That's right, Johnny9Lives has done it again.
He's got Eddowes flying the chopper, the Boogie in a Box Skyvan, myself in the Caravan, and the 182 for you oldschool hardcores.
Around for a week of organizing will be Stuey from MonkeyClaw, those sick kids from Spaceland Anomaly, and Roger Ponce DeLeon for all you flatties. Daily seminars include canopy control, freefly, and RW.
Nighttime activites include, but certainly not limited to, Friday acoustic jam session at the bonfire, Saturday Free Coon-ass Boogie Dinner & DJ in the Dome...and let's not forget the Free Beer, Sunday Fat Tuesday warm-up session........and listen up kids!!..... the Bus departs the dz at 10AM FatTuesday morning for Bourbon Street, New return 2AM RecoveryWednesday.
With brand new facilities & runway, fresh staff for the season, and huge energy, a great time is guaranteed.
Cya there,