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Everything posted by missg8tordivr

  1. Yea that is most likely the case...I have never seen a 9 year old that can type and use punctuations that well. *** F LORIDA!
  2. Does a bear shit in the woods? Hell yea, but you're on your own gettin there. Im thinkin Hottylicious would be a bit grumpy if I took a hottie w/ me for 4 weeks in Phoenix and left her at home to pack for our move when I return. Your leavin her to pack?!??! Damn I'd be pissed too! I will be in Orlando for my BestFriends birthday anyways. Have a great trip!
  3. Need a travel partner?? *** F LORIDA!
  4. You 2 definitely need to come to the west coast That sounds like a great idea!!! West coast here I come!!! *** F LORIDA!
  5. Hey, I know where you can go!!! *** F LORIDA!
  6. Ah life has a way of weeding out the stupid people...and their genes! *** F LORIDA!
  7. Congrats!!! Being a house owner is a wonderful feeling....most of the time...when your not fixin things! Good luck! *** F LORIDA!
  8. I'll never look at elephants the same *** F LORIDA!
  9. Its true...she didn't drink!! So where are your pictures??? *** F LORIDA!
  10. Been sending vibes and prayers all day!! > *** F LORIDA!
  11. Your gonna be there?! YEEEEAAAAAA!!! It will be good to see you!
  12. Shake it pops, shake it!! Man...this is gonna be a fun trip! *** F LORIDA!
  13. Hey...I'll put some money in to see that! *** F LORIDA!
  14. Will you be my daddy??? Bob can be your dad and I can be your mom and you can be our child. aye, mami!!! *** F LORIDA!
  15. Dayum.. I'm sorry I missed that. I'm so glad that Swoop stepped up to the plate and took you down!!! All I can say is......paybacks are hell!!! *** F LORIDA!
  16. Would like to...but weather may may be a bit of a problem! *** F LORIDA!
  17. Repack, Repack!!! It can't rain all the time!!! edit to add: Or...you could sit at home getting drunk and plan your trip to the keys next weekend!!!!!
  18. I suggest against the cane!! I can't believe that you forgot the leather wip that Robbie used so well Whos was that anyways?! Personally...that would be my choice! *** F LORIDA!
  19. Alright....I will talk to you when you arrive and we will chat about it. Have a safe trip over!!
  20. I wanna thank Art, the DZ staff, the cooks, the pilots, and everyone for a good weekend. I had a great time, as always! Looking forward to being out there this summer!!! Oh yea..here are some pictures of what followed my 100th. The chase and the take down! *** F LORIDA!