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Everything posted by Helix

  1. perfect, thank you "minds are like parachutes. They only function when open."
  2. Hi everyone. When we do the skydiving courses we teach our students about canopy control by use of drawings of canopies. Since most of them have never seen a parachute before, it is difficult for them to relate to the different parts of the parachute when it is drawn. So i was hoping to put together some photos to show them what these things might look like in real life. Hoping that some of you could help me? What i need is: Photo of flying canopy where you can clearly see to squares (slider and canopy). Photo of line twist )Preferably not on a smaller canopy as they can look pretty scary when they dive with the line twist.) Regular high slider and closed end cells. pilot chute over the front of the canopy other possibilities are broken lines and toggle release during opening I would also love photos of two canopies (side by side and stack) and downplane. Anything else you might think of, preferably malfunctions that don't need cutaway.
  3. QuoteThey have been there, done that. reply] And if THEY haven't done it then they have a cousin or a friend who has. And always better, faster and more cool than you. "minds are like parachutes. They only function when open."
  4. Thanx for all the good advise
  5. Hi hi I AM a chick so I'd rather meet some good looking guys. You could call it team training, we are about 35 skydivers from Norway coming to a basics trainingcamp with the Norwegian national team, Arcteryx. Thanx for the hints on what to do
  6. We have booked time in the tunnel and we are saving PD and similar things for rainy days when we can't jump. I really want to do some non skydiving related things in the evenings. It's my first time to the US and it might be my only time so I don't want it to be "just another dropzone" (one I have paid 30 000 NOK to visit (just under 3000 dollars) "minds are like parachutes. They only function when open."
  7. Hi. I'm going to DeLand for two weeks++ and I've searched the web trying to find out what this place has to offer besides skydiving. I know I will have plenty of time to check it out when I get there, but i would be very happy if someone could give me pointers to what's hot and what's not. I'm thinking things to do after a long day of skydiving.
  8. Brian was teaching a course in sweden when i was there last week. Sadly it was aimed at instructors and i was told it was too advanced for me. However i bought his book "the parachute and its pilot" so that i can at learn the theory. Hmmm...looks like i have at better chance at finding a course in other countries than norway. "minds are like parachutes. They only function when open."
  9. With my only six months in this sport I often watch friends go off to canopy courses and coming back with big smiles on their face. Happy that they now know the right way to make the most of the time from when they pull until they land. It's no longer just a way to get down but also fun and new challenges. I sit there and think "well, it's only three-fours years until that's you." I sort of feel like someone gave me a car and said "here is how you start it and this is the thing you use to stop it, now come back in a few years and i will teach you how to use it." Many, many accidents happen beacause of stupid behaviour under the canopy. Maybe I'm not brave enough, but i just don't fell like trying things without the proper knowledge of what i'm doing. Asking five different people you will get five different answers for how to do a flare. Good thing they teach you how to fall, beacuse in the end you just have to try until you find out what really works best. I want canopycourses for beginners! And i'm not asking to be doing all the difficult stuff now, i just want to learn more. I want to learn from people who really know what they're talking about. I know that in norway we learn more about canopy-control that in other countries, f.ex for our b-lisence. But still it's really nothing when i think of what we SHOULD know. So why are there never courses for people with less than 3-500 jumps. Or is this just a problem I see in Scandinavia? Are there no experts willing to teach the less exciting stuff? I would think there was money in it, beacuse we are a lot of people with less than 500 jumps out there. Any thoughts? Am I the only one who feels this way? "minds are like parachutes. They only function when open."
  10. have you tried the Airtec website?http://www.cypres.cc "minds are like parachutes. They only function when open."
  11. I am having this exact problem and was searching the forum for some answers when i found this thread. I bought my sabre 2 a couple of weeks ago and in all 12 jumps I had end cell closure. Four different people have packed the canopy. I have been told that it's a normal problem with the sabre 2 if you have low wingload on it (mine is 1.0). This is my first gear so I don't have any experience to compare canopies. Last three jumps i have also experienced having to pump my slider down. How can i fix this? "minds are like parachutes. They only function when open."
  12. For boogies, larger airplanes are borrowed from other DZ's.Beautiful mountain scenery, perfect place to jump all seasons. Waiting to jump the social atmosphere on the ground is inviting and amusing.
  13. This is a little late, but yes the boy has been returned to his family. He is from Sweden and his father was in hospital. His mother has still not been found. My heart goes out to those who never find their loved ones. Yesterday 6 more dead were returned to Norway. Almost 30 dead og almost 70 still missing. It just tears you up. A group of my friends luckily returned home the day before the disaster. "minds are like parachutes. They only function when open."