rig going for a lower amount than they wanted. By setting up a private auction and being the person in charge, they were stacking the deck. They get the minimum they want and try and push the upper limit as high as possible, with a few buyers bidding against each other, but no one really knowing the full details. Obviously I lost no money on this deal and whether other people choose to enter into a private bidding war is their own concern., but I do think that using the forum in this manner lays it open to abuse. Most auctions are done through a 3rd party for a very good reason.
  9. Pete Allum and Joey Jones will be holding a second 16-way Invitational in Empuriabrava during the Christmas Boogie. The event is being organized by Inner Rhythm Coaching. 28th Dec is warm-up day. 29 + 30th 16-ways. 31st Dec - 32-ways. Price 320 Euros includes 10 x 16-ways and 2 x 32-way skydives and also includes all coaching and video. It will also include registration for the Christmas Boogie (45 Euros). If you have the necessary skills and are interested in participating, please contact peteallum@aol.com or annemaxwell1000@hotmail.com Groups will be assigned based on ability. Thanks and blue skies Anne
  10. The Project 2009 The Project has unexpectedly had 3 slots become available due to last-minute cancellations. This years’ event will take place from 18 – 21st June inclusive. We can accommodate a group, 4-way team of any level or can take individuals of beginner to expert abilities who will be paired with others of similar skills. The event is a 4 way skills camp (3 on 1 format), incorporating world class coaching, and will be held at one of the finest drop zones in the world, Empuriabrava, Spain. As in 2007 and 2008 the coaches include world class competitors Pete Allum, Shannon Pilcher and Ian Bobo. For information on The Project 2008 please check out the following link: http://www.ukskydiver.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=199:the-project-2008-&catid=13:uk-banter&Itemid=156 Each person will make 20 coached 4-way jumps with video included as part of the package. This is a fantastic opportunity to get expert coaching from World-class 4 way coaches and competitors. The only requirements are good basic skydiving skills and a desire to learn. The event has a limited number of participants to ensure the perfect coach/player ratio. It is a rare opportunity to be coached by and jump with the best 4-way people in the world. You are guaranteed the best skydives of your life! Current pricing is 1285 Euros per person to include all slot/video/coaching costs, the end of camp dinner and entry into the prize draw. Travel and accommodation are not included. For more information or to register, please go to: http://www.innerrhythmcoaching.com or contact me direct at: annemaxwell1000@hotmail.com
  11. In theory the idea sounds really great to turn up at a European dropzone when you are short of cash, stay for a couple of days over a busy weekend, make a few hundred Euros and then keep on travelling for a bit longer. This idea makes the following assumptions: 1. You have done your homework and you know which drozones are busy and where professional packing is an accepted service on the dropzone. 2. You are a professional packer. i.e. you can pack all types and sizes of canopies into all types and sizes of rigs in a short amount of time. (In Europe the variety of mains and containers is vastly greater than in the U.S.). 3. You are prepared to turn up, introduce yourself and hang around making yourself useful until a slot becomes available and then when one does, you prove your ability and willingness to work. Dropzones in Europe are not that much different from dropzones in the U.S. (except the beer and the coffee are way better), ask yourself if a stranger with your experience level could just turn up at your local dropzone and immediately pick up a steady supply of work. If the answer if yes, then you shouldn't have any problems over there either. Best of luck
  12. I agree. First and foremost, if you are buying gear and not a rigger or instructor yourself, you should get the gear checked out by a rigger. On the other hand, if the rig has been checked out by one reputable rigger, it shouldn't need a second inspection. I don't know any riggers that will lay their reputation on the line to dupe anyone out of a couple of hundred dollars. Anyone that does, won't last long in this business. To qualify the post I am a rigger. Maybe there are some people out there whose rigging ticket came in a lucky bag, but they are easy to differentiate from expert riggers. Most people do not want to send their equipment out of town without payment. I think that by offering to have an independent local rigger inspect the gear they are showing good faith.
  13. It seems like the posting has stirred up a can of worms. I had hoped that it was just another innovative way of trying to raise some funding. I understand that sending money directly to a charity will ensure that all of that money is spent for that purpose. JFTC on the other hand, is about raising money for charity AND creating a skydiving event that generates a huge amount of positive publicity for our sport. It shouldn't be a competition between the two and it certainly serves no good purpose to trash the event. For anyone who would like to verify my identity, my JFTC participant page is: http://jftc.jumpforthecause.com/profiles/annemaxwell
  14. Some British friends recently advised me that it was more expensive to cash the checks in their UK banks than the value of the checks themselves. I haven't checked into the costs for every country, but am offering the JTFC option for those who have run into that issue.