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Got a german shep. I named Vigil Annie. and a lab named Riser. Had another lab named Toggles, but she got bloat and died How about King Air People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
Can somone tell me what Forums actually are for? Maybe you can K? Seems you have a good idea of what they are meant to be. But I do remember it saying on "Bonfire" that it was a place to vent your frustrations. Appears that is what he did, didn't broadcast the personal details. Just told other people to stay out of it. They know who they are. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
Peeing in the sink is okay. Just don't wash your willie in the sink - that's nasty! People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
Well put, oh great one! People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
Let Go Of My Ears I Know What I am Doing People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
A word of empathy. Know your pain!!! I have been unemployed since Feb. and still looking. I have never been unemployed for more than 2 weeks and that was 13 years ago. Job hunting really sucks, and I tell you that I absolutely hate the dog and pony show of interviewing. Although, I am hoping to hear on Monday if I got a job with the state DOT office. Good Luck!! People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
So sorry for your families loss. As a parent, I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain of your family, but I know I would completely lose it if something happened to my son. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
I sat and read your post and shook my head in agreement, but I can say DONT GIVE UP -- IF you really want to jump. My first AFF the spot was a little long, we had a full plane and I took forever getting out the door (ripped out by instructor actually) at 8500 I got the pull sign and pulled. My instructor realized we were way out and he wanted to make sure we made it back. My two instructors made it back, I landed in a cow field about a mile away with these instructions on the radio "pick a clear spot and flare when you think you need to" because they couldn't see me from the trees. I rode the canopy down thinking I had done something really bad to get the "pull" signal. AND I rode that airplane up every single AFF jump saying to myself "when I get down this is it. I am not jumping anymore. Why in the hell am I here." BUT when I was in the air, I had a blast. It took me 11 jumps to get off AFF -- all because I physched myself out!!!!! I was always so tense. Anyway, over 100 jumps and one year later, I am still jumping. . . and I am still scared to all get out every plane ride, but once I am in the air, it is the best thing on earth. If I could just get to 15000 instantly, I would be just perfectly fine!!!! Good Luck People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
Anyone 6-7 months post op ACL reconstruction??
obligaited replied to Silverlining's topic in Skydivers with Disabilities
My AFF instructor is about 10 months post op ACL replacement, as well as tearing up a few other things in the same knee and he is back doing tandems, and skydiving. He was back after about 6 months, but was jumping a bigger chute for a couple months when jumping sport and not tandem -- in order to land a little softer under a closer to 1:1 ration vs. his higher performance canopy. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours. -
I don't know about a herniated disc rupturing. I did have my L4-L5-S1 fused when I was 16 due to a congenital defect where the "dog ears" on both sides of the vertebrae were fractured and left my vertebrae to move and put pressure on disc and spine. I am now 39. I have ridden horses, been thrown off of them, done cave-diving where the weight of the gear was much more, and recently took up skydiving this last year. I have no pain when in air, only when doing too much on ground such as dirt diving for too long with gear or trying to do too much arching on ground on creepers. I am with you. . . if I can't do anything I love, then it isn't really living. Now, tempering that with some sensibility, I would say look for other opinions from orthopedic specialist who deal with "sports" related injuries and people so that they are less likely to tell you you can't do, but try to find a way that you can UNLESS it is just too far gone, and then be honest with you. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
Collegiate Boogie January 13-16, 2006
obligaited replied to jumpingbean001's topic in Events & Places to Jump
I agree that Art, Skydive Palatka, the Lee's, the Falling Gator's and the jumpers who showed up were great. There were great people with whom to skydive and hang out. Sunday and Monday's weather was great. I was however very disappointed to see the turnout be so low. And from the original post on this forum, there was not all the "stuff" promised. I am also very disappointed to see this forum, which started out to be an advertisement for the boogie, become a clothesline for hurt feelings. I really had hoped and expected college educated people to take the high road. However, I did have a great time and look forward to a more prosperous boogie next year. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours. -
Anyone Interested? Let me Know?
