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  1. Piss read above, I had 3 seconds what should I have done?? and that's with a ,4 on the lens so lets say more like 2 by the time my vision picked it up. I am all ears... Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  2. Bill, I was kind the first time and the DZO also talked to them, that would be the second time. I swear does anyone at all read all the posts before they chime in? at what time is it appropriate to get annoyed with someone is unsafe? I guess I won't say shit anymore, or get angry when it is the 3rd time they are told. I will turn a blind eye like everyone else and then when someone gets killed I will be part of the problem not the solution. Also, watch the movement of the camera, there were only 5 people in the sky as the first group of tandems got out at 9. You can see the canopy pass below me (below 400' on what appears to be final as he is close to the ground) you can see the white canopy landing in the peas, that leaves me and the tandem above me, thus EVERYONE accounted for. I did a 90 on final, hardly a high performance landing. Also, there is about 20-25 acres to land in and one small section of peas for the tandems. If I ever decide to post here again I will make sure it is a minimum 500 word document with witness statements to make sure it is clear as crystal. Until recently this forum was a learning place, now it's more like a dart board. I was very tired when I posted the video which was my bad for not giving a clear explanation of the events pre-ceeding this incident and the number of the jumpers in the air, the location and size of the landing area, number of jumpers already on the ground, those left in the sky, winds aloft at 12k, 9k, 6k, 3k and on the ground as well as the color of jump suits used and color canopies of everyone on the load. Next time will that cover it?? if not please feel free to ask rather than assume, it will produce a much greater learning environment. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  3. Serious question from a complete newbie - why would you aim to land so close to the tandems and students when you had that whole big field to land in? I'm guessing that students and tandem passengers might also not be very aware of their surroundings so I would have thought it would be safer to give them a lot of space too to avoid the potential of one of them walking in front of you as you land. I was doing a Tandem video and that is where the tandems land. I had just talked to this crew the jump prior about the exact same thing as had the DZO after I did, I was more than a little pissed this guy put me in danger. If I was on my smaller canopy this would have ended quite differently. you may be the calm mellow type, I am not. I expect in this sport for folks to take safety seriously, and when a regular and the DZO just told you on the last jump that we do not land to the west, advised him to get another airport briefing from manifest and then he does it again, yea I was a little pissed off. I didn't really relish the though of laying on my back broken with no means to support my family! Sometimes being a "Douche" is the only way to get you point across, I guess rnicks and demoknite after the second incident in 2 jumps would calmly ask them why they insist on not following the pattern and being unsafe, especially after the almost had a collision. It amazes me how folks will armchair quarterback the reaction and ignore the incident. I'll go mute the audio and maybe someone will learn something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvVzIs3KfZM Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  4. At what point do you think I saw him? at 20 sec on the video he looked like he was landing south, when he comes into frame on a .4 lens I have already turned onto final and I am less than 3o feet of the ground at 35 MPH with tandem masters and students to my left and him moving from my left to my right, where the fuck did you want me to go? After I make my turn to final he comes into frame at 32 seconds of this video and I am on the ground at 35 seconds. It takes 3/4 of a second for the human body to see something and react which left me 2 1/4 seconds at 15 feet off the ground at 35 MPH where in the hell should I have went? did you want me to toggle whip it into the ground? I am all ears.... Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  5. This is what happens when people are ignorant to the standard landing pattern at a DZ. http://youtu.be/w_UY9tPi8l4 Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  6. Afternoon NorrinRadd, I am a captain with a fire department in California. Instead of taking fire science classes take EMT and paramedic classes, the majority of departments now have no use for single role firefighters when they can get paramedics that are dual role for the same price (more bang for their buck). Also, back issues are not good, and may disqualify you. As far as the testing process goes, just be honest, back ground checks are a huge part of the testing process and they will dig up everything that could hurt you, thus why you might as well tell them. If they offer study material for their test buy them, they tests are not universal anymore and may be specific to their materials. If there are not suggested study materials, there are many books available on fire service testing, just google them. Good Luck!! