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Everything posted by missg8tordivr

  1. Figured I would share this picture I found. *** F LORIDA!
  2. Bolas Blueskyserenity iluvtofly billeisele Micduran Missg8tordivr Thanatos340 Her Hotness Turtle teamjenn1 - you know we can't go without her Want to go....depends on the date! *** F LORIDA!
  3. I love this one!! Have you seen the out takes for this one?? They are pretty funny too *** F LORIDA!
  4. Lucky! Riiiiiiight *** F LORIDA!
  5. mmmm...that sounds really good!! I think that I will have to pick up some cranberry juice and limes for tomorrow night! *** F LORIDA!
  6. . . . Hello Liquor store - yes could you send me one case of Jack Daniels Please? Thank you. You have NOOO idea! Last time Jack and I had a long talk was the night I got that scar I just posted about God what a great night of fuckery!! *** F LORIDA!
  7. Chardonnay ....the good Pinot was not chilled *** F LORIDA!
  8. Learn to drive a Honda CBR 900rr...that was about a week ago and I will forever have a scar to remind me of that evening *** F LORIDA!
  9. Actually more in the mood for Gin and Tonic, with a lime...hmmm [checks kitchen] Damn! no lime Guess I have to drink this whole bottle of wine *** F LORIDA!
  10. only something about 5-8 beers, and i'm on my first scotch n'coke now.. still plenty to go! when's you here? If you get a bottle of Jack..... I will be there in a jiffy! *** F LORIDA!
  11. So are you going to supply us with how many of each you have had throughout the day??? *** F LORIDA!
  12. I am usually a happy/flirty drunk. Unless I drink Jack...then I get a little fiesty. *** F LORIDA!
  13. Thank you! Having a typical Monday after a long drawn out weekend, of watching over Emma. She had a bunch of seizures on Sat night, or what looked to me like seizures. The vet took some blood for tests, so we will see what they come up with. They are not sure what is was. *** F LORIDA!
  14. Well, it's not like I haven't tried to call! You just won't answer and the TRO says i can't visit any more. Well, had not gone through my underware drawer and stolen all of my thongs, you would still be able to visit! *** F LORIDA!
  15. Sounds like I am having that kind of day today *** F LORIDA!
  16. That was all your fault by the way *** F LORIDA!
  17. woo hooo, I finally made it on the list! You WERE on my list...... Then i remembered you were a Florida fan ...but Florida fans are the best lovers *** F LORIDA!
  18. Not proud to say it but over the phone with really not much explaination. It was a long distance relationship, he lived over 5hours away. Most break ups have been pretty civil, but the one that hurt the most for me....well, we haven't spoken in over two years. *** F LORIDA!
  19. You and Jean are in my thoughts! *** F LORIDA!
  20. Nothing wrong with a little spanking *** F LORIDA!
  21. woo hooo, I finally made it on the list! *** F LORIDA!
  22. Starting out the weekend by taking the mountain bike out to the San Felasco trail right after work. Followed by Happy Hour down-town and harassing a certain man in uniform, while I drink into the late evening/early morning. Saturday, I will be recovering from tonight, sorting through some old tax paperwork. Then going to a crab boil at a friends house in the middle of no where and camping out with a big group of people. Sunday, relaxing and enjoying what will hopefully be great weather before the storms come back on Monday. *** F LORIDA!