obligaited replied to obligaited's topic in Skydivers with Disabilities
Okay, I know it is kind of corny, and there are enough "groups" out there, and I even joined one of them myself (gotta love being a "bumpy brother") but I wondered if there is a club for handicapped skydivers? If not, would anybody be interested in a club for handicapped skydivers? I would think the only requirement would be that you have some sort of handicap/physical disability even if it isn't recognized by an agency as a disability (such as I have a pacemaker/haert condition that I have had since I was 18) -- and that you had done at least one jump (tandems of course included)??? A newsletter could be done that details how to overcome disabilities in order to skydive, Handicapped friendly DZ's, stories on people who have had to struggle to skydive. Etc. . . If you are interested, please contact me through this forum. Thanks and Blue Skies. Quote People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours. -
Sorry to hear you have such a diagnosis. That is a really tough one!!! Is there anything they can do to change the enlarged aorta?? Surgery? replacing it????? So much can be done today, but then you have to decide if doing the things in life are worth going through such an enormously difficult and painful surgery??? I know that there have been healthy people who have died of a ruptured aorta due to injuries in skydiving, so I guess your enlargement makes you at a high risk? I think for me static line would be better than nothing, but it really isn't the canopy work that is that much fun for me. Maybe that will change when I actually get better at it and quit stressing! I think you should do whatever you want to do once you understand the consequences. Even static line could hurt you. It really stinks being told you "can't" when you want to soooooo much. My thoughts are with you as you try to figure out what you want to do. Keep in touch. Emily People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
Thanks. I liked it. but I loved open water. I never thought of cave diving as "hard core." But, I guess when I look back on it -- it sort of is. I had a bad episode when I got nitrogen narcosis, and it scared me a little. I went back, but then I got out of it all together. I think of Skydiving as Hard Core!!! Funny, that this old (38) coot, got into it at all. But, I am loving it, and will make my 50th jump tomorrow. Blue Skies People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
GREAT! Have a wonderful time in Deland. I have not jumped there, but I have visited the DZ and also ordered my suit from Merlin. Christine is great. Anyway, I am glad you are going to get a chance to learn to jump without being snapped to another person. Although, I did think tandems were the most fun you could have with your clothes on strapped to a man!!!! ha!!! Good luck on your AFF course, and keep fighting all the way. You are right, as we both know, that you have to push against all the odds in life, whether or not you are challenged by handiabled bodies, minds, or anything else. Heck, you got to push against the odds these days, even if you don't have those challenges. Send us a picture from Deland AND if you get a chance to swing by Skydive Williston (about 2 hours from Deland) and jump with us, we welcome EVERYONE! Just bring your log book, your gear, and your enthusiasm and we will never turn you away!!!! It is a great place for beginners as everyone welcomes you in to jump and learn, even if you only have 15 jumps! Safe and fun group. Let us know how you are doing. Emily People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
Good Luck iluvjovi. I hope you get a chance to do the things you are aiming to do. Please send us pictures. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
Let me know when you are there. I will be teaching kids in October, so I could probably get down on a weekend, IF I can afford it. I will take a big pay cut to do the new job, but time off with my kid is better than money. I couldn't imagine being paralyzed either, but I have some idea with my stepson being in a wheelchair with CP. Good luck on the attempt. I was in Dublin, but I only made one jump -- too chicken to do much with only 20 something jumps. My husband did some jumps though and that was good. Expensive but good. If you get down to Lake Wales, make a side trip and come join us for a fun RW jump in Williston. We have a fun group. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
I don't know if my road was any harder than yours. Being deaf can't be "easy" by no means!!! But thank you and I hope we get a chance to jump together. Did you go to Dublin this year? If you are ever in Florida, come by Williston. Great group of people. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
At 16 a Dr. told me I would never go to college or hold down a job (by the way he said I could have kids???) and wouldn't do surgery on my back that was pressing on a nerve in my spine. Another doctor did and I spent my 17th birthday in the hospital having my spine fused. At 18, I was diagnosed with a heart condition and had to have a pacemaker implanted. Twenty years later, I have taken up SKYDIVING! In those 20 years, I have done scuba diving (including cave diving) and rode horses competitively. I am so pleased to be a recently licensed skydiver, and am very glad I never let anyone tell me I can't do something. Although I don't consider myself handicapped, I feel a kindred spirit with those who are who have been told they can't do something. My stepson has CP and is in a wheelchair. My husband (a jumper) took him for his second tandem a couple months ago. I hope the handicapped or physically challenged people on this forum won't give up if they want to jump. My mom also did her second tandem on her 70th birthday. Age, physical handicaps -- Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something!! Hoorah! People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
My step son has cerebral palsey and is in a wheelchair. He has done 2 tandems and is going to do a third for this birthday. He will be 22. He has no real use of his legs and limited use of his right arm, and his body doesn't really recognize his left side that much. Skydive Williston and Deland have both done tandems with him (Florida) with no problems or concerns. They tie his legs up so that they won't drag during landing. He had a blast. I know Skydive Williston has done other handiabled people also, and I am sure Deland has too. I hope you find a good group to go with. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.
I was a little concerned to go with my coach to a new place, but Zhills was a nice place to do a jump away from your "comfort zone." Since I was with someone, and we met another friend, I didn't have to worry about finding someone with which to jump. Overall the groups seemed friendly, but most were paired up with others. There were some people asking around for groups, but it seemed like a hit or miss opportunity. The landing area was nice and big, so I wasn't intimidated about making it to the DZ. The spot was good, and I had a great jump. The airplanes are great, but be prepared to be packed in like sardines!!! -- which of course you should expect in a very busy DZ -- business is business. Great place to visit and do some fun jumps.
I wish I had only failed once! It took me 11 jumps to get through 7 levels. And of course, at my small drop zone, where my husband has history with one of the old timers, I took a lot of fun ribbing. When I graduated from student status, I was still wishing I had that harness hold for a few more jumps. It was hard for me to understand how the whole program was set up to have you jump out on your own with no instructor after just 7 jumps!!! But, then again, I must be a slow learner. But a few jumps later and I finally got used to the idea. Now, if I could just have more help with the landings, the RW work seems like a piece of cake! Hoorah! Never Quit. People Too Weak To Follow Their Own Dreams Will Always Keep You From Following Yours.