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Everything posted by missg8tordivr

  1. 0:0:0 Still no jumpy for me. But, I did get to spend Sunday on a sail boat! Too bad I got a sunburn *** F LORIDA!
  2. Glad you were finally able to get it up again...I mean, get up congrats! *** F LORIDA!
  3. Love is not: coming home to find no dinner on the table, no hello when I walk in the door because you are sleeping .....and your cat whooping the hell out of my dog!!! *** F LORIDA!
  4. Yes...sometimes Love hurts. *** F LORIDA!
  5. Cute! That does look like love to me! *** F LORIDA!
  6. Oh...that was YOU!!!! J, you know I LUUVV you! *** F LORIDA!
  7. Love is understanding. Love is forgiving. Love is accepting. Love can certainly be challenging at times. Sometimes Love is a sacrifice. Love is supportive. Most of all Love is giving. The list can go on and on and can be so many positive things. *** F LORIDA!
  8. With my burn I used Silvadine (?SP). It heals really quickly, and it what is used on people with large amounts of burns or severe burns. It can only be purchased through perscription. I still have a slight scar, but it was not nearly as bad as it could have been. So, might be good to look into.
  9. Mountain Dew and 'special' books! edit to clarify *** F LORIDA!
  10. Tuesday It all makes sense now. *** F LORIDA!
  11. mmmm....Rum Runners come to mind!!! *** F LORIDA!
  12. Well...I will be heading that way on the 18th. May even bring some friends...get outta town, away from the havoc of every day shit....ya know enjoy life, maybe even jump out of a plane?? Anyone got an altimeter I can borrow? *** F LORIDA!
  13. thank girl...hope to see you in z-hills one of these days! *** F LORIDA!
  14. I have a friend going through some hard times right now. You 'men'!?! ...grrrrrr please send good thoughts and vibes her way! thanks *** F LORIDA!
  15. OMG...you eat cats?? *** F LORIDA!
  16. You don't get enough in Speakers Corner?? *** F LORIDA!
  17. Put something in their mouth *** F LORIDA!
  18. ..DAMN DIRTY PWing BITCH! wow..your right, I feel much better.
  19. Have you tried a PA? Unsuccessfully...every time I started blowing I kept getting poked in the eye *** F LORIDA!
  20. blowing bubbles through a nipple ring is even more fun! *** F LORIDA!
  21. Thats too bad, you can't change your mind now! Once you go gay, there is no other way! You must live in sin forever...no butts about it *** F LORIDA!
  22. Yea...fuzzy and cute Doing lovely, thanks for asking! Need a visit from you soon though. We would love to see you and catch up.....only if you can control your laughter of course!