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  7. USPA Raises Minimum Deployment Altitude by Ed Scott One of the actions arising from last week’s meeting of the USPA Board will raise the minimum deployment altitude for C- and D-license holders in the Basic Safety Requirements from the current 2,000 feet to 2,500 feet. The board had discussed this idea at previous meetings, and it has now come to the conclusion that the change will save lives. Since 2001, there have been nine fatalities—two of them this year—associated with low reserve deployments after automatic activation device activations, most of them at line-stretch. In each case, the AAD activated at the proper altitude. There are a variety of factors that can interfere with a timely reserve deployment, among them a jumper’s body position, a weak pilot chute spring, a low-drag pilot chute, a pilot chute caught in the jumper’s burble, a bridle that briefly snags on something or a tight reserve container that slows extraction. And while it is often impossible to determine whether any of these factors were present in these accidents, what is known is that if there had been only another second or two, we could have asked the jumper what happened. Clearly, an AAD-activation altitude higher than the current 840 feet for one product and 750 feet for another may have provided those precious extra seconds. But the AAD manufacturers had a dilemma: They couldn’t increase their activation altitudes if the BSR allows a 2,000-foot altitude for initiating deployment. If jumpers deployed at 2,000 feet and waited on main canopy inflation or fought a malfunction while going through 1,000 feet, then low-altitude two-canopy-out scenarios or worse, main-reserve entanglements, would become more likely. Raising the minimum altitude for C- and D-licensees to 2,500 feet provides more time for the main to open or for a jumper to enact emergency procedures before the AAD activates and, hopefully, now at an altitude that helps ensure a fully-inflated reserve canopy. Yes, most jumpers already deploy higher than 2,500 feet; you almost have to if you are complying with the long-standing Skydiver’s Information Manual recommendation for B through D licensees to enact emergency procedures by 1,800 feet, especially with today’s slow-opening main canopies that are quick to go into a hell-bent spin. But some jumpers still deploy below 2,500 feet, sometimes for good reason. To allow those good reasons, the board motion allows Safety and Training Advisors to waive the BSR on a jump-specific basis. If there is a low ceiling and the airplane can’t get above 2,500 feet for low exits or accuracy jumps or if the same low ceiling threatens a demo or if the big-way attempts need a little more room at the bottom to ensure adequate separation, then the S&TA simply waives those specific jumps from the BSR. There is no required paperwork or time spent waiting on someone else’s approval. However, DZ-wide or season-long waivers are not the intent. Otherwise why enact a rule that could be universally waived? Finally, USPA isn’t ignoring the tight-rig issue. Back in 2010, USPA formally asked the Parachute Industry Association to research the accidents in which the container design may have infringed on reserve deployment. The PIA committee tasked to do so is also setting up testing protocols to try to identify rig designs and components that have the potential to inhibit reserve deployment. We continue to monitor PIA’s progress and look forward to seeing continued improvement in rig design. Ed Scott Executive Director So if my math is correct and assuming a conservative 2 million jumps per year since 2001 (22,000,000/9 fatalities) your chance of this occurring is .00000041%!! Seems pretty silly to make this BSR. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  8. Nice edit Justin, thanks for doing this i know it takes a lot of time. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  9. Skydance Skydiving is hosting a basic exit and belly skills camp when safety day seminars conclude this Saturday March 9th. If you are new to sport or just want to knock of the winter rust come out and play with us!! https://www.facebook.com/events/543337219030600/ Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  10. Yes, the parachute operates seven days a week. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  11. After the in plane interviews were completed a 50-60 Y/O female passenger looked to her TM and said "I don't care what happens when we leave this plane, I just want to get to the ground!" I turned to her and replied "Maam, I personally guarantee that after you exit this airplane you will get to the ground, one way or another!" Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  12. Bump, last two days and only leading by 1/2% Quote Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  13. Yikes we're behind, come on sky family it is FREE! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  14. Bump for the Animals!! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  15. This is a letter I got from my friend Janice, she recently was injured on landing (stepped in a gopher hole) and cannot work. She is putting herself through Vet school at UC Davis and has numerous rescue pets she cares for. So let's help one of our own and cast a vote a day for "the little bird that could!!" Thanks in advance!! Janice's letter: Hello friends. I am asking that you take a moment and vote for the story "A Little Bird That Could." If it wins, Mickaboo will get some much needed funds to help support veterinary care for all of our rescued birds. We solely depend on donations and winning contests like these. Our monthly veterinary expenses range from 20 thousand to 40 thousand dollars. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. You can vote every day until November 11th. Steve, Pico, and I really appreciate it! http://theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/clickToGive/contest.faces?siteId=3 Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked